pirate legends bullying small children in game.

  • hi i have played many a game where pirate legends pick on small children during the game waiting around outposts to steal their treasure ,or skull fort after ,can we please have outposts with royal navy galleons or french navy galleons that protect theft from the smaller players in the game ,then they to could enjoy the game as well ,i had to play a game with a kid nearly in tears because a pirate legend had stole his treasure after the kid had put a hour into the game ,hardly fair .
    not really played the game since this experience ,might look at the update ,but i'm pretty much done after listening to this kid cry !!!

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  • SoT is not a kid's game. Plain and simple. I've met a couple of parent and child crews, I feel like thats the only way a kid (say less than 11 or 12ish) should be playing.

    Stealing treasure and double crossing is part of the game. Younger kids who don't get that probably don't need to play, or at the very least need a parent or older friend playing with them.

  • @pushydeer486749 Owl's already said it. it's the actual nature of the game. i mean come on the title itself has the word "thieves" in it, it's not exactly false advertisement its a giveaway.

  • If people actually targeted children playing the game, that would be awful. But I think it's more likely that they're just playing the game the way they always play it, i.e., as pirates. Some of them are pretty ruthless, no question. But I'd hate to find us in a situation where we felt compelled to change our gameplay because we were worried there might be kids on the other ship. I admit I've sank a ship of kids, even as they were screaming, "We come in peace!" over the speaking trumpet. That's because the little twerps fired on me and tried to board my ship. I wasn't about to give them quarter after that. LOL...

  • @pushydeer486749 Its not a kids game, doesn't play that way, more made for people with very little commitments in life who are overly involved in being a pirate.

  • @pushydeer486749
    Hello Pushydeer486749, i have had met children too who lost their treasures and cried for losing it...We ,grownups ( * Wait ,did you just call yerself a grownup? Peter or better said George Pan who's shouting " Mommy, my shoelaces are loose , can you tie them ...again...please, mommy?...43 year and still a kid - Yes ,Sunshine, he is a forever kid, so what?), play the game but sometimes forget to have symphaty or mercy...

    Like i said i met a young laddie with tears but i used everything i had to put his mind towards a different thought...Together with a young man of 26 years of age , this old man of 43 went reaping treasures like two treasure farmers...After a while we realized that the server had become calm....A skeletoncloud started to taunt us , and we both ,grownups took the young laddie towards his first skullfort ever...We both fought like berzerked Vikings all most , and we managed to free the fort of it's Captain...We gave the lad the key and let him open the vault....The " Oh's and AAH's " he uttered were not only making his day but both, my crewmate and me 's day. He was over the Moon when he saw all that money and level ups when we sold our loot...

    A long story maybe , but people play as their inner core tells them...Those Legends maybe , didn't even see ,nor hear , nor maybe cared at all on the sorrow of those young kid, or kids...But there are others, many pirates that pick up a downed pirate , comfort him or her and throws his or her high ranked maps on the table to replace the tears on the kids cheek from sorrow to tears from laughter and joy....

    Many pirates , including Legends , rather pick up a " downed " pirate and set all their time they can spend that day/ evening in bringing a smile back to this lad or lass...Kids see things different than us ...And i' m sure that the above mentioned young lad will remember us for the rest of his pirates day's...i rather leave a thought behind in this pirate world....For many of those i sailed i was an old nag, for some a fruitcake or a gooffball but for that kid ,my crewmate and me , were those two " old" pirates that helped him beat his first Skull Fort....

    If every pirate of us , spend a few hours to turn a dissapointing game event into something that brings a smile to a young lad or lass , then they will have the time of the world in this game and NO....This game is NOT solely for grownups, remember history? There were powder monkees that were not even 8 years old...We should NOT exclude children and we should give them the time of their young life ...Your Reward? , Well Your reward is the never fading memory of yourself in a childhood...Isn't that not worth much more than all the Gold from SOT? No? Well, it IS for me...

  • A part of the game is having your loot taken unfortunately. However if players are actively targeting children just to upset them and bully that is not acceptable and I would personally report them through the appropriate channels.

    Losing your loot can be very frustrating, but at the same time it teaches you valuable lessons about how to prevent it happening in the future during trial and error.

    If they are struggling and finding the game that upsetting I would suggest they find a crew who can mentor them and teach them and not sail sloops.

    Losing your loot sucks, but it does happen to everyone. Getting bullied though because you are young is not acceptable.

  • We had an experience where we needed another ship to invite someone to our server, and ended up allying and doing a skeleton ship boss fight back when the event was active. Safe to say we made that session memorable for those kids, by the end they were calling us the gods of sea of thieves and other flattering nonsense lol.

    On the other side of that i have on multiple occasions sunk ships that turned out to have atleast one kid playing, and most times they took the loss gracefully, even if they had some loot.

    I feel bad for that kid but playing as an inexperienced player in a solo sloop and expecting nothing bad to happen? Asking for trouble, and it pretty much says as much on the matchmaking screen.

  • @pushydeer486749 - I think it's a bit unfair to highlight Pirate Legends here as I've heard it being done by pirates of all ranks. It is unfortunate but the game is designed to be played the way you want a forge your own legacy. As long as they're not being offensive or inappropriate I'd say they're just playing the game their way. I don't think an NPC navy would stop this behaviour as players will always find a way to exploit it. However, there is nothing stopping players role playing as a navy/protector.

    SoT is a great game for all ages but does come with the risk of being online. This kind of behaviour happens across other games too and it's not something I can see changing. People will always be who they are so if you have a young pirate wannabe I'd recommend having an adult on-board or sitting with them while they play.

    @Clumsy-George – You are a true legend of the seas and it's always a pleasure to come across you on the water.

    I've have a very similar story when a sloop opened fired on my ship as we peacefully sailed by. I swam over to them as my crew opened fire to find some young pirates franticly trying to save their ship. I could hear the youngest starting to get upset as he begged for us to stop, which we did then helped repair their ship.

    The young crew where both under 10 and we decided to take them under our wing and show them the ropes. We completed several voyages along with a skull fort before ending the session with a wee ship battle which they won ;-)

    Before logging out the young pirates mother took over to say thank you. She always sits with them while they play and usually insists they use game chat so they don't hear language they shouldn't, something they forgot for this session but she let slide this time due to our actions.

    I've had many similar adventures like this but am also cautious of these young pirates. I've come across a few crews recently who send a young pirate over to distract us as they attempt to rob or sink us. No one can be truly trusted anymore :-)

  • It is very unfortunate, some people can be cruel. Not everyone is like that however, we all just want to have some fun on the game.
    We sank a boat after they completed Shark Fin skull fort the other night. They sounded young, we heard them on game chat saying they had only been playing the game for a little while and that was the first skull fort they had done on their own. We told them to jump on our boat and took them and their loot to Galleons Grave so they could cash it all in, then formed an alliance with them.

    We cant stop everyone from being nasty to kids out there, but we can take them in as part of our crew so they stand a better chance.

  • @genuine-heather i like the guys that comeover and try to board screaming “we are peacefull” my response is gun and sword and a soon as i hear that green smoke saying “well we are not”

    I concur this game is not for the truly young of age, thats why the rating is 12 and up.

    it is sea of thieves and friendly encounters are an option but being prepared for an aggresive encounter should be the standard.

    If that kid was crying in my crew i would try and teach him to lookout for mermaids when approaching islands/outposts as well as constantly being on the lookout for ships, this to prevent said events in the future.

    Also i try and teach them its not about the item getting sold its about the fun you have in the collection fase of the voyage, of course we all want that gold but its just a different mindset when the win is allready gained previously and you get a gold and reputation kicker

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