Stolen Guilded Missions

  • Thank you RaRE for the xmas present, we didn't dig up a single chest, all stolen 200k plus in free treasure from slops brigs and galleons!!! Can't wait to go hunt more! this screen shot was just the last turn in of the night, Thank you and to all a good night click here to see last turn in

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  • daaaaaammn we good! #AllHailCaptainAlgaram!

  • Cant open the link somehow but good job now i am curious to see it :D

  • @algaram

    Definitely being #bemorepirate..... ;)

  • this is one of the few times the game needs to lock treasure to original finder, to keep goons from coming along and screwing people over.

  • @death-pilot37 Why? It's part of the holiday festivities. It's called sharing ^_^

    I've gotten lots of extra loot too. Mostly from solo sloopers hoarding the treasures. It's their loss, they didn't even bother to share with friends in the first place so they will share with other pirates.

  • @death-pilot37 Lol

  • @death-pilot37 I'd like to politely suggest you review the marketing materials and communications from the devs. The risk is part of the core of SoT. The guilded missions are their gifts to us, but what you do with them is all on you. Happy Holidays!

  • Kudos to you and ye crew fellow Pirate, that's some good looking booty.

    This is also the exact reason i intend on holding onto my voyage for quite some time (maybe a month or 3 then surprise some random crew with it).
    I just know if i attempt it myself within the next few days i'll run into far superior #bemorepirate Pirates like yourself who will gut my scally keaster and make off with spoils.

  • One of my favorite parts of Christmas is where people come to my house and steal my presents before I get to open them. Really brightens my holiday.

  • @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    One of my favorite parts of Christmas is where people come to my house and steal my presents before I get to open them. Really brightens my holiday.

    Maybe you should make sure you can defend your house better, instead of just aimlessly staring while they carry your presents away ;)

  • @tuukkatl said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    One of my favorite parts of Christmas is where people come to my house and steal my presents before I get to open them. Really brightens my holiday.

    Maybe you should make sure you can defend your house better, instead of just aimlessly staring while they carry your presents away ;)

    Why? I said that was my favorite part! I looooove it.

  • @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @tuukkatl said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    One of my favorite parts of Christmas is where people come to my house and steal my presents before I get to open them. Really brightens my holiday.

    Maybe you should make sure you can defend your house better, instead of just aimlessly staring while they carry your presents away ;)

    Why? I said that was my favorite part! I looooove it.

    Oh, okay. Then proceed to get robbed more ;)

  • i have no respect for rippin off sloops.;)

  • @tuukkatl said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @tuukkatl said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    @zalavaaris said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    One of my favorite parts of Christmas is where people come to my house and steal my presents before I get to open them. Really brightens my holiday.

    Maybe you should make sure you can defend your house better, instead of just aimlessly staring while they carry your presents away ;)

    Why? I said that was my favorite part! I looooove it.

    Oh, okay. Then proceed to get robbed more ;)

    Thank you I will. I doubt theres a choice even if I didnt want to.

  • Though I can't say I wouldn't do the same it's still kind of a jerk move. I would at least have offered an alliance to give them some of the reward. You know since it's the holiday with the spirit of giving not just taking. If I see you though, no loot or alliance for you ;)

  • Tryhards, all of ye who steal the Christmas booty!

  • @ixxolos Did you buy a legendary voyage? I did and I plan on holding onto mine until the chaos settles as well. We should crew up and share the rewards.

  • Well every Christmas needs a Grinch to steal it and I guess we know who to nominate. Actually that should be a contest, biggest Grinch.

  • @jonaldinho I did indeed fellow Pirate. This could well be an option to further discuss once the dust has settled and almost everyone forgets about them.

  • AAAAAA whole!

  • Guys guys girls listen.... you purchased a open world pvep sandbox game call “Sea of Thieves” knowingly might I add, so please remember you might get robbed, so plan your adventure a little bit more cautious and protect your booty! But yes thank you for sharing all the gilded missions with my crew it means the world to us, we can’t wait until after work today to go hunt down more captains chest and villainous skulls, O yeah Btw I don’t feel bad at all for stealing from sloopers get discord lfg or forum groups and protect your treasure better! It just 1000 times easier to be a thief when you go up against a sloop. I think the motto of the game is #BeMorePirate

  • this is great, people forget they are playing a pirate game!! i can't wait to go steal some fine treasure. great screenshot to btw :)

  • We loaded our Galleon with a variety of green livery and then green lanterns to start Grinching, but we didn't find anything of real value :(

  • Any of you people who are complaining and crying about getting your stuff stolen -
    this "Quiz" is for you! Fill in the blank!

    "Sea of ... ?"

    Then take some personal time and think about it.
    Maybe you'll stop crying, doubt it, but miracles happen around christmas dont they!? :D

  • lol it's really an "X" mas present. It's a voyage without having a map at hand. Just find the ship that is doing it. If anyone sees this as a bad player it's really not. IT'S BEING A PIRATE TO PLUNDER. Was it at least a good battle?

  • @sprungnickel427 said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    Tryhards, all of ye who steal the Christmas booty!

    Well, it's still all in good spirit, they are worth a lot of money and it was nice getting so much money. I hope when I do mine, ill have to fight to keep it, makes the game exciting ;)

  • @algaram said in Stolen Guilded Missions:

    Guys guys girls listen.... you purchased a open world pvep sandbox game call “Sea of Thieves” knowingly might I add, so please remember you might get robbed, so plan your adventure a little bit more cautious and protect your booty! But yes thank you for sharing all the gilded missions with my crew it means the world to us, we can’t wait until after work today to go hunt down more captains chest and villainous skulls, O yeah Btw I don’t feel bad at all for stealing from sloopers get discord lfg or forum groups and protect your treasure better! It just 1000 times easier to be a thief when you go up against a sloop. I think the motto of the game is #BeMorePirate


  • The Need to Galleon up is more evident than ever!!

  • Yeah, I'll be saving mine. I've bought the voyage, but likely won't do it until after the new year. I have gone on a voyage where a young kid was doing his. Myself and the rest of the open crew carried him to the final turn in - killing a Meg and a Skellie ship on the way. He spent most of the time talking about how cool the Kraken gear was and how he was going to get it all, and how next time it was his turn in the crow's nest by himself. After we turned in, you could hear his mom telling him to get off the computer. We gathered on the dock, toasted him and thanked him for the gift; and, when he left, we went and did a fort before calling it a night.

  • lol glad to see it's not Sea of Friends for the last few weeks of the year!

  • @iceman-0007 I agree. It's a bit grinch-ey, but still very much what pirating is about. Perhaps, these thieves could leave a couple of chests for their victims in the spirit of christmas cheer.

    What amazes me is that Rare didn't see this coming. Joe seemed a bit surprised to hear that thieves were going to be thieves.

  • @bran-the-ent yeah denial is a terrible thing and why they would not think this wouldn't happen especially knowing you can only buy one voyage is beyond me. If they wanted to be nice they could've just took the loot and put up an alliance so they got something but it is a pirate game.

  • @iceman-0007 Ay, that's what I'd do. I'd say, "Look, we're taking you're loot, will ye nill ye; but in the spirit of X-mas cheer, join an alliance, steer clear of us, and you'll get a portion."

  • @algaram You say sloops are easy, but I took a fort as a 2 man sloop from 3 brigs, 1 galleon and a sloop. So it's def just a matter of skill. The thing is I don't find reward from preying on the weak. You do, there is no skill in hunting noob sloops and stealing their loot with no effort. There is also no skill in 4v1 or 4v2.

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