"Release the Kraken" leather project

  • @veriye Kudos to you.
    How grand it looks too "The Artistry is simply Wonderful" a worthy case indeed. Should another adventure arise i shall be happy to see it unfold and of course will post a screen or two of my Sea of Thieves inspired wallet when it arrives. :)

  • @veriye It deserves it! very impressive.

  • @ixxolos thank you so much! and please do show pictures of the wallet once it arrives. Very curious about it. more adventures will surely follow, I am already planning the next one.

    @triheadedmonkey you are too kind :-)

  • @veriye are you almost finsed

  • @closinghare208 what you mean? With the project?

  • @veriye
    Hello Mrs Veriye , you can join the ranks of the Legendary Pirates that can make Jewels of Artwork with their hands...Your leather wallet is soooo beautiful, such detail , and i love how you colored that leather .
    i think many shopkeepers will think twice before charging you too much ...But now serious ,if you would send that concept / drawing and end result towards walletmaking companies then i'm damn sure i think you would be offered a job as Creator or Designer …

    And you became nervous , as you said in one of yer earlier posts ? Somebody that can work this precise with their hands should never be afraid for nerves...i just wonder , has the Sea of Thieves microbe or virus catched you and will you be making more pieces of Art ? And would you be so kind to place pictures of any upcoming future work of yer hands ?

    Whatever you decide to do in the future ...i'm amazed about this Quality piece...And now i look down in shame and look to my 2 left hands ...Is there really nothing that i can do with these ( * Oh , poor old georgie - Sunshine, are you feeling well? * Sure you too have talents ...i don't know one person that can fill up his cesspool in less than a year ...hihihiiiiiii….moron)

  • @clumsy-george thank you so much, you are far too kind! Usually my projects turn out ok in the end, but I am always nervous about it. So much can go wrong and leather is not very forgiving, one tiny mistake and it can be ruined.
    I have to admit I dont really like to play the game much, but I definitely like the concept and artwork in the game. It is just so beautiful and very inspiring. So ye, the SoT virus got me and you will absolutely see more in the future from me. In fact i am already planning a new project and I will make sure to show it here too of course.

  • @veriye yes mate!

  • @closinghare208 Well this project is done :-) and this is the result of it. (more pictures of the result are on the first page of the topic)
    alt text

  • @veriye that's so cool now after you rest your hands make the pirate lord as a wallet

  • @closinghare208 thank you! Well first up I planned on making a belt inspired by the bone crusher belt, but then not only with a bone buckle, but also with some hippocampus skellies on the side and the figurehead of the Ferry of the Damned (yes, I looove the Ferry!) on the back...but that is kind of a big project, so maybe the pirate lord on a small wallet might be nice too :-)

  • @veriye
    Don't comprimise mate , if you want to do something big then go for it...You have proven that you have the Talent and you don't need to be afraid that it may take time...The best things take time ...Nomatter what ye choose , you may be certain that a lot of Pirates will be jumping up and down if the first pictures of yer new project reach the pages of this Forum.

  • @clumsy-george Oh I will absolutely go fo the belt, but I have to order special stuff for it, so it will take a while and in the meanwhile smaller projects can be done to keep me busy.

  • I really love it! Congratulations on such an amazing work!

  • @eredhar thank you so much!

  • @veriye ok

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