Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?

  • @trickrtreat01 I like Sea of Thieves...and I have since the first Trailer I saw at E3...I signed up as an insider as soon as I could and was selected to test the Alpha shortly after. I have never stopped liking Sea of Thieves.

    It might not be just you, but the forums is also not a good place to judge how many people dislike the game as it is a just a snapshot of the whole picture.

    Not everybody (by a long shot) that plays the game uses the forum. There are no doubt people that dislike the game and there are also those that do, that likely never set foot on the forums.

    People that voice their opinions generally have a strong one, either pro or con. most wouldn't go through the effort of signing up to write a forum post about how ''s ok' something is.

    I'm sure if you visit any forum for anything, the majority of the posts would be either hugely pro or hugely against.

    Both sides are needed as long as the feedback/criticism is constructive. Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make the opinion more valid, the same way as shouting in someone's face doesn't make a point any more meaningful.

    I personally love playing Sea of Thieves, so will continue to do so, if you currently don't, then like I said, maybe take a break. There is no requirement to play constantly, especially if there is 'nothing to do'. If I had nothing to do...I wouldn't do it. If I take a break, I know I can always come back at a later date and pick where I left off with no disadvantage.

  • @zodemere sagte in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @triheadedmonkey said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 'Loyal, die-hard fan' ....that stopped playing because of a change? A change to a game that was always stated as one that would evolve and change. I paid my money too, what makes you any better or more important than anyone else?

    You played the game, maybe for more hours than some, that doesn't mean that you have outright say in what is right and what is wrong.

    There are other players besides you and the game can't cater solely to those that 'quit' every change and hold their breath until they get what they want.

    If you don't like the game currently, maybe take a break and see if it changes to your liking in future. Just don't expect it to be moulded entirely around your vision of right and wrong, because it won't happen.

    No matter how much you stomp your feet.

    I kept playing through every change up until the last update. It finally became "Sea of Thieves for people who don't like Sea of Thieves". Look around at the forums. Look at the plethora of complaint threads. It's not just me.

    I think when the game veers sharply away from the things that made it a masterpiece then we are within our rights to let them know.

    Rare took away the achievements we were working on. I asked why they would do that, what motivation they would have knowing it would upset a lot of people. Surely a guy with as many titles as you can muster a serious reply instead of just making personal attacks...

    Rare blamed the "community " for LOWERING ALL OF THE COMMEDATIONS which is halarious because as far as what i've read it was a handful of commedations like the nana crates that people whined that needed to be lowered. I felt alls they simply needed to do was increase crate voyages...problem solved !!! But hey there's NEW AND IMPROVED COMMEDATIONS coming, right? Also, CARGO RUNS oink oink.

    Oh wow you’re one of this 5 Players that Ghost Paw mentioned, I guess your reputation here on the Forums isn’t that High nowadays :/

  • @triheadedmonkey You can post a whole wall of text and still not answer my question. Why would Rare take away what we had to do in the game ? Come on, you are a Pioneer, surely you have something. You guys are play testing this mess arn't you ? . Is everyone play testing really thinking it's ok ? Does no one ever stop and say, hey wait, we can't do that.

    Should we be blaming the Pioneers instead of Rare ?
    Seems like all you see from Pioneers on the forums are condescending "too bad so sad" and "deal with it" posts towards people that don't like the current version of the game.

  • @trickrtreat01 I could post the answer to Eternal life and there would be some that would complain about it.

    you are free to blame whoever you like. Just doesn't seem constructive.

    Again, if there is 'nothing to do' then perhaps return at a later date when there might be?

  • @triheadedmonkey You seem to be having a hard time with the question. Were you working on any of the achievements that were basically taken away ?

  • @trickrtreat01 no, It is a game....I play games...they are not work. perhaps this is the underlying issue?

  • @zodemere said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @triheadedmonkey said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 'Loyal, die-hard fan' ....that stopped playing because of a change? A change to a game that was always stated as one that would evolve and change. I paid my money too, what makes you any better or more important than anyone else?

    You played the game, maybe for more hours than some, that doesn't mean that you have outright say in what is right and what is wrong.

    There are other players besides you and the game can't cater solely to those that 'quit' every change and hold their breath until they get what they want.

    If you don't like the game currently, maybe take a break and see if it changes to your liking in future. Just don't expect it to be moulded entirely around your vision of right and wrong, because it won't happen.

    No matter how much you stomp your feet.

    I kept playing through every change up until the last update. It finally became "Sea of Thieves for people who don't like Sea of Thieves". Look around at the forums. Look at the plethora of complaint threads. It's not just me.

    I think when the game veers sharply away from the things that made it a masterpiece then we are within our rights to let them know.

    Rare took away the achievements we were working on. I asked why they would do that, what motivation they would have knowing it would upset a lot of people. Surely a guy with as many titles as you can muster a serious reply instead of just making personal attacks...

    Rare blamed the "community " for LOWERING ALL OF THE COMMEDATIONS which is halarious because as far as what i've read it was a handful of commedations like the nana crates that people whined that needed to be lowered. I felt alls they simply needed to do was increase crate voyages...problem solved !!! But hey there's NEW AND IMPROVED COMMEDATIONS coming, right? Also, CARGO RUNS oink oink.

    It's getting to a point where you repeat yourself so much, I feel like I can predict what you're going to post in any given thread before you even post it lol.

    Do you not want even more commendations to keep working on? I'm sure those cargo runs come with even more commendations you can work on too..

  • @zodemere said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    [Mod edited]

    There's plenty of threads on here that were not banned on here when they were expressing feedback on the commendation changes. Must have been how it was expressed in the post.
    Also sorry you dislike me. It's kinda rough that you dislike so many people you've never talked with or interacted with. Maybe I can start over and be one of the ones you don't dislike. That would be neat, right?

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    You can post a whole wall of text and still not answer my question. Why would Rare take away what we had to do in the game ?

    I thought they DID answer this question.

    Something like they were supposed to be little stepping stones on the rep trail, but weren't working like that.

    Now, you can think this is a bad answer (which, from your posts, I assume you do =P ), but the question WAS addressed.

    Asking who is to "blame" for these decisions gets you nowhere either. Like most decisions, it was likely a complex brew of player reaction, data feedback, hindsight, shifting of goals, and good old fashioned business that led us here.

  • @zodemere Please refrain from engaging in personal attacks, name calling, as well as discussion of disciplinary actions. All of the above are infractions of our forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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  • @stundorn Dude...the cursed cannonballs are already "destroying the balance". What are you talking bout? They're not guaranteed...not everyone is on an EVEN playing field. There's nothing elitist about what I said. You clearly misread. I don't even play the game that way. ANY game for the matter. I will likely NEVER reach Pirate Legend. I just think it should be cool and actually LEGENDARY. None of the suggestions I made would greatly tip the scales in any way. Do you know how few people are actually Pirate Legend. Besides...everyone that plays consistently has the ability to become Pirate Legend. It's not cheating or unfair. Thanks for the reply though...

  • @xapocanonx No, I actually don't think that's enough. I've been there and I honestly am not all that excited to get PL status and go back. That will be several months from now though, lol. I'm not trying to rag on the game or anything like that. I hoped that the things I suggested were subtle enough that they wouldn't really upset people too much. Honestly, I think this community is so extremely fanatical and tribal that its really difficult for many of us to even listen and understand others and the points of view. Even though I'm not a fan of PVP, I don't hate the game. I actually like a lot of the changes that have been made. Especially that encourages players to work together more.

    Over time, I'm sure PL will be even cooler. But what I saw a few months ago was not very encouraging in my opinion, sorry. I'm at 36/38/30 so a LOT can happen before I make it to PL so my opinions could be moot anyway, lol.

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