
  • I was sailing the seas, when I noticed a fellow sloop being attacked by a skeleton galleon. I started sailing over to help them as they only had white sails and were new players. They were sunk by the time i got there, but there was one still in the water. I raised my sails to help. I could here him talking. He sounded young. He said he was coming aboard. I let him board. As soon as he boarded he shot me with a blunderbuss. I could here him bragging about shooting me and stealing my ship. With his crew mate. I respawned, I took him out. Out of principle i found them a few islands over. Sailed up and sank them and then sailed my ship around them in the water. Then left. If you are going to shoot players that come to help make sure that you are a good pirate first. Just a thought for new players.

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  • I've been noticing a lot of new players lately and they are always incredibly dumb and aggressive.

    They can't aim at all, and always attack on sight, never even considering the option of forming an alliance, or indeed, accepting help.

    If they want to get better at PvP, then I suppose it's good that they are trying to get in some practise. But they are missing out on such a great part of the game.

  • @paladindh Yea same thing has been happening to me recently, and usually double gunning young players (heres looking at you summit1g). Have been trying to be friendly to help out these new players by allying up to give them a cash boost but I think I'm done with it, going back to my murderous ways.

    Here is one example of what happened this weekend:

  • @octopus-lime hahaha that video was super entertaining. I wish I could type on my Xbox. I can only shout the regular stuff like the judgemental "NO" and the ever-sarcastic "THANKS!"

    What a bunch of idiots... Hope they learned their lesson.

  • @princes-lettuce They turned out to be some young kids from South Africa, they invited me to a party chat and I explained to them where they went wrong and I met them at the outpost and returned their foul bounty skulls so hopefully they still learned something from this encounter.

    EDIT: Yea I hope they add the ability to type on Xbox, with the Xbox app for smartphones it would be a lot better for communication between crews on all platforms.

  • @octopus-lime that was a superb demonstration of 2v1 there as well - how ridiculous to stand in the nest, next to a gunpowder barrel!?
    Excellent use of cursed cannonballs to keep them lame as well whilst adding extra holes.

    A+ - 10/10 for effort matey!

  • @sshteeve Haha cheers mate, I think it's safe to say that they wasn't exactly a formidable PvP foe so I'm not taking it as a monumental victory but I hope I managed to teach them some inter-personal life skills and how to act.

  • @paladindh and this is why I gave up long ago bothering to be kind to most players when it comes to sailing in the game and encountering them, I just give them ultimatums and sink them if they don't heed them.

  • @octopus-lime don't sell yourself short mate. Even an experienced Pirate can be caught out when outnumbered 2 to 1!
    Not sure what the other fella intended when he hid below deck...

  • @sshteeve I think he was playing 'peek-a-boo' through the back window with his scope so I posted him a couple of C-balls through it.

  • Yep. The people I have been running into shoot me everytime. Again last night I even gave them a emerald gem and showed them a map on where to find 5 chests. Then bang all 3 shot me. Taught them a lesson when I seen them again. Didn't get to sink them as I got booted out of the server.

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