Implementing New Shanties and Instruments

  • Ahoy Maties!
    I hear alot of Sailors these days talking about how they want more Shanties & instruments. (Something I want as well)
    But when it comes to implementing these ideas into the game, I haven't heard many Solutions.

    But luckily lads, lasses & Rare, you've got me here to come up with some solutions!

    • Alright so first off:
      New Shanties is something everybody wants!

    Okay so supposing there were like 4 more Shanties added, having to cycle through them (& the ones currently in the game) each time you want to play some music would get a little tedious.

    My solution:

    • Music Radial Menu
      How it'd work is:
      When you're weilding an instrument Hold LT to bring up the Music Radial Menu.
      From this menu you can select which song you want to play.

    • Next is new instruments:
      New instruments means more new and interesting Group music!

    Now let's assume that 3 new instruments were added.
    The Flute, Fiddle and Banjo.
    Where would ya fit those on the Radial Menu?

    My Solution:

    • Equipping Instruments
      How it'd work is:
      You have 3 available Instrument slots on your Radial Menu.
      At the equipment chest you can choose which ones you want to equip.

    • The End

    Well mates, those are my ideas on how to implement new Instruments & Shanties!
    Love to hear yours!
    Until then see ya on the seas!

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  • @sgt-palooggoo I like this idea im always up for more musical stuff. wouldnt mind some kinda organ or harpsicord on the ship haha. or at least in the tavern. i like the radial idea for music selection. flute and fiddle would be awesome. maybe a harmonica and harp for other ideas. some kinda trumpet would be cool.

  • Good idea. I dont really know why i need to carry 3 instruments

  • @revanjstone said in Implementing New Shanties and Instruments:

    @sgt-palooggoo I like this idea im always up for more musical stuff. wouldnt mind some kinda organ or harpsicord on the ship haha. or at least in the tavern. i like the radial idea for music selection. flute and fiddle would be awesome. maybe a harmonica and harp for other ideas. some kinda trumpet would be cool.

    Thanks mate!

  • @skullmanbeard
    Aye, there's still plenty of piraty Shanties out there that could to be added!

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