Tankard Toast

  • The other night, my crew and I were going into what we believed to be a suicide mission. On the way we were playing our instruments and drinking. It kind of feels natural when holding your tankard to be able to hold right click to hold your glass to the air to make a toast. Seems like it wouldn't be incredibly difficult to implement and would add that last bit of interactivity with your crewmates. Let me know what you think!

  • 6
  • @kratose6918 A lot o people have been requesting this, so hopefully after the FS update, we can get it! For Xbox, it will be LT ;)

  • @jacketedlawyer6 Yay! I hope so.

  • I'll drink to that!

  • @lil-fokker Cheers Matey!

  • It was really a missed opportunity to not have this at launch. And they need to have it so you smash tankards together if you do it close to someone else with their tankard out.

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