Austrailian Savior!

  • Was tryin to do some merchant quests with reapers mark today to get the commendation for doing 30 with it up. I was going solo cause it was early and not really anyone on and a random would probably slow me down. I typically never sail alone and with a big target on my head on top of that haha. But I had done two no problem. Saw a few brigantines but they left me be.

    Then i saw another sloop steering straight to me as i approached an island with my pig on board and still needing a snake at snake island. I yelled I was friendly but he proceeded to shoot and hit my piggy. He was a trooper tho so I carried the wounded ham below for safety and ducked inbetween snake islands main land and side island. Then the damn skelly on the island hit me a few. I am repairing and trying not to run into anything. The sloop wheeled around for another run on me. He had a default ship and his turning/aiming wasnt too tight so I knew he was probably a lesser pirate. But with my piggy hurt and my ship damaged it was all I could do to keep things afloat. He zipped off and I thought I was safe. I came back around the island and there he was circling right at me.

    That's when I got a message from @stacky-a asking if I had room for another pirate. HECK YA I DID! I set the ship on a straight clear path and hopped off the back to board him. The skelly on the island gave me another hole but I knew help was on the way. This was my chance. I got on and shot the guy. He had a full set of the black admiral suit with the gold sash from hip to shoulder. He pulled his sword but I ran him through. Luckily, there was a nearby rock formation and I ping ponged his ship into it. He came back and I dispatched him easily. Stacky came on and didnt know what was going on but instinctively rescued the ship and fed the piggy. She got back on course to snake island and I killed the fiend a third time as he spawned above his sunken ship. I mermaided back and all was well... Then meg bit us and we flew off the ship together as the boat sped on with several holes in the back! lol but we were able to get back in time and repair. Mr pig was safely returned to the merchant as well with his new snake friend. Snakes are misunderstood you know?

    Thanks Stacky! Without you, that mission would have been a bust and the fool pirate would have gotten away with it instead of having to rage quit as he never showed up again to find our reapers mark.

    forgot to mention stacky is Austrailian so that's the title haha

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  • @revanjstone
    You make it sound so epic!
    Lol, I had no idea what I had spawned into but glad I could salvage the mission for ya 😊.
    I know when I got onto the sloop it was strange because no one was on it and I was getting the glitch where it was underwater so at first I thought we were actually sinking. Then when the glitch sorted itself out I noticed just the one hole and Meg seemingly stuck at the back of the sloop haha.
    She scared me half to death at one point, breaching out of the water by the side of the ship while you were still dealing with the not so friendly pirate.
    Then she proceeded to cause havoc when you got back haha.

  • @revanjstone Yes, she is a great Aussie battler who just gets on with the task at hand.

    It's always a pleasure to sail with her. :o)

  • @stacky-a haha Just imagine if you spawned into the brig.

  • @admiral-rrrsole haha! Yeh that could have been a possibility we may not have survived

  • @stacky-a I'm sure you would have found a way.
    Your sweet voice could have talked the megs into patching the holes, feeding the pig and voting you out of the brig. lol
    But don't let Tartan know I said that. lol

  • Should of known @stacky-a would have appeared when you where near Snake Island xD If it wasnt her it would have been Tartan. They are the guardians of the isle :P

  • @knifelife lol True.
    I'm sure that Tartan has Snake Island bookmarked as his personal spawn point. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole Probably spawns on his easteregg there lol

  • @knifelife Probably?
    There's no doubt in my mind, he does. :o)

  • Ha nice adventure, my favorite part of the game is having to deal with protecting loot from other players fixing holes driving the ship and every thing else.

  • @knifelife I played with @Tartansnake-8 and @stacky-a yesterday after these posts and sure enough, just a few minutes into the game, he dropped by Snake Island to collect rent from the skellies. lol

    We honestly stayed there waaay too long but I figured he was doing a property inspection.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I’m pretty sure he has some weird Cultic rituals he performs. Probably sacrifices Noobosapiens to the snake god or something.

    If you look closely you will notice they never bite him #Illuminati

  • @knifelife Yep. lol

    He brought one back to the ship as a mascot without telling anyone and hid it on the captain's balcony.
    @SurveyorPete mentioned that he kept hearing a snake spit and we all wrote it off with laughs accusing him of hearing things and going insane.
    It wasn't until sometime later that I could hear it too, so I went to investigate and sure enough a red and white striped snake (Tartan named "Candy") was doing some backseat driving. lol

    So not only does he give the snakes free rent at Snake Island but he also baby sits for them.

  • @RevanJStone - "Snakes are misunderstood you know?"

    You're so right, just give them a little TLC and they'll love you till dead.

    @Admiral-RRRSole - "I figured he was doing a property inspection."

    Gotta keep an eye on those tenants. I wasn't impressed that they'd let the gardening get out of hand, may have to up their rent. I know the whole crew loved Candy deep down. I'm sure I seen you shed a tear when we left her at Golden Sands Outpost.

    @KnifeLife - "If you look closely you will notice they never bite him"

    No idea what you're talking about.

  • @tartansnake-8 said


    Gotta keep an eye on those tenants. I wasn't impressed that they'd let the gardening get out of hand, may have to up their rent. I know the whole crew loved Candy deep down. I'm sure I seen you shed a tear when we left her at Golden Sands Outpost.

    That wasn't a tear, I was wiping the venom from my eyes.

  • @tartansnake-8 said
    I know the whole crew loved Candy deep down. I'm sure I seen you shed a tear when we left her at Golden Sands Outpost.

    That reminds me.
    Anyone who happens to get poisoned at the OoS shop on Golden Sands Outpost, can thank Tartan. lol Sneaky devil.
    We were surprised to see it still there a long time later. That's when the good admiral got Candy creamed. lol

    It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

  • lol it is a nice island. hmm what island would i want to own.. hmm.. i think id take crescent isle.

  • @revanjstone
    Come see me in the Sanctuary tavern to work out a deal to get you moved in a.s.a.p. ;o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole haha sounds good to me ill be there

  • Sounds like another awesome adventure on the Sea's. And sounds like you all have a fantastic group. Nice to see such strong bonds in the game.

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