Just An Observation Regarding Interactions On These Forums...

  • Being a newer player to Sea of Thieves, I, like many others, often have questions that come to mind while playing, which of course, leads me to these forums.
    With that in mind, I just wanted to take a moment to express my personal thanks and gratitude to the many players who have taken the time to answer new player questions, and even offer gameplay tips.
    Like any other forum, there are plenty of 'Get Gud' responses to be found, but by-and-large, the responses I've seen have been more along the lines of 'Don't give up. I've been there too.' or 'Add me and I'll help you figure this out.' or 'Here's how I do that...'

    Seriously guys, from the bottom of my heart as a player and a human being, thank you ALL for the positive reinforcement, and tips and tricks; it's been a wonderful thing to see, especially in this day and age of gaming.

    We don't all have to agree on where we'd like to see this game go in its evolution, but it's nice to see so many willing to help others out.

    Thank you, again.

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  • @profchaos74 i love helping new ppl and explaining the sot world to them. makes me feel good about being knowledgable and their excitement is contagious and reignites my excitement.

  • @profchaos74 There truly is a wonderful community here. Glad you're along for the ride, matey!

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