Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work

  • I get the fact that Rare wants this game to be more then just shoot first. But I am really getting tired of these commendations that require alliance participation, especially when it seems like not a lot of people are doing them. Not everyone wants to hold hands and deal with 12 year olds breathing heavily in their mic.

    I would like to see commendations like the skull fort blow up skeletons. You could be friendly or hostile to one another but could still get them done.

    Or at least make them be attainable more then one way. Take the: Defeat the Skeleton ships, while everyone in the alliance has X sails. Why can't it be that OR defeat them solo 5 times with x sails. (I have gotten all of these commendations so this isn't a whine post)

    Or make it where we can create an alliance at the start screen and join a server together. Before you say that this would be unbalanced, I think the alliance system should be tweeked: make alliance 1 or 2 other ships max. (but this is another discussion)

    Lastly, I would love to see PvP commendations.

  • 50
  • I tried for 5 hours today to get the two ship commendations I need for this week. Fail crew after fail crew. The further you get away from opening day on these commendations, the more impossible they become to achieve.

  • The first DLC was team work only - people complained.
    First bi-weekly was half team work and half not - people complained
    Second DLC can do with or without team work other than 4 comms - people complained

    I feel like what you are saying is you want it so you have to do ZERO team work/alliances comms because you don't like them. But for those who do, and only have 4 to do, should shove off and not even have that?

    No one, and this is a video game so I do mean no one is forcing you to get it all/do it all. That is on you and you alone. How about they have found a good spot right now and we stop complaining about this now?

  • The only thing I agree on is that I'd also like to see PvP events/commendations.

  • @dumbdrunkpirate said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The first DLC was team work only - people complained.
    First bi-weekly was half team work and half not - people complained
    Second DLC can do with or without team work other than 4 comms - people complained

    I feel like what you are saying is you want it so you have to do ZERO team work/alliances comms because you don't like them. But for those who do, and only have 4 to do, should shove off and not even have that?

    No one, and this is a video game so I do mean no one is forcing you to get it all/do it all. That is on you and you alone. How about they have found a good spot right now and we stop complaining about this now?

    Guess you really didn't read my post. I don't mind them. I just want them to be earned by more then one way. So if you can find an alliance do it that way or do it another way.

    As soon as they make you play a certain way you lose that sandbox. They can make commendations that are attainable multiple ways that would be enjoyable for everyone.

    And I will voice my opinion, even if it isn't right, because that is what Rare wants: feedback.

  • If you see a ship without the right sails on you must take down your alliance flag and kindly ask them to go change their sails quick, OR you kindly sink them. It's just common sense and courtesy to have the right sails per region for the battle you are going to.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @el-dth-taco Well I am sorry to say but Sea of Thieves is first and foremost a social sandbox game. I do like your ideas about alternative ways of doing the same commendations, though.

    I think that is worth looking at.

    Yes.... but its not an alliance social game. Its a sandbox which means I can play how I want. You can play how you want. So tell me how is forcing playing a certain way a sandbox feature? A true sandbox commendations would be attainable more then one way. So you can earn it how you want to.

  • @el-dth-taco I'd just love if for once the commendations wouldn't be glitched.

  • @kingindanorth31 lol

  • @ve111a that would be fine if I see any players lol. I heard the server migration is messed up? So could that be the problem?

  • I agree wholeheartedly. I actually hope that, now that we have an alliance system, they no longer need to shove us into teaming with other crews through commendations and the such. I get that it really helped people go the cooperative route without a system to facilitate it, but I think it would be nice to have a bit more freedom in how I approach these events. I like the idea of alternative methods to accomplish them, but would love even more to simply see goals that don't require another crew. I'm sure people would still ally frequently without being explicitly forced into it, because there is nearly no incentive to not ally up if you're after the rewards. The game has just become far too predictable in player encounters these days. You can expect the first few days to a week, everyone will be friendly and willing to ally up, then once the majority have their commendations things die out and people become far less amicable, if they show up at all. I think it's time to take a step away from forced alliances to let things unfold more organically and dynamically.

  • This is a sandbox game, which means you are not on a linear path but able to play how you want in an open world, but that also means others can play how they want. The commendations do not hinder the gaming experience, they are an added bonus for completing various challenges which again are not required.

    All of the limited time items are obtainable through commendations that can be earned by a single crew, so you aren't faced with the choice of working as a team or missing out. Everything after that is another bonus you can choose to work for or not, that is up to you.

    Granted, they did botch the latest event with the locked in time slots for the battles and they should have been 3 hours or 6 hours to offset them every day. This still didn't make the tasks impossible and I was able to knock them out over 5 days the first week, and the first day this last week.

  • The point of these commendations are to push the new content. They are rewards for people using the new features. There are plenty of commendations you can get solo for anyone who doesn't want to use the alliance feature.

  • Actually the idea behind these updates is to push players together on the map and create host-spots of activity where "anything" can happen.
    And It's a heck of a lot of fun when just one player with an itchy trigger finger can cause an entire alliance to collapse into pure chaos!

  • I agree - it's not just to push people together where anything can happen otherwise there would not be doubloons awarded for 'killing skellie ships' while being in alliance. It should not matter if if we are or are not. I agree with pushing people together - I disagree with offering awards for working together - sea of friends? no sea of thieves. Comon Rare.

  • Tbf the game doesn't make it very easy to do the comendations.
    I got in for the first time yesterday with a couple of friends to do the quest line and then fight the skeletons.
    Managed to get an alliance together but none of the crews knew where to go to fight, had to Google it, then check each outpost flag and of course we sailed to the two inactive areas first. By the time we got to the active Skelton ship the two ships with us had left the alliance.
    Also we got the yellow sails but have know idea how to get the sails for the other areas.
    There needs to be more pointers in game as to how to do these events.

  • @JJblackhat
    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    They advertise the event on the loading screens, and the Bilge Rat in the taverns (Duke) tells you where to go as well. On top of that, after you complete the proper tasks over at the Golden Sands Outpost where you get your first set of sails, they tell you exactly where to go for the remaining two sets. So they do tell you what you need to do, you just may have missed it. Now, I do believe they could do a little more in regards to informing players in game to help get the information out there as most of the players I ran into had not real idea what was going on in the beginning. Perhaps a bulletin board outside each tavern to kick things off, but beyond that you are on your own because the game shouldn't need to hold anyones hand.

  • @archangel-timmy Regardless of the challenge of the commendation it is pointless if there is no one doing it. So going back to making the commendations attainable by joining an alliance or solo still is a valid argument. They can make it both.

    And if you want to talk about challenging, solo the skeleton boats... way harder then with an alliance.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy Regardless of the challenge of the commendation it is pointless if there is no one doing it. So going back to making the commendations attainable by joining an alliance or solo still is a valid argument. They can make it both.

    There are 24 challenges and only 3 of them require you to be in an alliance, so that give you the oppertunity to complete 21 of them on your own. Those 3 that require another crew are an extension of the Protector of the 'X' commendations which can already be achieved solo. Those who are able to put in the extra work for the Alliance Protector of the 'X' deserve to be rewarded, tough luck to those who can't.

    The challenge is to do it in an alliance

    And if you want to talk about challenging, solo the skeleton boats... way harder then with an alliance.

    Sure, It is more of a challenge, but not only because the ships are difficult on their own, but other players make this near impossible which is probably why a solo only commendation isn't in place. If another ship is anywhere near the play area, you are not alone and wouldn't get the commendation.

  • @archangel-timmy Your argument doesn't have anything to do with my statement that they should develop commendations that you can acquire more then one way.

    But going on with what you said, I already completed all the current commendations(there are 4 alliance ones this time around), the only extra work is that of being lucky enough to find someone on the server who wants to do x commendation. And this isn't for just cursed sails, I am talking about in general. Good luck for new players trying to complete the alliance skeleton thrones commendations...

    Also, using your same logic, I guess you wanted the time for the skeleton's not to be rotated? That way people could put in that "extra work" so they can "deserve the reward."

    The point of this thread, which I guess you are not getting, is for Rare to develop commendations that you can earn by yourself or with an alliance. Example: Defeat the wilds battle with the wilds sails in an alliance OR 5 times in no alliance. See both paths are required to put in "extra work" but everyone has the chance to earn it with their own play style.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

  • The way i see it is Rare always wanted a co-op experiance which the alliances system did improve it was always part of the plan it just finnaly got done. However it still needs some tweaks. So i'm cool with the commendation in curse sails as there point was to encourage players to try out the new feature. I don't see the need to add any more of these commendations going forward. I'm not in favor in forced cooperation espicially if it locks out certian content like the Meg from Hungering Deep.
    As for the idea that commandations should be unlocked muiltiple ways I'm agianst that cause i see it as defeating the core purpose of commendation which is to display an accomplishment of a particular challenge. So if some see you have a particular. title it acts as proof of your skills and has a story behind it for you to share. Maybe it wouldn't be as big of a deal if the Alliance commandations wasn't worth so much Bilge rat daubloons?
    Lastly i would definitly like to see some commandation for PvP activities along with titles agian to show off the kind of player you are and what skillz you poscess.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy Your argument doesn't have anything to do with my statement that they should develop commendations that you can acquire more then one way.

    My argument has everything to do with your statement as it is an argument against it. Each commendation has one way to achieve it, and the commendations are split to allow you to do some alone or some with another crew. You do not need all of them, but if you want them, you have to put in the work to earn them.

    But going on with what you said, I already completed all the current commendations(there are 4 alliance ones this time around), the only extra work is that of being lucky enough to find someone on the server who wants to do x commendation. And this isn't for just cursed sails, I am talking about in general. Good luck for new players trying to complete the alliance skeleton thrones commendations...

    You are right, I missed the legendary one in my previous post, so there are indeed 4. However, whether there are 3 or 4 is irrelevant as there are enough for you to do alone to get the time limited items. You don't need them all, but if you want them then you need to put the work in. There are many ways to get multiple ships together on a server, it isn't that difficult unless you just float around not trying.

    Also, using your same logic, I guess you wanted the time for the skeleton's not to be rotated? That way people could put in that "extra work" so they can "deserve the reward."

    No, I suggested they be 3 hours from the start to allow them to be different every day. There are a bunch of ways people could do the "extra work", and adjusting your schedule is one of them. However, people can utlize the Looking For Group, try to buy ships off other crews, split their crew and server hop for alliances, etc...

    The point of this thread, which I guess you are not getting, is for Rare to develop commendations that you can earn by yourself or with an alliance. Example: Defeat the wilds battle with the wilds sails in an alliance OR 5 times in no alliance. See both paths are required to put in "extra work" but everyone has the chance to earn it with their own play style.

    The point of this thread is to try and make things easier for people who don't want to put in the extra effort to complete a challenge, all while taking away that extra piece from the majority of players.

  • @jjblackhat said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

    They are offering the doubloons as a bonus for completing an optional challenge within a specific time frame. Nobody is forcing you to earn the achievement and they are hardly catering to those who wish to work together. 20 out of the 24 total commendations can be earned by a single crew, so 1/6 of the total optional commendations require some sort of alliance. That alliance doesn't even need to be strangers, it could easily be a group of your friends.

    The pirates of your fantasies are your own. Pirates did not just roam around killing everything on site, and that should not be the only focus of this game. You are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

  • @enf0rcer said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    I'm not in favor in forced cooperation espicially if it locks out certian content like the Meg from Hungering Deep.

    I agree here. This forced cooperation as the only way to summon the Hungering One was to have another crew present. There was no way to complete this event without another crew present, unlike the Cursed Sails where you can complete the even alone or have the additional option to do it with an Alliance.

    Lastly i would definitly like to see some commandation for PvP activities along with titles agian to show off the kind of player you and what skillz you poscess.

    Agree here as well. PVP is a big part of this game and should be highlighted to some degree.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @enf0rcer said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    I'm not in favor in forced cooperation espicially if it locks out certian content like the Meg from Hungering Deep.

    I agree here. This forced cooperation as the only way to summon the Hungering One was to have another crew present. There was no way to complete this event without another crew present, unlike the Cursed Sails where you can complete the even alone or have the additional option to do it with an Alliance.

    Lol what happened to "put in that hard work." Ohhhh you didn't like an aspect so that is ok to change. Hypocrite at its finest.

    I am done debating with you, you just proved me right.

    X requires team work to complete. People didnt like that so we changed X so you could do it solo or in an alliance.

    Now you can replace X with the hungering deep, as you stated or you can replace X with commendations like I stated...which you are against....

    So thanks again for proving me right. :)

  • @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @jjblackhat said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

    They are offering the doubloons as a bonus for completing an optional challenge within a specific time frame. Nobody is forcing you to earn the achievement and they are hardly catering to those who wish to work together. 20 out of the 24 total commendations can be earned by a single crew, so 1/6 of the total optional commendations require some sort of alliance. That alliance doesn't even need to be strangers, it could easily be a group of your friends.

    The pirates of your fantasies are your own. Pirates did not just roam around killing everything on site, and that should not be the only focus of this game. You are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Here too, you are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Once again thanks for proving me right, you want people to conform to your play style vs doing what I suggested by making it different ways to earn them to fit EVERYONES play style.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @enf0rcer said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    I'm not in favor in forced cooperation espicially if it locks out certian content like the Meg from Hungering Deep.

    I agree here. This forced cooperation as the only way to summon the Hungering One was to have another crew present. There was no way to complete this event without another crew present, unlike the Cursed Sails where you can complete the even alone or have the additional option to do it with an Alliance.

    Lol what happened to "put in that hard work." Ohhhh you didn't like an aspect so that is ok to change. Hypocrite at its finest.

    Talk about not being able to read, jeez.

    You could NOT complete the Hungering Deep campaing without another crew, flat out couldn't. The Cursed sails campaign you CAN complete without another crew. Make sense now? I can draw a picture for you, even use some crayon.

    I am done debating with you, you just proved me right.

    Giving up because you can't read? Fine by me.

    X requires team work to complete. People didnt like that so we changed X so you could do it solo or in an alliance.

    Now you can replace X with the hungering deep, as you stated or you can replace X with commendations like I stated...which you are against....

    So thanks again for proving me right. :)

    Again, you can't seem to read. Your lack of comprehension does not make you correct.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @jjblackhat said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

    They are offering the doubloons as a bonus for completing an optional challenge within a specific time frame. Nobody is forcing you to earn the achievement and they are hardly catering to those who wish to work together. 20 out of the 24 total commendations can be earned by a single crew, so 1/6 of the total optional commendations require some sort of alliance. That alliance doesn't even need to be strangers, it could easily be a group of your friends.

    The pirates of your fantasies are your own. Pirates did not just roam around killing everything on site, and that should not be the only focus of this game. You are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Here too, you are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Once again thanks for proving me right, you want people to conform to your play style vs doing what I suggested by making it different ways to earn them to fit EVERYONES play style.

    How is giving players options forcing them to conform to my play style? Why should people lose that extra commendation because you don't want to put the effort in?

  • @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @jjblackhat said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

    They are offering the doubloons as a bonus for completing an optional challenge within a specific time frame. Nobody is forcing you to earn the achievement and they are hardly catering to those who wish to work together. 20 out of the 24 total commendations can be earned by a single crew, so 1/6 of the total optional commendations require some sort of alliance. That alliance doesn't even need to be strangers, it could easily be a group of your friends.

    The pirates of your fantasies are your own. Pirates did not just roam around killing everything on site, and that should not be the only focus of this game. You are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Here too, you are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Once again thanks for proving me right, you want people to conform to your play style vs doing what I suggested by making it different ways to earn them to fit EVERYONES play style.

    How is giving players options forcing them to conform to my play style? Why should people lose that extra commendation because you don't want to put the effort in?

    Lol i guess you can't read you aren't losing any...

  • @archangel-timmy Also fun fact for you: the water in the game used to be fresh before you brought all this salt.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @jjblackhat said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    The commendations are earned for completing challenges. Challenges are supposed to be just that, a challenge. If you complete the specific challenges in the alotted time, you recieve a reward and they even have enough soloable commendations so that you can recieve the limited time items. If you want more doubloons, you need to work on more challenges which involve other players.

    I am a Pirate Legend I know exactly how the game works, and if commendations are attached to a percentage cycle for the BR's then it is something that should be done, and second to that.. it offers doubloons for doing so. Forcing us to get that by working with other pirates is the opposite of the pirates in our fantasies, the ones with rich story lines that Rare so often speaks of.. this is really becoming sea of friends - there is a reason that name is going around, and we need the thieves to take the seas back.. and Rare really needs to cater towards that game.. and add more content too.

    They are offering the doubloons as a bonus for completing an optional challenge within a specific time frame. Nobody is forcing you to earn the achievement and they are hardly catering to those who wish to work together. 20 out of the 24 total commendations can be earned by a single crew, so 1/6 of the total optional commendations require some sort of alliance. That alliance doesn't even need to be strangers, it could easily be a group of your friends.

    The pirates of your fantasies are your own. Pirates did not just roam around killing everything on site, and that should not be the only focus of this game. You are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Here too, you are basically demanding everyone conform to your specific game style.

    Once again thanks for proving me right, you want people to conform to your play style vs doing what I suggested by making it different ways to earn them to fit EVERYONES play style.

    How is giving players options forcing them to conform to my play style? Why should people lose that extra commendation because you don't want to put the effort in?

    Lol i guess you can't read you aren't losing any...

    • There is a commendation you can earn for completing this outside of an alliance.
    • There is a commendation you can earn for completing this inside of an alliance.

    You are trying to combine 2 commendations into one. Or are you seriously going to say you should be able to earn both of them as a solo crew?

  • @el-dth-taco said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy Also fun fact for you: the water in the game used to be fresh before you brought all this salt.

    I provided a counter-argument you didn't agree with, and the only reasoning you are providing is to make the game easier for you and others.

  • @archangel-timmy dude you need to calm down I think lol...

    Maybe if these commendations weren’t literally the only tangible goals that are added to an already bare bones game I would agree that commendations aren’t necessary and that some being co op based should exist, and players who don’t want to ally wouldn’t get them, but they should actually reward a cosmetic that shows you worked together, which gives specific cosmetics meaning.

    As is they really should have created a game with more to do in the first place before pushing teamwork for stupid events like taking selfies and bashing rocks, such as actual merchanting and pirating with repercussion and the ability to represent your in game code with more meaning. As is forcing teamwork in a game that people already play like an arena shooter because the pve is repetitive and boring and pointless even if you did want cosmetics, because literally even those are all priced the same and really don’t require you to play a certain way to get specific stuff. There is no kraken tooth hat, there is no pirate gear or passive player gear that can only be earned by being friendly, or helping others, etc.

    At this point if you are defending anything about this game beyond the concept and maybe the art style and ship combat imo you have a serious disconnect from reality.

    Your posts give of a very strong vibe of “holier than thou” because you don’t think people who don’t want to work as a team deserve the commendations, even if you won’t outright say it. To bad because this game needs some sort of archangel watching over it, but actually doing what’s best for it and helping it progress. I don’t see that kind of attitude in your posts on this thread lol. Just spiteful defense of rare emphasizing co op play between enemy crews in a game called sea of thieves before they design incentives or repercussions for piracy in the first place...

    This game is like a poorly designed psych experiment with the goal being “got ya! You thought we were making a pirate game, but really we just wanted to make anyone who wants to play a game about thieving and battling other crews examine their real life morals based on a video game! This is Sea of friends not sea of thieves? Why would you think otherwise? The name? Don’t mind that! Have an ice cream!”

    Top notch work guys! Lol....

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Please Stop Pushing Alliance/Team Work:

    @archangel-timmy dude you need to calm down I think lol...

    I am good :)

    Maybe if these commendations weren’t literally the only tangible goals that are added to an already bare bones game I would agree that commendations aren’t necessary and that some being co op based should exist, and players who don’t want to ally wouldn’t get them, but they should actually reward a cosmetic that shows you worked together, which gives specific cosmetics meaning.

    The primary items from the event would be the ship livery available from Duke. These are obtainable through a single crew, so people aren't forced into an Alliance they don't want.

    I can agree to more items, I think everyone would agree with that. Unfortunately, if any were rewarded solely for teamwork we would have this exact same thread with people calling it unfair that you are forced to work together to get them.

    As is they really should have created a game with more to do in the first place before pushing teamwork for stupid events like taking selfies and bashing rocks, such as actual merchanting and pirating with repercussion and the ability to represent your in game code with more meaning. As is forcing teamwork in a game that people already play like an arena shooter because the pve is repetitive and boring and pointless even if you did want cosmetics, because literally even those are all priced the same and really don’t require you to play a certain way to get specific stuff. There is no kraken tooth hat, there is no pirate gear or passive player gear that can only be earned by being friendly, or helping others, etc.

    There should be more rewards for things like killing the Kraken and for PVP. No argument there, and if they exist people would have the option to do them.

    At this point if you are defending anything about this game beyond the concept and maybe the art style and ship combat imo you have a serious disconnect from reality.

    I am defending the commendations for the Cursed Sails as is evident from all of the posts here.

    Your posts give of a very strong vibe of “holier than thou” because you don’t think people who don’t want to work as a team deserve the commendations, even if you won’t outright say it. To bad because this game needs some sort of archangel watching over it, but actually doing what’s best for it and helping it progress. I don’t see that kind of attitude in your posts on this thread lol. Just spiteful defense of rare emphasizing co op play between enemy crews in a game called sea of thieves before they design incentives or repercussions for piracy in the first place...

    If you don't want to work as a team, why would you get the commendations for it? If you completed the task for the commendation, you fully deserve whatever it brings, I am not trying to deny people that. Co-op play was happening before the first event, so they decided to give some incentive for doing it. Just because you are in an alliance doesn't mean you have to be friendly, you are free to back-stab and thieve as you always have. And just because the title has "Thieves" in the name doesn't mean you can't work together or be rewarded for it.

    This game is like a poorly designed psych experiment with the goal being “got ya! You thought we were making a pirate game, but really we just wanted to make anyone who wants to play a game about thieving and battling other crews examine their real life morals based on a video game! This is Sea of friends not sea of thieves? Why would you think otherwise? The name? Don’t mind that! Have an ice cream!”

    The name doesn't define the core rules of the game. Nobody is stopping you from thieving, just like nobody is forcing you to be in an alliance. Each have their own incentives and you can choose which you want to do and hopefully in the future that will include more and not less.

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