Tutorials for Brand New Players and Hypothetically Speaking - Are New Players (with Default Ship Customization & Attire) more prone to get attack the most?

  • So this may sound dumb to some, but still wanting to put this out there. Add a tutorial mode into the game for those that are just now playing the game. At least show them some of the things with how to used the different mechanisms on the boat, how to read maps, etc. But most will have some one helping them if they are in a crew, but if they are just going out solo then at least show them the basics.


    And another thing I want to bring out is that are new players more prone to get attack the most, just hypothetically speaking? Like is one reason why a lot of people who just started playing, stop because of being bombarded by other people who are more experienced, Krakens, skeleton ships, and the meg?

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  • @prorapidkiller Me and my friend are fairly new to the game and i see no reason to any of the things you listed the ship mechanics are simple enough to understand once u get on the ship and actually sail for abit or u can watch a video if you want reading maps never proves as a challenge tbh it's really easy and simple as long as u figure out what part of the island you're on, and for getting attacked i think it's just pretty random and that's a good thing has a certain element of thrill to it plus when me and my friend first saw the meg,kraken and skeleton ship we were like GODDAYM this looks cool as hell, for getting attacked by players i think some players just go to whoever they see while others might target the white sail but i think fighting early on in the game is fun you can clearly see that other people are better than you and there are things to learn because in whatever pvp-heavy game more experienced players are always gonna have an advantage over new players

  • @zenosynem Ok then, thanks for the clarification.

  • Most new players make the mistake of engaging with other ships by shoot first ask questions later mentality. It may be tempting, but it's best to come out friendly before firing off your cannons. Also keep your head on a swivel constantly. Experienced players know the seas and can spot you a mile away and will probably sneak up on you without you even noticing because they will know the seas.

  • Well, for starters, there IS a tutorial. Admittedly though, it is fairly lackluster, but I think that might actually be by design. The devs want you to get out there and explore and enjoy the experience! I've been playing since the closed alpha and I'm still learning new things.

    New players are prone to being attacked more, I think, because they're easy to spot with their default ships and poor sailing habits.

  • I think it's great the way it is. I see there is beauty in a stripped and 'clean' start without a tutorial. No need to read tons of 'polluting' text. (Especially if it's not translated in your language)

    Just learn as you go, there is only the wind the sea a boat and the world to explore.

  • According to the stupid amount of terrible teammates I've been matched with lately I do think new players should be matched together until having reach 5/5/5 or 10/?/?

    Coop with fresh noobs is completely counter productive, they're too focused on playing music, puking everywhere or crashing ships just for fun.

  • @prorapidkiller It's a little older and doesn't quite cover Skele-ships, Megs and Krakens but it's a good starting guide on sailing and different ships. http://crewofthieves.net/category/guides/

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