Alliance Problems

  • So, while myself and my crew are enjoying the new update, something we hate is how you can join an alliance and then use that to attack someone else. Today my crew had just finished soloing one of the Skeleton Ship fights, and then were approached by a galleon claiming to want an alliance. After joining us in an alliance, they somehow caught up to us although we had the wind at our backs and full sail, and after boarding us to ask us a question regarding the event, dropped our anchor and then started to one shot us in various ways that shouldn't be possible, such as getting one shot by a normal sword swing rather than a sword lunge. While we are of the opinion that they were cheating in various ways, the thing that bothers us is that people can use the alliance to attack others. All they need to do is become an ally, and then under the pretense of "needing help" or "asking a question", they can easily get aboard and start causing havoc. The other thing with alliances that is a problem is how the shared loot mechanic works. A lot of people are of the mind that when you share loot, that the money and rep is split between the crews. We have noticed that the crew that sells the loot seems to be getting full money and rep as normal, whereas the other crews just get a smaller amount of money and the same amount of rep. It needs to be explained that the other crews in alliance with you are not "stealing" a cut of your money by being part of the alliance, as this misconception has caused quite a few people to leave the alliance right before turn in or in the middle of it. Overall, I think that it would be a benefit to prevent damage to players allied to you or at least reduce the amount of damage dealt, so that if you want to betray your allies, you would need to leave the alliance in order to be effective in your attempts to sink them or harass them.

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  • @longstryder259 I do like how the alliances work currently. However, I can see your point that there should be some sort of detriment to violating the alliance agreement. For myself, I have no idea how to implement such a system that would not feel out of place.
    I warn you however, that many people on these forums will tell you that that is how the game works and like the feeling of never knowing who may attack you next. Whether it be friend or foe.
    Both sides have valid points, but I do doubt that there will be any serious changes to the current alliance system. My advise would be to purchase ships off people and invite people to the same server that you trust not to betray you. Create a fleet you can trust. That's what me and mine do.

  • The alliances are working as intended. Why did you join an alliance after a fight with the skeleton ships and then invite that crew aboard your ship? That was just a bad idea.

    It's a game about theft, and as such, it should be easy to break an alliance or use an alliance to steal.

    It's true that many people are confused about how alliances work in terms of payout, but they will catch on at some point. I agree that this could've been more clearly explained.

  • @bran-the-ent We didn't invite them aboard the ship. The guy managed to get ahead of our ship somehow, although their ship was facing the same direction as our own, and then after acting nice and whatnot, he ran over to our anchor and dropped it before we could kill him. What happened with that ship was less related to the alliance issue, and more questionable activities that lead us to believe that hacks were involved in their attack on us. We had already been considering what could be improved in the alliance mechanic, it was just this event that prompted one of us to post on it.

    I agree that how you break an alliance should be easy, and it is quite easy to break an alliance, I am just saying that there should be an incentive to breaking an alliance before screwing with your allies. If they decreased the amount of damage done to allies by even just a quarter or a third, it would provide incentive to break off your alliance before firing on them, so as to be able to deal full damage to them.

    As far as assuming people will catch on, that is probably a bad assumption, as people in pvp orientated games do not always think logically. I am speaking from experience, as a lot of people tend to leave their common sense at their keyboard.

  • @longstryder259 said in Alliance Problems:

    After joining us in an alliance, they somehow caught up to us although we had the wind at our backs and full sail,

    Not somehow … galleon is faster with the wind. To outrun a galleon turn into the wind.

  • @crimsonraziel Perhaps I should clarify. They were also in a Galleon. They were a good two shiplengths or more behind us. Turning into the wind would have slowed them down

  • @longstryder259 Sorry, thought you were on a sloop.

  • Betrayal is part of the game, be more careful who you trust next time.

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