Whats the quickest way to get to pirate legend?

  • I know this has been answered like a thousand times but still. Voyages or forts?

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  • @beanmariocow sagte in Whats the quickest way to get to pirate legend?:

    I know this has been answered like a thousand times but still. Voyages or forts?

    Now, when the Forts are spawning almost instantly, they are the fastest way...heard a guy who made it in one (!) week

  • The Quickest way is to grab a handfull of friends and enjoy the game, time flies when you're having fun and you'll be a legend in no time.

  • it is especially much faster now! Having the game day one, it took me 5/6 months to be legendary ... The forts were much more attacked by the players, the classic ATHENA quests with the animals were longer, no rewards or success for them. Legendary, less expensive loots. This game has evolved a lot, in a good way (apart from some concerns we see everywhere in the forums ^ ^) but generally speaking, it is much easier now to become PL than before! I'm not going to make the joy flap, but the legendary debut have a lot of merits :)

    Fortresses remain the best way to climb quickly. My little brother did NO quest but on the other hand he made ENORMOUS fortress with me, and suddenly, his 3 levels are mounted in a way EGALES (10/11/10 >>> 30/32/31 >>> 45/43/41) this is the best solution when fighting with other players does not last 3 hours hahahaa, otherwise it is not profitable!

  • @beanmariocow said in Whats the quickest way to get to pirate legend?:

    I know this has been answered like a thousand times but still. Voyages or forts?

    Forts are nice if you have a crew that can take them out fast and they're not contested. I would say the fastest way though is to be in a good alliance and farming Devils Roar.

    Merchant however you might be stuck doing animal fetching, my advise is save your doubloons to buy the last 5-10 levels of merchant as the other 2 are easy to farm out.

  • @beanmariocow My advice would be to put pirate legend to the back of your mind and just enjoy the game. Once you get there you'll soon realise there's no reason to rush to it.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Whats the quickest way to get to pirate legend?:

    @beanmariocow My advice would be to put pirate legend to the back of your mind and just enjoy the game. Once you get there you'll soon realise there's no reason to rush to it.

    Yeah to everyone saying stuff like this, I completely agree, and that's what I was doing since march 2018. I want everyone here to also know that my current levels last night was 40 - 35 - 35. Last night I wasted 300 doubloons on getting my gold hoarders to 50, so now my levels are 50 - 35 - 35. I was wondering what my next goal should be, whether its easier to do merchant voyages and order of the souls voyages, or continue farming skelly forts and use whatever doubloons I have left to evenly spend on both levels. I also do not have a full crew because all but one of my friends stopped playing Sea of Thieves, and now I basically rely on us joining an Open Crew, which does kinda suck. However this is most likely temporary.

    Thank you all for the great tips and tricks, if you have any more on my current situation (50 - 35 - 35) I would greatly appreciate it. See you all on the sea! - Bean

  • The quickest way to pirate legend is to sail with Pirate Legends! They know the riddles and the nuances of killing skellies. They are masterful eradicating forts, and some of them are incredible pvp players while others have mastered the art of evasion! You'll have to do Merchants with a friend or solo but the legends will definitely be the quickest way to level 50 Gold Hoarders and OOS.

  • @cpt-parr0t-head For real. You only know how to sail, that water slows down gold skellies, and that riddles aren't very difficult If and only If you've already maxed out. Although, Pirate Legends are awesome to piggy back some Athena quests, and some are pretty funny like some of all humanity. lol jk. Seriously though, the game is much better not grinding and crewing up. Doesn't matter where they are in the game though, it's just more fun in a group.

  • my goal was to become pl at some point but i didn't work on devil come out thereupon but looked for the fun in the game and so the time passed and 5 months later i was PL. Have fun the rest comes by itself

  • @beanmariocow said in Whats the quickest way to get to pirate legend?:

    I know this has been answered like a thousand times but still. Voyages or forts?

    Blah blah blah. Unless you're sailing for achievements (which good on ya mate, the ratios are nuts!!!)

    Have fun.
    Turn in frequently (1 and done).
    Keep your head on a swivel.
    Learn the difference between towers (looks like ships but don't bob with no lights), skellies (blue and green lights, green lights up high), and players, blue and green on the same level, bobs up and down, or lights besides blue and green).

  • Playing without caring to become Pirate Legend. The more you want something , the longer it feels before you get it...

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