Never underestimate the solo sailor.

  • Or at least do so at your own peril.

    I was minding my business collecting cargo on Lone Cove when I spotted a sloop approaching. They were flying the Jolly Roger and I usually attack that on site to teach a lesson that it shouldn't be the default flag but I hopped back on my ship to see what they intended. They anchored and one came aboard and I stared him down with my cutlass out. He was speaking to his mate and me asking if I had a mic. It was unplugged at the time so I just waved. He called over to his mate that I had nothing on board and "wasn't worth the trouble" but to keep the guns loaded just in case. I chuckled to myself but let him continue. It was about to get interesting. He comes up to me and says something along the lines of "You're lucky your boat is empty because you're outnumbered"

    About that...

    I follow him below decks as I assume he's going to take some supplies.

    Sword lunge and slash and he's yelling to his mate "fire!" as he dies.

    I come up on deck and two balls kill his gunner and they are dead in the water. He managed to get some holes in so I run down and repair. Then I see one respawn and the drop sails and run. Oh no you don't get away that easily. It's time to teach you a lesson for your cheek.

    I drop sails (they didn't think to drop my anchor so I'm aware they are amateurs) and start my pursuit. I am in a newly spawned ship and this was my first stop so I don't have a wealth of supplies so I have to make each shot count. When they turn to engage we exchange fire. They score some hits but I hear the music queue of a death. One more direct hit and the boat is crewless. Once again I tend to repairs. If only I had someone to keep the boat afloat while I finish theirs, but such is the price of solo play.

    They respawn and reluctantly make another pass. I believe they are now starting to rethink their actions.

    Another flash of green and another death. I may have killed both again but I'm not sure. I repair my boat, reef the sail to half and send it on a safe course. Cutlass charge to their boat and board as they respawn again. Lunge one off the boat and kill the other. I now have control of their ship and cut the wheel hard to port and beach it on the nearest shore.

    The boat crashes up on the sand and I drop anchor as the dead crew respawns, or mermaids I'm not sure. I make quick work of them and jump ashore to get some bananas as their stocks are empty. I see some activity on the deck but it's too late, the ship is gone. One remaining pirate jumps free of the wreckage and engages me on the beach. He takes a pistol shot and misses with his lunge. I take a slash of his cutlass and dodge away and heal. Turn for a cutlass charge and score a hit and after he draws his gun I hack him down.

    I scan the water for mermaids but I only hear the surf and some sea birds. All else is quiet. I casually eat a banana and take MY mermaid back to my ship which is still sailing but is deep in the red sea. As I am out of supplies anyway I scuttle and resume my voyages in the Devil's Roar and never see that sloop cross my path again.

    They had no loot on board. But I did walk away with a prize. The knowledge that they now know to fear even the solo pirate, and a great story to tell.

  • 23
  • Hahaha brilliant, I love it when scenarios play out like that.

    I had a similar experiance where I was sailing solo and had a 2 man sloop anchorball and “Pulled me over”.
    I had my mic in but was using the Non-Verbul to chat and they boarded me, I tried to get an alliance. But I believe they was speaking French and I just couldn’t understand so said I can only speak English with my mic.

    I’m not sure if I made them jump or they just didn’t like English people (God knows why we are lovely xD) but they basically shot and stabbed me.

    I died and when I respawned one was trying to spawn camp me while the other was looting my supplies. I managed to use the block dodge as I spawned in and missed his attack which gave me the chance to kill him. I then played dirty and used the eye of reach and sword slash technique to kill his friend and blew there ship sky high.

    I killed another after he respawned trying to board my ship. But I never saw them after so maybe they tried to find another bounty or logged out, who knows.

  • Beautiful, i often solo sloop. On Sunday i sailed past a galleon who took a few shots at me. He was parked up at an island, i thought fair dos, probably just warning shots to protect their loot.

    I sailed past and they dropped sails and chased me. They caught up fired more shots so d did a hand brake turn and had it on my toes, they followed. In the end i got bored and dropped anchor in the middle of the sea. Saw them heading back so grabbed a keg and jumped in the sea, i went under, swam up beneath them and boom! Respawned in time to watch them sinking, scrabbling around for their treasure. It was great

  • @knifelife whats the eye of reach and sword slash technique? If you dont mind me asking?

  • @nikjw Just shoot them once a with the sniper and it takes like 80% Of there health so it’s a simple one swipe with the sword to finish them.

    I call it dirty because the snipers meant to be for long distances, but it’s just so much more powerful than the pistol it makes it to be the weapon of close combat in my opinion.

  • @knifelife said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @nikjw Just shoot them once a with the sniper and it takes like 80% Of there health so it’s a simple one swipe with the sword to finish them.

    I call it dirty because the snipers meant to be for long distances, but it’s just so much more powerful than the pistol it makes it to be the weapon of close combat in my opinion.

    No scoping with a sniper is an admirable skill so I don't call that cheap in any way. With the long reload animation it's definitely a risk. Thank the gods for hit markers!

  • As a person who plays solo 90% of the time, I can relate to this scenario.

    One evening I was departing ye ole' Golden Sands Outpost when I noticed a Brigantine quickly approaching me vessel. I soon hear the swabs through me game chat as they get even closer. It quickly reveals that these swabby pirates were planning to sink me ship.

    I communicate back to these swabby pirates that they are making a mistake and they are attacking a vessel of vast experience and I am an Old Salty Sea Dog. They just laughed and proceeded to fire their cannons, which not one shot came close.

    As I maneuver me ship away from Golden Sands, I head towards Cresent Isle as the wind would be in my favor. I decide to use a diversion tactic of rounding the large rock between Golden Sands and Crescent Isle. Well, these scurvy dogs could not navigate their vessel well and crashed into the rock. This was my opportunity!

    I came around the rock again at quarter mast and unleashed a barrage of cannon fire upon their ship. Quickly two were vanquished and their ship was being sent to Davey Jones' Locker. One tried to board my ship, but a blunderbuss to the face prevented that.

    As the title of this post says, "Never underestimate the solo sailor". As a solo player I never provoke any provocation, unless I am attacked first. Then it is game on.

  • @m1sterpunch good tale mate if you see me on the waves don't shoot ok?

  • @closinghare208 said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @m1sterpunch good tale mate if you see me on the waves don't shoot ok?

    I only shoot if provoked to do so.

  • @friedwilly then I won't

  • @closinghare208 said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @m1sterpunch good tale mate if you see me on the waves don't shoot ok?

    I usually won't fire until fired upon but won't lose the element of surprise if you are sailing directly at me without a hail.

    And if it be parley you're looking for you will be on my ladder with a pistol aimed at your head until you say some words I like. Boarding my ship without permission is punishable by death so have that game chat ready.

  • @m1sterpunch said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @closinghare208 said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @m1sterpunch good tale mate if you see me on the waves don't shoot ok?

    I usually won't fire until fired upon but won't lose the element of surprise if you are sailing directly at me without a hail.

    And if it be parley you're looking for you will be on my ladder with a pistol aimed at your head until you say some words I like. Boarding my ship without permission is punishable by death so have that game chat ready.

    Agreed! Boarding a ship without permission is punishable by death. I always ask permission to board any vessel that has deemed themselves friendly.

    There needs to be more politeness and respect in this world.

  • Nice, thank you for telling us.

    I have to admit, when I try something like this, I get wet hands, confuse X with Y, trigger with the other key (what's its name?) and lose miserably. But in my imagination, when I decide to go, it's just like you write. Sigh.

  • @m1sterpunch I see

  • @goedecke-michel said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    Nice, thank you for telling us.

    I have to admit, when I try something like this, I get wet hands, confuse X with Y, trigger with the other key (what's its name?) and lose miserably. But in my imagination, when I decide to go, it's just like you write. Sigh.

    Best remedy for getting flustered during PvP encounters it MORE PVP.

    Try being aggressive when you have only a little loot aboard and the risk is low. The more you put yourself in that situation the cooler you'll be under pressure and will think clearly. And it's a huge help when you are confident in your abilities.

    Also knowing what damage your weapons do and how close your enemies are to death also helps.

    • One sword lunge will take about half their health.
      the same with a pistol shot
    • Sniper hit is more like 80%
    • Sword slash is something like 15-20%
    • A blunderbuss will one shot if you aim it at close range but it will do next to nothing at 10 paces.

    Hope that helps you with your nerves!

  • @m1sterpunch Thanks, I know that.

    Nevertheless, I am too clumsy - you may say untrained - for hectic fiddling with the controller. I usually go the more relaxed way. Dodge, eat bananas. Move in such a way that objects stand in the way between me and the attacker. I keep him busy while he can't repair his ship. Meanwhile, I tell him about my favourite recipe for plum cake.

    If I'm attacked, well, of course I try to get the enemy off the ship quickly. That's where my fumbling begins. I press the wrong keys too often, or the right ones in the wrong order. Instead of drawing the sword, I take the shovel or offer the opponent a banana by mistake. Very effective - I remember once the opponent accepted the banana thankfully and then killed me. Haha, also funny...

  • @goedecke-michel He's right, though. Best way to quicken the nerve is temperance by fire. Charge every ship you see, or, if it's man to man you need help on... Rowboat up and board by force. Even if you lose, it's a lesson. You will gain the confidence to take on boarders at a fair pace.

    I like to use block-dodge to put distance after a successfully three hit sword slash, then lunge in for the kill immediately as me feet touch deck. Pistol is my favorite for keeping enemies off my ladder, and for punishing missed lunges.

    You can also opt to ask alliance members that are also friends for some friendly sparring. My friends do that occasionally as a sort of "tournament".

  • @andriel1036 I'm gonna have heart flutter before I start the game thinking about it. So I'm working on another attack tactic: tell plum cake recipes during defense, but grill sauce recipes during your own attack. Telling barbecue sauce recipes is much more aggressive, cough.

    I just noticed again how incredibly funny the sword fighting system in Monkey Islands was...

    Look there, a three-headed monkey!

  • @andriel1036 said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    Pistol is my favorite for keeping enemies off my ladder, and for punishing missed lunges.

    FYI a pistol shot only knocks back a bit and will allow the boarder to grab the ladder again or maybe land on the lower deck. A sword slash off the ladder will send them more backward with no hope of grabbing, especially useful if the ship is in motion. Something to keep in mind.

  • @m1sterpunch pistol is my favorite if I get a head shot

  • @m1sterpunch Good to know. I thought I noticed they were returning a bit quicker than desired. Wasn't completely sure if I wasn't just not realizing time elapsing while in the fight.

  • @closinghare208 said in Never underestimate the solo sailor.:

    @m1sterpunch pistol is my favorite if I get a head shot

    Also of note is that there's no such thing as a head shot in this game. A shot in the ankle will do the same about of damage as a shot to the head. It's either a hit registered or a miss.

    They do look nice in replays though I'll give you that.

  • @m1sterpunch thanks

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