
  • So I was fighting an enemy ship. Actually, I was fighting it with a stolen ship. They set off a gunpowder barrel on my borrowed ship whilst I boarded theirs, I quickly searched it (It was a sloop) and it had NOTHING on it. Later (Like 30 seconds later) that ship came about and attacked my actually ship. They then somehow managed to p**f up THREE MORE gunpowder barrels. THEY HAD NONE ON THEIR SHIP. .-.

  • 4
  • @glorval Your absolutely sure they had none anywhere? I doubt this was hacking, or at least its the first I've heard of anyone actually spawning items like that. Cause at that point, I'd go for trying to spawn chests and not gunpowder barrels. Maybe when you checked you merely overlooked them.

  • If you think there were cheaters please submit a report!

  • @glorval in the heat of the battle it’s easy to overlook things and you’ll find a lot of pirates carry their explosive barrels up in the crows nest or in their rowboat, should they have had one. But if you still think otherwise, Support is the way to go me matey.

    Dropping anchor :)

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