My flying ship

  • So I was playing Sea of Thieves as usual I got noobs for crew mates. So I was lifting the anchor like normal and then when I turn it the second time I notice the world around be has started spinning. I let go of the anchor as I’m flung backwards to the front of the ship. Then I look down and I notice I’m hundreds of feet in the air. Then me and all my crew mates are violently thrown off the ship down to the sea. And the ship plops back down and sits there like nothing happened. I know it was a short story but I thought what happened was hilarious. Rare please don’t remove this glitch!

  • 9
  • @danklizard202 this happens often when you got disconnected, but never had this and was still in the game...

  • @danklizard202 that a really old glitch and they patched it

  • @closinghare208 that isn’t possible I experienced this recently

  • @danklizard202 then what happened after?

  • @closinghare208 what happened after? I played the game as usual and posted the video on my activity feed

  • @danklizard202 ok I hope they repatch it

  • @closinghare208 why? I think it’s pretty funny and other players should be able to experience it at least once just for a laugh

  • @danklizard202 they have a long time ago in the beata

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