the immortal gallon

  • last night I was on a galleon and we had so many planks so the ship could be immortal

  • 13
  • @closinghare208 planks are of no assistance to the dead.

  • @bran-the-ent I know mate but I wasn't dead

  • @closinghare208 But, my guess is, that had little to do with the number of planks you had.

  • @bran-the-ent we had 99 and 99 and 76 planks mate

  • @closinghare208 Yes? And? Did those planks keep your pirate from dying? Did they deflect bullets and sword lunges?

  • @bran-the-ent no one attacked us we were in the roar

  • @closinghare208 Did the planks cover your head and protect your pirate from flying magma? Did they protect you from geysers?

  • @bran-the-ent I was on the ship most of the time mate listen I'm just trying to tell a story

  • @closinghare208 I apologize. I thought your one line OP was it. Please, do go on.

  • @bran-the-ent that's better and I was with pl's as well so they stocked up on stuff and that saved us

  • @closinghare208 ok, I'll bite. What did you do that made the session memorable?

  • @ronin20 I carried around a chest of sorrows and the crew said it was my baby

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