[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Obsidian Eye of Reach and Drum giveaway!

  • Board one with a chest of sorrows while attacking the other. Then collect the chest to sink the next ship!

  • My favorite method of sinking skeleton ships is by getting their own allied skeleton ships to fire upon them. What be a crueler fate than a betrayal in their demise? And for good measure i’ve taken to splashing them with buckets of sick.

  • Combination of a good keg with the survivor fighting off the Skelies while we do some good ol' fashion combined broadside volleys. =)

  • Q: What's your favourite way of taking down the mighty skeleton ships?
    A: My favorite way to take down skeleton ships is good teamwork! Then a gunpowder barrel!

  • @old-salt-gorg I use the good old fashion gunpowder barrel :D

  • I like to circle around a rock until they get caught on them and then just go to town with the cannons. No. 2 is the ole explodey barrel. I would like to try a chest of sorrow... if I ever run into one during the event.

  • as a Crew, we broad side them and when we get close we board and use powder kegs in the bottom and then through water in after it explodes.

  • I enjoy bailing buckets of water from our ship onto the skelly ships. My favorite though is seeing Meg join in and take a bite out of a skelly as we pummel them both with cannon fire.

  • Give them the pirates of carabian move. Ship on each side of ghost ship and unleash full volley on both sides of ship at same time.

  • I like to take up residence in the skeletons brig, wait for my crew to blow a hole in the back of their boat, then guard it till the bitter end.

  • Board it then look them in their bony eye sockets and whisper to them sweetly 'I am the captain now'

  • The best way to sink those skellies is to put a sorrow chest on their ship
    that's it problem solved

  • @old-salt-gorg get three of my friends in and bombard them with cannons and gunpowder! Then we cheers to the loot we plundered!

  • Preferred methods:

    Bucket O’ Water, powdarrr barrels and good ol’ cannon fire!

  • @old-salt-gorg Gunpowder Barrel of course! :D

  • I like boarding with a explosive barrel, blowing them up(and me in the process), bailing water onto their ship, and and killing the captain to scramble the crew! Ahoy!

  • My favourite way of taking down the mighty skeleton ships is bare hook-handed.

  • KA-MA-KA-ZEE!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry recently deleted captures... really should have a pic of me running with the barrel over the bowsprit onto their ship wide eyed and suicidal!

  • Hello, Skellys,look at your crew, now back at mine,now back at your crew, now back at mine. Sadly,they are not us,but if they stopped using cursed cannon balls and switched to gunpowder kegs, they could be like us. Look down,back up,where are you? You're on a brigantine with the capitan your crew could have. What's in your hand,back at me. I have it,it's an accommodation with your name on it. Look again, the accommodation is now a pistol. Anything is possible when you sail with my crew and not a skelly. I'm on a sloop.

    But serious mode. Sloop. No gunpowder. Pure sword and board for one crew while the other sails repairs shoots. Fastest way? No. But the most thrilling. Makes for an epic pirates tale the next day at work.

  • get another crew and see who can survive the longest while bailing water onto the skelly ship. whoever gets the last bucket on the ship without having to respawn gets a skull chest to that person.

  • @old-salt-gorg
    With a big fleet of alliance ships :)

  • @old-salt-gorg sink their captain`s galleon with a bucket of water after booming all their other galleons :)

  • Two words: Chicken blockade.

  • Ramming plus mate jumps over with gunpowder barrel and if the ship is still floating we bailing water us to them.

  • A gunpowder barrel in the lower deck is always a fun one.

  • Gunpowderbarrel under Deck and Defending The holes :)

  • @old-salt-gorg my favourite way is to ram them, blow them up and bucket all our water onto them with the brigatine :D the perfect and for us fastest combination for not using many resources :D

  • Board and powder them to pieces!^^

  • Ramming them!

  • Argh, one of the most amusing ways to sink the creatures, in my eyes, is to ram into their ship (whilst anchoring mine, as I’m a solo pirate) throw water into their lower deck, then proceed to protect the holes until the ship is sunk! It really keeps you on your toes (or peg-leg!) as the odds are stacked against a solo ship!

    Happy sailing!

  • Board them. Take their supplies, and attack them so they can’t repair.

  • Typically in a Brig - send boarder, put a couple cannon shots below waterline and he protects those while we ram and pin the ship so that we can bucket directly over to their deck.

    Need the obsidian EoR and Drum, and even at $100+ on eBay I've been tempted just to have more of the full set. I have the pre-order clothing and equipment set, the Chips Ahoy promo items, and the Midnight Blunderbuss. Missed the Ebon flintlock Mixer stream, and don't get to attend E3 for these two lovely in game models. I'm a collector and hope eventually there's a way to obtain the entire set and this giveaway could help!

  • @old-salt-gorg
    First, give the skeletons a false sense of security by fully stocking your supply barrels then sink within the first two minutes of battle.
    Return to the scene in your new replacement ship with the default amount of supplies.
    Gather up the kazillion gunpowder kegs you brought to the party in your first attempt, which are still floating at that memorable place you sank.

    Throw all caution to the wind by sailing right up to each Skeleton ship, close enough to exchange paint and board it with a gunpowder keg.
    Make a bee-line to the lowest level, the hull, as your helmsman turns away from the ship.
    This is a vital step as the blast will also damage your vessel if you remain too close.
    Detonate the gunpowder and prevent the skeletons from repairing the damage it caused.

    Throw in some low-level cannon shots both above and below the waterline.
    Rinse and repeat.

    Sit back and hope they have a competition asking of our "favourite way of taking down the mighty skeleton ships" where they will offer awesome looking prizes (perhaps something that would match my Black Dog pre-order clothing). lol grovel grovel :o)

  • ~~In the Sunset on Smugglers Bay me and my first Mate let the Music play. The Hungering Deep comes to the fight but the sloop have no light. Shark attack the Cursed Sails meanwhile my Mate check his Mails. We take all on board the Chest our pet makes the Rest.
    Cursed Sails now on the way we need two of this giveways!

  • Roll in with my 3-man Brigantine; challenge the existing alliance there as well as the current skeleton crews. Sink opposite Brigantine, sink opposite sloop. Sink skeleton crews. I captain the ship, our scullery maid is in damage control. Our Mercenary boards and kills all opposite scullery maids while our maid and I riddle opponents with canon balls. Rinse wash repeat; reap rewards!!!

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