Can you please fix this game for solo players?

  • Tried mentioning this in support but they did not really have any help to give and instead told me to post here so here goes.

    Is there any chance you guys can add some sort of safezone or safe bubble or some sort of solo player option a player can turn on to block incoming damage from other online players?? The game lost it's fun so much and so many people are leaving bad reviews on this game because nobody follows the "pirate's code". There are too many online trolls and griefers and competitive players that those who have beat the entire game now just stay docked at outposts waiting for mew players to bring in their treasures just to kill them and steal all their loot. I have had about 8 froends say they have stopped playing the game altogether because of that problem. And those of us that just want to do our own thing and play solo can not do so because of the online trolls and griefers waiting for us on the shores of each and every outpost. I am not saying add a "single player" option but an idea might be to put a "block PvP damage" option in the gameplay options with the "lock player in brig" and other options or something. That way those of us that want to play solo can do so and those that want to play PvP can aslo do so. Or something like that. Please fix this game for the solo players.

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  • @growntuna67592 playing solo is hard mode, it's ok like this...
    Play with open crew, if it's too hard for you

    Can't believe people are still suggesting for save zones...won't ever happen

  • @growntuna67592 In all my hours, I think I've been surprised by another player hiding at an outpost once. It can happen, but to say there's someone camping at every outpost is quite an exaggeration I feel. I'm afraid PVP is integral to the game - the idea that you don't know who you might meet or how they might react to you (and vice versa) is part of this games core. I think, rather than asking for the game to be adapted to you, you need to adapt to the game. See a ship docked at an outpost? Sail away to another. See a mermaid in the water at an outpost? Sail away to another. Playing solo is hard, but with some practice, patience and awareness it can be done.

  • @growntuna67592 honestly I didn't read your post, just the subject. It gave me a good all laugh. Have fun.

  • Last night I did a level 50 Gold Hoarders quest, solo. It was just two islands: one riddle and one X-marks-the-spot. I had the Reaper's Mark flying in order to contribute to a Cursed Crews commendation.

    At the first island, I stumbled across a Captain's chest, and dug up a Marauder's. I got them both on board and headed to Snake Island, where I had four Xs. The third one was a Grog Chest. Fighting the inevitable waves of skellies, I got all of the chests uncovered. As soon as the "Voyage Completed" message popped up, I took down the Reaper's Mark. Then, I loaded the chests on board and headed to sell them.

    While I saw a couple of other ships, none came to harass me. But, I was constantly on my guard, and could feel the adrenaline pumping through me, as I hastened to get my loot safely to an outpost. It was just a simple little quest, really, but still exciting. Not because of what happened; but because of what might have.

    This is what makes the game worth playing for solo players!

  • I've only ever played solo and I didn't have many problems. I've had only one occasion where it seemed like another crew was just waiting at the outpost where I had to deliver a merchant quest. If I can, I go to another outpost when I see a ship already there.

    Turning off all incoming damage for a solo player would break the game. Unless (as was suggested in another thread) we get an (unofficial?) PvE server with no friendly fire to any other player.

  • Answer to topic starter:

  • @surveyorpete said in Can you please fix this game for solo players?:

    Last night I did a level 50 Gold Hoarders quest, solo. It was just two islands: one riddle and one X-marks-the-spot. I had the Reaper's Mark flying in order to contribute to a Cursed Crews commendation.

    At the first island, I stumbled across a Captain's chest, and dug up a Marauder's. I got them both on board and headed to Snake Island, where I had four Xs. The third one was a Grog Chest. Fighting the inevitable waves of skellies, I got all of the chests uncovered. As soon as the "Voyage Completed" message popped up, I took down the Reaper's Mark. Then, I loaded the chests on board and headed to sell them.

    While I saw a couple of other ships, none came to harass me. But, I was constantly on my guard, and could feel the adrenaline pumping through me, as I hastened to get my loot safely to an outpost. It was just a simple little quest, really, but still exciting. Not because of what happened; but because of what might have.

    This is what makes the game worth playing for solo players!

    You absolutley get it Bro :D

    I would like to use this famous quote from Bodhi in 1991 "If you want the ultimate rush, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price. It's not tragic to die doing what you love."

    This was me solo last night :D

  • @growntuna67592 Playing "solo" without any other form of player interaction doesn't really exist in an always online multiplayer game. The solo option in Sea of Thieves is recommended for experienced players who don't mind the added difficulty it comes with.

    If you find yourself struggling with the game or that things are getting a bit too difficult, it's a good idea to play on the other two ships with a crew that can help you out. You're not required to use a mic (although it does help) and could maybe learn something's that might benefit you when sailing alone.

  • Solution as a solo player:

    YOU hide at an outpost and wait for someone to cash in their loot. Ambush and sink their boat. Profit.

    It's really what the game is about.

    If you want a safe zone, go play another game.

  • this thread (and the countless others like it) came to mind last night when reading about the new fallout game, which blends pvp with pve. they take the approach that firing on a fellow player does very limited damage, and only ramps up fully if the fired upon engages in the fight. the next step is what i wish we had. if a player kills a fellow player that doesn't fight back the killer immediately gets a bounty on their head, signified by a red X on the map. once dispatched the bounty payoff would be subtracted from their coffers.

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