Only One Flag Showing on Gallon

  • has any one else noticed only one flag showing on Gallon, insted of all 3 masts

  • 4
  • They said that they have been removed to prepare them for something special. It's generally guessed that it's for the alliance update with Cursed Sails.

  • @B1gR0n1

    Ahoy Matey!

    Patch 1.1.7 has disabled these flags for a short time and they will come back soon with something new!

    Pennant Flags - When raising a ship flag, the accompanying Pennants will no longer be equipped. Pennant flags are returning to the Sea of Thieves very soon, with a new and improved purpose!

    Probably with the alliance system as it was stated in their latest video: Official Sea of Thieves Behind the Scenes: Alliances

    Cheers! :)

    EDIT: @PumpkinKangaroo beat me! :P

  • and i watched the Dev behind the scene and did even click when they talked about the pennant system, thanks All

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