[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    Just a reminder that this is mega thread part 3 of a series of threads that should not have to exist to begin with and would not exist if Rare hadn't ruined the game.

    It's a major feedback point.

    The reason this thread exists is because there was an update to the barrels, that way people are properly notified of the changes via patch notes and can form their feedback appropriately. Every time they have made changes to the barrels, they update the megathread, possibly they are creating new parts every patch to keep things neat.

    There are megathreads in the past that never got additional parts.

    Is there anyway I can block you on this forum so I dont have to read your posts?
    edit: no matter I found it

  • I'm not in the habit of begging, but Rare, please! Need a fix/options for the key bindings that currently aren't bindable.

    For example, toggling the second inventory wheel is bound to the key "F" and cannot be changed.

    Barrel menus (and I think all of them?) have keys like "E", "Q", "X", "F" that cannot be changed and/or do not change according to custom key binding changes.

    This is very frustrating for personalized key bindings. Please fix this issue!

    As for the latest update, happy with current changes and looking forward to greater optimizations for the menus/barrels and gameplay mechanics.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    That's actually not correct, most of us like them.

    And where did you get this stat ? Please just posting things you can't substantiate. We both know this is not accurate.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    That's actually not correct, most of us like them.

    And where did you get this stat ? Please just posting things you can't substantiate. We both know this is not accurate.

    there are a lot of inaccurate things being said about these barrels man. did you see the thread where one guy said this is "just as efficient, if not more efficient" for him that just hitting a button and no popup UI?

    there are some people that will never stop defending the decisions being made in this game...even after it dies they will still defend it.

    i dont even care about these barrels. you literally just hold F to remove everything really quickly... but it is still more cumbersome and annoying.

  • I never thought that such a simple change could have such a profound effect on playing a game like this but damned if this isn't doing it to me. Every time I look at a barrel a little voice in me goes "ughhhhhh..." now. I won't stay on the soapbox long but I really hope something is done so I don't have to keep navigating the inventory screen for....













    See how that's annoying?

  • I logged in after a couple weeks (my buddies and I have been playing since beta and we mostly play for the events now) and I'm kind of shocked by how bad the new inventory system is.

    Ignoring cursed cannonballs for a second, which bring in a whole new slate of balance problems (the team with the most will probably always win, all things being equal), this is horrific. There's no other way to put it. Why do I have to enter a (slow, clunky) menu to get a banana out of a barrel that, as of this moment, only holds bananas? Why do I have to enter a menu to deposit a banana? I used to be able to do this by pressing a button. Why isn't that an option anymore? Ditto for cannonballs and planks.

    I get the desire to add more items to the game, but having to go into a bunch of menus that slow us down in a game that forces you to make decisions quickly is the wrong way to do it. Why not add separate barrels? There's more than enough room on the ships. Okay, so you lose the ability to pull treasure maps out of a barrel, but it doesn't make sense to have them there in the first place. And really, nobody wants to spend 20 minutes on an island doing nothing but looting barrels. And God forbid you want to stop and loot some barrels in the ocean or get supplies from a shipwreck. It'll take you forever unless you significantly upgrade how much a player can carry, which will completely change the way the game is played.

    The old system was simple and elegant. It kept the focus on the game. This moves it into inventory management, which I have a hard time believing is what anyone wants. It slows the game down. It's inherently unfair to people playing on a game pad. It adds emphasis to the wrong areas. A "Take All" and "Deposit All" button isn't going to fix this. This isn't a survival game. We don't need a huge inventory to manage.

    More pressing, how are you going to balance player inventory? The new system already makes it significantly more time consuming to gather supplies because the old limitations are still in place for a system they're clearly no longer designed for. How do you balance making picking up supplies quick and easy while making sure combat is fair? Sure, you could give us the ability to carry a ton of cannonballs, but then we never have to go below and resupply. Ditto for bananas in a fight or planks when the ship is sinking. All that does is make the game less interesting.

    I can't overstate how disappointing these new systems are to people who loved the way the game played. This fundamentally alters the core gameplay loop, slows everything down, and lets you play less. What's worse is that they were implemented in such a half-baked way; the game is virtually unplayable right now. Everyone I know was excited for the next content update. Now no one I know wants to play the game. I love this game. I love the passion Rare has for it and the way they listen to the community. But everything about this makes it seem like these new systems were rushed without being properly tested. It is an utter mess.

    Please fix this.

  • @personalc0ffee I am still waiting for you to show me how you came up with the idea that most people like the cursed cannonballs.

  • @personalc0ffee Judging by your words how you insist on defending the poor choices and changes that are being made, it's apparent you are connected to Rare somehow. There is just no way someone could try and sell us on all these downgrades.

    To say that "CCB's add more balance plays and adds an interesting strategy power dynamic" is wrong. Just like it's wrong to say that most players like them.

    Let me add this. It's my estimation that at least 75% of the players detest the new barrel UI and CCB's. Rare will not gain players with this UI. It will be quite the opposite. Some will leave and some new players will see how clunky it is and not keep playing. You can keep insisting that it's necessary and fine but I think you and Rare are going to find out the hard way that it's not.

  • I hate to add to the tension BUT @PersonalC0ffee is absolutely right. Most players have infact utilized the CCB's in creative ways. Its' s just up to the player to do so. New changes or not, everyone is VERY MUCH ENTITLED, to their opinions and how they decide to play. Rather coffee is associated with Rare or not has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. We are ALL pretty much associated with Rare simply by being here and voicing our opinions and ideas. WE are pretty much the ones that have created the content that we see now. So theres absolutely no reason or right to keep insisting someone is in the wrong when the core answer is obviously equal. As well, theres no room to complain....again we voice off so it is what it is and the game is technically ''still new'' so there is A LOT that needs to be hammered out and fixed. Unfortunately, you cant bash and you cant belittle in a forum site like this where we are the community. If you cant get along or need to keep reflecting the wrongs of someone via assumption, then either take 1 of three options. 1. Don't say anything 2. Block OR 3. Dont be part of the forum. I hate to sound defensive and nasty but some of your 'opinions'' are not opinions, theyre remarks. Remarks against something quite silly as a matter of fact. This isnt Sea of Slander, sorry.

  • @trickrtreat01 Ahoy! Apologies for the last remark I made to you, it was in fact the first time for moderation, and this is the second :D
    Please again be respectful to your fellow pirates with your remarks. Everyone is free to post their opinions providing they are polite and considerate to others.

  • I don't know if someone already wrote it. But there is a small mistake in the German translation when the barrels are empty. At the moment it says "leeren" (emptying). It should be " leer" (empty). Sorry if already posted :D

  • @PersonalC0ffee I lead a team of Computer Science Teachers in High School but yes, in another life I trained as a video game designer!

    I can't eloquently answer the point but yes, separate barrels is ridiculous for every resource type and would make islands looK ridiculously cluttered, or at the very least mean less of every resource as the algorithm would be fighting to fill barrels already placed in the world.

    For Cursed cannonballs alone you would need what? 10 or 12 different barrels???

    The simple fix as you said the other night I believe (may have been @LucianSanchez82 ) was they could simply limit each stack in a barrel array to 20 instead of 99.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @darklink77 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    I logged in after a couple weeks (my buddies and I have been playing since beta and we mostly play for the events now) and I'm kind of shocked by how bad the new inventory system is.

    Improvements are on the way.

    Ignoring cursed cannonballs for a second, which bring in a whole new slate of balance problems (the team with the most will probably always win, all things being equal), this is horrific.

    This actually isn't true, it comes down to strategy and adds more balance plays and adds an interesting strategy power dynamic.

    Why do I have to enter a (slow, clunky) menu to get a banana out of a barrel that, as of this moment, only holds bananas? Why do I have to enter a menu to deposit a banana? I used to be able to do this by pressing a button. Why isn't that an option anymore? Ditto for cannonballs and planks.

    Because more resources and food types are going to be added in the future and the previous barrels were locked to only 1 specific type of resource. This is to allow us the ability to hold more resource types.

    I get the desire to add more items to the game, but having to go into a bunch of menus that slow us down in a game that forces you to make decisions quickly is the wrong way to do it. Why not add separate barrels?

    Because you can't make a barrel for every single resource or ammo type, that's horrid design. Which leads to more performance issues and cluttered design. Ask @Sshteeve he designs UI's I"m pretty sure or at least has familiary with them.

    Steve, correct me if I'm wrong.

    The old system was simple and elegant. It kept the focus on the game.

    You're right, it did. It also limited the possibilities of things that can be added to the game or the radial menu.

    More pressing, how are you going to balance player inventory?

    By bringing in more improvements to the system and UI.

    I can't overstate how disappointing these new systems are to people who loved the way the game played.

    As Joe said in the latest update video, players better get ready because more core mechanical changes like this one will be coming to allow them to put in more content people have been asking for and since the game is a GaaS, it is going to happen and it is EXPECTED to be happening.

    Please fix this.

    I would say there is nothing to fix but there is because there are drastic improvements and QoS features that are missing and are sorely needed for the new UI but if you're "fix this" is go back to the old system or preserve it then I'm sorry you're going to be disappointed.

    They aren't doing it. I am safe to say that. They MAY develop some sort of hybrid system but core changes like this aren't made lightly be developer teams. It's not something you just revert and remove.

    It is a changed an intended direction the game is moving in.

    I wasn't really expecting you to feel the need to go through my post and apologize for Rare's poor design decisions bit by bit (I hope they're paying you to run damage control for them), but I'm not surprised, given what I've seen of your posts.

    I guess I'll go through them bit by bit:

    1. "Improvements are on the way" doesn't help me in any way. What improvements? How? Am I going to be able to push a button and store things again like a game programmed this century?

    2. There is no strategy in the use of Cursed Cannonballs. You cannot dodge them in a galleon. "Don't get hit" isn't an option. Unless the other crew is full of terrible shots, you will get hit. The appeal of ship combat was everyone had the same items: cannonballs, planks, and boards. The better team always won because of that. That's gone now. It doesn't add strategy: it adds randomness.

    3. So because more resources are going to be added in the future, we can no longer press a button to put an item into a barrel? That's a poor excuse. That system is still completely possible without removing that feature. Pulling stuff out? Okay, maybe you have a point. Putting stuff in? Nope. Especially in the case of planks, which are only one type of item.

    4. Going further, what is having more types of food going to add? How does that enhance the game? It doesn't. It makes you deal with more unnecessary stuff that slows down the experience for no reason.

    5. I think it would be entirely feasible for, at the least, Cursed Cannonballs to have their own barrel. One. For all types of Cursed Cannonballs, and you could select from there. That would make it easier and faster to access normal cannonballs. Even if you don't do that, there is no reason to make you go into the inventory to deposit items.

    6. Limited design tend to be better design. If you can't add things without introducing a menu that is slow, clunky, buggy, and unpopular, maybe you shouldn't add that thing. Or maybe you should find another way to add it.

    7. I'm not asking you how you balance player inventory because you don't work at Rare, as much as you cheerlead for them. Even if you did, saying "make it better" isn't an answer. That addresses nothing.

    8. You say there's nothing to fix but then admit that "drastic improvements and QoS features... are missing and are sorely needed for the new UI." The new UI is broken. As it is, it is bad.

    9. I don't need the old system back. I need a system that incorporates the best parts of it--let me deposit items without going into a terribly designed menu, let me take out basic items without going into a terribly designed menu--with the new system.

    That's all I ask.

  • @darklink77 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    That's all I ask.

    Been barking up this tree for two weeks now. I'm done. Rare employees are scolding everyone disagreeing with their little pet defending them. Whatever. Wife was introduced to a particular card game from a company in a snowstorm and absolutely loves it. Guess our sailing days are over. I'm going to X-Box for a full refund on both copies and encourage everyone else to follow suit.

  • I'm growing used to how this system has been implemented now but I have come up with the following feedback.

    Similar to not being able to see if the barrel was empty it is also annoying to find the barrel only has a resource type that you are already full of ie banana/planks when you are looking for cannon balls.
    Suggested Solution: go back to having only 1 resource type in each barrel and mark them as such on the outside with a stamp use the same system as we have on the boats. Use a brown barrel as a visual marker that the barrel is now empty.

    As a PC player I find suddenly having to use the mouse to select the appropriate resource frustrating. I can understand why you felt this is necessary but sometimes in my haste I have brought up the task bar and ended up windowing out, or the title bar has come up and I accidentally minimised the window. Once in the heat of battle I have also closed the entire game because my mouse had moved to the top right corner of my screen.
    I'm not sure how this could be done better.

    Could we go back to having different buttons for giving and taking items from barrels?

    Something I have liked is the ability to close windows using x rather than escape. Could this be implemented in other windows? Leave escape as an option (which is what you have done with the barrels), but now that I've started using x to close these windows I have to wonder why it isn't used elsewhere. Also if there was a way to not have to use enter quite so much I'd also be happy. Unless I'm tying my keyboard hand should be able to be handled entirely by my left hand, and mouse stuff with my right. I shouldn't have to move my hand from the traditional WADS position.

  • @personalc0ffee I'm not going to waste my time pulling all of that out and going into it individually.

    But a few things:

    1. Your way of dealing with the cursed cannonball you mention is literally "don't get hit, and if you do, make sure you aren't standing next to anyone else." So, yeah, that is dodging them. Just on an individual level.

    2. It is entirely possible to press a button and put the item you are carrying into a bucket should that item jive with that bucket. If there's not that kind of item in there already, you put it in a new inventory slot. If there isn't one, you can't deposit it. Really simple. Dozens of other games do this. Don't tell me it can't be done.

    3. I wasn't asking about new ammo types. I was asking about food. And I can't see a need for them unless they do something other than give you health.

    4. It is a logical fallacy to imply that because Rare chose not to design something one way, it must not be possible. Game designers are not infallible demigods. They do not always create the best solutions. They are wrong all the time. Just because Rare designed something one way does not mean it is the best way to design that thing.

    5. I'm just going to quote you again: "drastic improvements and QoL features... are missing and are sorely needed for the new UI." Yeah, because the current UI is broken (this isn't debatable, it's super buggy) and bad. Good things don't "sorely" need "drastic improvements." Your words, not mine.

    6. Or they could have rolled out a complete, tested interface. But I know, I know. In the age of GaaS, having something done and tested and working and complete is utter lunacy, right? Why should we hold them to such high standards, like releasing a system that works?


  • @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @darklink77 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    That's all I ask.

    Been barking up this tree for two weeks now. I'm done. Rare employees are scolding everyone disagreeing with their little pet defending them. Whatever. Wife was introduced to a particular card game from a company in a snowstorm and absolutely loves it. Guess our sailing days are over. I'm going to X-Box for a full refund on both copies and encourage everyone else to follow suit.

    Not only do I want a refund, I really don't think I would ever purchase another title from Rare. How do you go about asking for a refund ? We have 2 copies too. One for my Wife and one for me.

  • @trickrtreat01

    There's a page here which has information - if you bought from a retailer other than Microsoft you'll need to contact them directly.

  • @katttruewalker Thanks. I just uninstalled the game but it doesn't look like a refund is possible. Oh well. It's not like I was going to play it anyway. I realized my Wife was playing on the gamepass so we just canceled that.

  • I think barrels should all be locked to a specific type of product, like they are on our ships. In other words, instead of generic, multi-item barrels, you'd see a food barrel, or a wood barrel, or a cannonball barrel (or perhaps a more generic "ordinance barrel"). The cursed cannonballs would appear in cannonball barrels but not wood or food barrels. This would simplify and expediate resource gathering, and it would make a whole lot more sense.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @katttruewalker Thanks. I just uninstalled the game but it doesn't look like a refund is possible. Oh well. It's not like I was going to play it anyway. I realized my Wife was playing on the gamepass so we just canceled that.

    How many hours of gameplay did you get out of the game? Did you enjoy most of it? I can't fathom why you think you should get a refund for a game that already delivered more than it's share of entertainment. You can't even get dinner and a movie out of $60 these days, and that's maybe four hours, tops. Good heavens.

  • @urihamrayne

    Looking forward to a store all take all option. I always imagined it though as you have to hold the button to take/store all.

    Think that would be good in battles to make it so they any enemy has to wait a bit leaving them open to attack.

  • @chunkgb This is kind of the way it works currently for PC players. If you hold down the F button, after a very small delay, it starts to take everything in a type stack (cannonballs - including CCs, planks, bananas). I just hold the button down and swipe the mouse across the various stacks. They should implement this to console instead of an instant “take/store all.”

  • @trickrtreat01 Sea of Thieves is a Microsoft play anywhere title. Which means only one account has to purchase. If the other accounts are linked to the parent account, they can play too.
    It is one of the reasons I bought it. I used the open beta to test it across all my laptops and xbox. It was a fun ride for a while for my family.

    I know you uninstalled it, but thought you'd like to know for other games. Minecraft is also a play anywhere game. Great for families with servers dedicated to pvp hunger games, crafting, or puzzles.

  • @bran-the-ent
    I do have the game on windows 10 but so far have preferred playing on Xbox. Always been more of a console gamer, didn't know they had different functionality though.

    Would be good to see the same added.

  • Why people complain the clothing color I kinda dig the purpleish red but the problem I can't find anything to match it with

  • @chunkgb Yeah, I didn't realize there was a difference either until an Xbox player told me that they couldn't do it. If they would fix the UI lag, fix the Windows taskbar issue (PC only), simplify the process (F-F-X to take, F-R-X to store), make the take/store keys work as it does currently on PC (click to take one, hold to take rapidly), allow the keys to be remappable, and make the exit button consistent throughout the UI, it will work great - it can be pretty zippy.

    Right now, I'm getting so used to hitting X to exit the UI, that I keep hitting it when I need to hit Esc in other UI elements. Make the bloody thing consistent.

    It would also be great if they increased the distance at which the Empty tag appears (or maybe it's a timing issue?), because sometimes I'm entering the barrel UI just as it appears, rendering the tag pointless.

  • @genuine-heather said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @katttruewalker Thanks. I just uninstalled the game but it doesn't look like a refund is possible. Oh well. It's not like I was going to play it anyway. I realized my Wife was playing on the gamepass so we just canceled that.

    How many hours of gameplay did you get out of the game? Did you enjoy most of it? I can't fathom why you think you should get a refund for a game that already delivered more than it's share of entertainment. You can't even get dinner and a movie out of $60 these days, and that's maybe four hours, tops. Good heavens.

    You can spin this example how it best applies to you. Say you buy a car. Let's say 4 door sedan, import, pick your flavor. You love it. 6 months go by and it's time for an oil change. You take it in. When you return to get it, they hand you keys to a pick up truck. "Its a sweet upgrade they say" would you still cover the lease? No. Sweet as it "might" be, it's not what you bought. Now imagine the truck stalls, leaks oil, Seats two, gets 5 mpg, and is 30 years old. And you cant return it. Cant drive your car.

    But it's an upgrade that will allow future "planned" upgrades.

  • @urihamrayne I would want to double the bananas and planks to 200 each as a max. The biggest reason is the Skelly Ships. Rarely do you get any help on them now, and 100 is not enough planks to go it solo. And for the cannonballs I believe the limits you set are ok, but should be per barrel as again, you sometimes need more than 300 cannonballs for the skelly ships if you go solo.

  • @pondobruin85 Sorry, but that comparison is just bad. The game has not changed that dramatically to where you now have a new- older vehicle. And the changes made are a direct result of player feedback.

  • @nofears-fun Crates of supply exist for that alternative of inventory expasion, I didn't mention that because I believe that they are implicitly a means to increase your ship's inventory to infinity, what I never endorsed was the ship to already have a way to store a large amount of basic supplies. 300-100 is absolute max of any supply this game should have for the ship, anything above that should have to do with players finding these crates and actively making the decision to keep them.

  • @urihamrayne I do see your point, but I also disagree for the reasons I outlined. I know they say that crates are more common now, and maybe my crew is just unlucky, but we have not found that many more. And certainly not every time we play. In fact, we played all weekend and found not one crate of any kind this weekend.

    EDIT: But I do agree that there should be some limitation more than there is now. I just disagree with you on the totals, and honestly, not by a lot. I think double the totals for the original inventory items is reasonable. I do think the CCB totals could actually be a lot less than what you proposed. In fact, I don't think we should be allowed to store them at all. What you carry should be your limitation on CCB's.

  • @nofears-fun there are no crates of cursed cannonballs and there will never be crates for alternative resources if the design of these crates if for them to be found at random, only by changing that fundamental aspect you could expect players to have an alternative way of story special resources, as it stands 300 is a number nobody will ever reach by playing even for 12 hours straight, only by having the most insurmaountable amount of decdication, similar to gathering 500+ treasure. If players want to do that, let them, don't limit them in their choise, if there is no alternative way of storing these special resources, you cannot punish players for finding these by having their inventory limited to the number of players in the crew, you obviously give an advantage to 4 player crews. Aka "I don't think we should be allowed to store them at all. What you carry should be your limitation on CCB's." is the dumbest system you could have proposed.

    What I proposed is not an opinion, everything I say is either a fact or true, it's only an opinion when I state otherwise, 300 is the maximum amount of any type of anything any ship should store, no storage of any item should ever be less than 100, this keeps the resource management part of sea of thieves in a confortable position that it can work to allow the devs to easily tweak and balance resource gathering rates, as well as inventory management for future items. The current system allows for around 3600 cannonballs to be stored of any type the player wants, the player can choose what type he wants to hoard the most, so theoretically a player in this system could have 1200 anchor balls, 1200 regular cannonballs and 1200 peace balls, nobody is ever going to get that many, but the possibility is there, in a way is oddly fitting, but considering that they may or may not introduce new cannonballs in forsaken shores, its another thing fighting for space.

    One thing I'll say is that my system is probably not what the devs intend for inventory management to be, I want players to have access to all reasources and be rewarded for gathering them in large quantities, perhaps the devs intend for dillemas where players choose to store some resources over others, which is fine, but as I mentioned before, 100 should always be the minimum.

    As per usual, crates of cannonballs are the variable, it doesn't matter if you find them or don't, they exist, so your anectote is irrelevant. The whole thing with 3600 becomes completely botched when you consider a player can choose to store regular cannonballs in crates instead of the barrels, it opens up 3 more slots or even more, so in theory we are back at the beggining. It's better to work around these system already in place than having to botch new ways of limiting player freedom. CCB aren't as strong as people say they are and they also aren't as common, all player status effects have firendly fire, only 2 ship status effects are relevant in pvp, the way pvp battles take place is still mostly unchanged, only the aproach and the initial engagement have been shaken up, if you lost a fight to cursed cannonballs you probably most likely would have lost without them being used in the fight, being paranoid and thinking that giving players large storages would break the game is a myth.

    I hope this allows you to understand why I'm always right.
    alt text

  • My 2 Cents... As a player using a controller on PC, If we have to deal with "windows" that look into barrels, then at least make it so it has some AI behind it.

    1. If I have 10 cannon balls, then I shouldn't have to dpad over to the bananas or planks or CCB. Ignore the things I can't take. banana #6 and Cannonball #11 and Plank #6.
      "I don't need it, keep it"
    2. If my category is full then auto jump to the next item in the barrel. I can keep grabbing the same item even though I'm full.
    3. Currently, as you dpad to the right, in Barrel Screen, and get to the end of a row, you have to dpad down or back to drop down a row. Dpad right should move you across and down, to the beginning of the second row, continuous scrolling. Currently if there are 4 items in a barrel, 3 on first row and 1 on second row, you have to dpad back to the beginning of 1st row item, then drop down to the 1st item on the second row. Not smooth.
  • @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @genuine-heather said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @katttruewalker Thanks. I just uninstalled the game but it doesn't look like a refund is possible. Oh well. It's not like I was going to play it anyway. I realized my Wife was playing on the gamepass so we just canceled that.

    How many hours of gameplay did you get out of the game? Did you enjoy most of it? I can't fathom why you think you should get a refund for a game that already delivered more than it's share of entertainment. You can't even get dinner and a movie out of $60 these days, and that's maybe four hours, tops. Good heavens.

    You can spin this example how it best applies to you. Say you buy a car. Let's say 4 door sedan, import, pick your flavor. You love it. 6 months go by and it's time for an oil change. You take it in. When you return to get it, they hand you keys to a pick up truck. "Its a sweet upgrade they say" would you still cover the lease? No. Sweet as it "might" be, it's not what you bought. Now imagine the truck stalls, leaks oil, Seats two, gets 5 mpg, and is 30 years old. And you cant return it. Cant drive your car.

    But it's an upgrade that will allow future "planned" upgrades.

    Please. That’s an absurd analogy that has absolutely no bearing upon this game. Sea of Thieves is not a truck. We don’t own it. We pay for a license to play the game, essentially. Also unlike your analogy, the game hasn’t been fundamentally changed into something else. It’s experiencing some growing pains, but the devs are working on it. They didn’t change a pirate game to a space game (car to a truck). And it’s certainly not “broken” beyond repair. Much though I may dislike some recent changes, it’s still the same game I purchased, and I still quite enjoy it. I’m looking forward to a few bug fixes, QoL improvements and, of course, Forsaken Shores (which looks incredible). I’ve gotten more than my money’s worth already.

    By the way, you mentioned a lease in your analogy. So you leased a car for six months. You drove it and enjoyed it for six months. If suddenly they “upgraded” you to the Sanford & Son truck, that wouldn’t entitle you to a refund. You got the value out of it. If you don’t like the truck, turn it in and go lease another car somewhere else. Simple.

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