[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - The Sea of Thieves Vol.1 Collection (Exclusive Cover version) giveaway!

  • @old-salt-gorg Jigball is my favorite!

  • My favourite to use is the peaceball. No one suspects the man, on a sloop by himself, to anchor turn while a galleon is chasing him. Right when they are about to pass I nail them and raise my anchor safely facing the opposite direction they are heading.

    I dislike the helm lock ball, ran into a rock because of it, sent me into a panic while they closed in on me.

  • I fear the Anchorball the most because hunting down another Galleon manned by a skilled crew can be a patient hunt in the first place given that they share speed and sluggish manoeuvrability, a well-placed anchor ball to us when coming up on their side to fire at them will see us lose precious momentum and when people are racing towards outposts, those seconds and meters make all the difference between a successful raid or failure at seizing the loot most precious.

  • the one that i fear the most is the grogball cause its so hard to patch holes while your drunk! the one that i like the most must be the jig ball. i like how i can make the skellys dance XD

  • Most Favourite? BallastBall, easy pezy to sink any ship, the cursed ones too, even when in solo!
    Most Feared? Anchorball, because as i can't move anymore with the ships, i'm an easy target for cannon and can't get out of the ship, as it could sink!

  • The Peace Ball gives you enough time to chat with the crew you meet so this could be the favourite one. The least favourite, the Peace Ball too, cause if you get hit by it you can only chat with the other crew, and words dont damage the enemy hull enough...

  • Jigball, nothing is worse than dancing with a smile while you see your ship filling up with water.
    As for the best one, probably venom, cause any captain is able to sail their ship blind!

  • A jigball, nothing better than everyone dancing to their demise.

  • I have a love/hate relationship with the Peaceball. On the one hand I love how it sabotages my enemies cannons. On the other i hate how it sabotages my cannons.

  • Grogball, becouse it's funny :D

  • @old-salt-gorg My favourite? The riggingball, only because it gave me my first and best cursed moment ever, when I was hurriedly selling my haul with me crew while being chased by a brig. Slammed the cursed ball into them and they sailed merrily away into a nearby sea-stack buying us the time to sell, then mount up for an offense!

    My most feared? The Jigball because I remember being stuck in at least a thirty second dancing spree facing some skeletal pirate ships during the event, and could do nothing but watch as the water slowly rose up to me ears. Chilling stuff!

  • Favorite:

    My favorite Cursed Cannonball would have to be the Ballast Ball because it requires a bit of strategy (destroying an upper deck) for a payoff of massive amounts of damage and panic to an enemy ship. Me first mate and I tested this theory on a skeleton ship and the results were amazing! One ship down in a matter of seconds!

    Most Feared:

    I'd have to say my most feared Cursed Cannonball would be the Anchor Ball. There's nothing worse than being locked in place while an enemy ship perfectly positions themselves behind you and blasts you straight to Davy Jones's Locker without even a chance of fighting your way out...


  • Anchorball

  • grogball of course

  • My favourite cursed cannonball will have to be the Peaceball. It provides a great opportunity to take the ship closer for some good below-the-waterline shots without a risk of being shot at yourself.

    My most feared cursed cannonball will have to be a well timed wearyball. The amount of damage it can do if multiple crewmates are hit in an intense scenario is devastating.

  • I love the anchor ball because a lot of times when people shoot at me with it, it'll drop my anchor and they tend to keep shooting me with it so it causes my anchor to raise! :) shooting at others with it is also awesome!

  • My favorite must be the ballast ball. No-one repairs the second deck on the gallion, and then it is perfect to launch a ballast ball and watch them struggle and sink.

    The cannonball I fear the most is barrelball. When you're full of holes and someone shoots you with this; It's a nightmare!!!

    Anyways, it makes the game more fun, but also more difficult. Looking forward to more things like this!

  • A perfectly executed dancing cannonball can wreck your whole crew. If the enemy has even more there is nothing you can do to prevent it

  • Most Favorite Cursed Cannonball
    Wearyball because I can finally be on the other end of this cannon after the many attempts of fighting skeleton ships in shores of plenty.

    Most Feared Cursed Cannonball
    Wearyball because it brings back all my repressed memories of the many attempts of fighting skeleton ships in shores of plenty.

  • Congratulations to @Archangel-Timmy and @Blam320, you're the lucky pirates this week!
    Please send me your full name and postal address in a personal message so we can get those prizes delivered to you!

    Those less fortunate pirates needn't worry, there are more giveaways coming so keep an eye on our social channels and this Forum section.

    Until next time,

    Old Salt Gorg

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