Bah - Righteously served by my own tactical efforts.

  • Yup, I did it. Got righteously beat the heck out of by a single player on our galleon of 3.For several minutes.

    It was Hilarious!

    The day I am posting this I had a big screaming match in my house. One of those between my brother and I where the cops were called because people were skurred. No one got into trouble, in fact, their presence might have helped us as we tried to help clear some issues in the family.

    But I digress.

    Because I was in a cruddy mood after the night calmed and my brother left to go to his place... I decided to hop on the Sea of Thieves to simply "Be silly". I didn't want to voyage. I didn't want to "do mermaids" (as curious as that phrase may be). Basically, I didn't want to accomplish anything! I wanted to be silly.

    So I took inspiration from the pirate police you likely have heard of and we tried to copy their antics. It started off ok our Galleon annoyed another and they giggled until they finally got bored and shot me to death. no biggie I expected that.

    Another Galleon actually had quite a bit more fun and joined us in our antics a bit following us around as we sailed and acted like fools. But the police thing felt contrived... so we switched gears to do something more original:

    "Have you a moment to talk about our lords and saviors the Golden Chickens?"

    We changed clothes to more vanilla white dress(es) and bald heads. We played Gregorian chants over the airwaves and sang hymns to our golden friends. The 2nd Galleon rejoined us after we changed our tune and silliness followed. Stupid stuff really. I mean ..... really. But it was the sort of silliness that I needed.

    So we needed more converts to our cause and we started to chase the 1st galleon around like typical pests. We knew combat wasn't going to be successful. We hardly fired a round at first, we had literally zero intention of sinking anyone.

    But the 1st galleon had no interest in that. They just kept on running away, firing a few shots and scramming. Apparently they really wanted their mermaids, lonely kids.... We continued to pester them. We'd tack our sails and cross their stern and decided since they would not be converted to the golden feathered faith... we'd fire upon them. This went on for far longer than it should have. We had no REAL interest in sinking them, we just wanted to act like fools and maybe get a response.

    But then it happened....

    See, I'm usually no fool. I mean I'm hardly a Hercules, but I can predict enemy efforts pretty well usually. Yet, not this time. I fell for a tactic I use ALL THE TIME. The "enemy" vessel whose night was being obnoxiously interrupted by the faith of the golden bird led me into their stern and I actually followed for a time. As I SHOULD have expected we got boarded by a single player who dropped our anchor. Didn't bother me much even though I admit I felt like a toolbag for letting it happen lol! We tried to express the faith and hymns of the golden feather... but to no avail his cutlass ended us early.

    So we figured it was time to fight....

    I hate to admit defeat. I'm actually usually quite skilled at PvP even if I get a bit banged up my improvisational abilities often lead me to success.

    Nope. Not this time.

    This guy whooped my bald headed, dress wearing, chicken worshiping teeth in. My crew, well I typically don't expect much from them PvP wise. The ping issues my Australian friend faces alone prevent him from being consistent. Sure, he can smash on players too - but his "PC Advantage" hardware doesn't allow him the glory often. My other crew mate? same issues.. ping through the roof in her case even if the hardware isn't that bad.

    But this dude.. straight up.. one on one fight?

    Yea. Every turn he countered me. Face to Face sniper duel? Quicker aim. Sword fighting? He'd either dodge my lunges or read my blocking bait. Sure. I have a moderate excuse.. even my FPS was weird during much of it... and streaming Gregorian chants in your ear kind of kills the mindset.

    So, hats off to the random crew of players that reminded me not to get smart!

    We decided to leave the guys alone. They weren't going to allow themselves silliness in their game this night. Fine, whatever. We went to close on a skull fort after all that in an effort to change gears. We didnt get far...

    Clearly my Captaincy seriously lacked tonight.


    Maybe I'll have better luck during the day tomorrow. So be warned! If you start hearing chanting on the air ways while you sail, the Dedicated loyalists of the Golden Feather may be near! Though... I think I might need to practice some PvP essentials first lol!

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  • @personalc0ffee Yea it's an old habit, spacing my sentences. I mean REALLY old habit from ages ago on BBC's and MUDS. Ill correct that now via edit. I mean heck I even still hit Shift+Enter to advance the typing cursor!

  • @personalc0ffee Hehe yea, that's kinda what it was. If it wasn't entirely improvv or I had put some thought into it the verbal exchanges wouldn have been more entertaining. But Ill post a segment soon. Just waiting on AdmiralRRRSole to cut it out of his recording... I might have to beep out curse words too thanks to forum rules.

    @Deckhands If I hyperlink the video that might have relaxed cursing in it via youtube will it be removed? I've seen others that contain bad words but it'd be a pain in the butt to beep everything out lol

  • @blooddoll22 Ahoy matey!

    Make it a link then it will be fine! Don't allow the video to play directly in the forum.

    Embedded Media
    If you're sharing Sea of Thieves content that may include swearing, please do not embed the video into your post, add it as a link to view externally.

  • @musicmee Thanks buddy! Link to follow of the childish spreading of the word... I won't bother to add the boring chase or absolute insult to my typical ability in combat, I bear too great a degree of shame l**o. On an aside, it might be your fault @PersonalC0ffee because ever since we grouped in game I haven't been able to play for squat in a combative level!

  • @blooddoll22 video sent via email.
    Sorry I wasn't exactly sure of how much you wanted and I haven't edited the swearing of the non-friendly crew.
    Next time we need to plan ahead and follow a script or something. But as a spur of the moment sort of thing, I suppose it did get a giggle out of them.

    Video quality is horrible sorry, but you can't expect much from my system.

  • You lads don't half crack me up with your shenanigans! This sort of silliness is exactly what we should all be doing when we're wanting a break from the grind, bravo sir, bravo!

  • The video was finally slapped together. Here's the link. The audio for the unscripted silliness is unsteady due to the recording source not being my own mic. The opening post has been edited to reflect the video. The overlays are stupid but I was bored :P

    Edit I can't stand it - I am going to attempt to clear up the audio update incoming

    Second Edit: Audio has been worked on but still isn't quality. Likely to add subtitles soon

    Anyhow, Enjoy:

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