Next update?

  • I know shrouded spoils came out recently, but just out of curiosity.. when is the next update? This month?

  • 5
  • Ahoy there @d4king55!

    A very good question matey. However I don't believe Rare has shared any of their plans for this year yet, apart from the Arena coming out some day. I'm sure that after they went through all their emails and wished all their colleagues a happy new year, they'll come back to us with an announcement of what to expect next.


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • @d4king55 Wait 1 Month for the arena-update.

  • The new game Arena should be out Q1, So based on the previous updates schedule I would expect Sea of Theives to get an update between April -June.

  • First, something that celebrates the friendship in sea o thieves is going to come, (not a br adventure tho), then it will come the arena. Before the arena it could be some BR Adventures. After TA, these are going to come (not in order): Tall Tales, an update that improves voyages and adds lore to the game, and Pets (microtransactions).

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