More Classical songs?

  • So I have thought of this for a good long while, and I believe a lot of others would like more shanties too. So... instead of having you compose new songs, i listed a few that would make great in this game.

    1. Barber of seville

      Probably a more recognizable song from many shows and movies.

    2. Notturno String Quartet No. 2

      Not as well known except from a sad Disney short and from an American tail

    3. Votre Toast (from the play Carmen)

      This one is not as popular, again, except from a single part of the song used in a more recent horror game.

    4. In the hall of the mountain king

      This one I bet everyone will recognize

    5. O Fortuna

      Last one here for now bc it's an opera, but same is the 3rd entry.

    If you got any other classic pieces you'd like, put them down below. My kitten is clawing my face rn And gotta end this here.

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  • I can agree with all except the first and the last song. The first one is a bit to "sporadic" and has a lot of downtime which might not work great in the game. And the last is a bit much if you ask me.
    Especially "Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King" would be nice to have. A great song to play when your whole crew is busy unloading booty or everybody is walking confused around an island to find some skelly-boyz to fight.

  • I don't really agree with any of these pieces being in SoT, personally, but they are still great selections. The last 1 particularly piqued my interest, because I've heard it numerous times over the years, but have never known the name of it or who wrote it - thanks for giving me the answer. 😄

  • @tehcapse well I tried having the video start at 2:07, since that's the part they'd probably add if they did. And yeah, agreed, O Fortuna might not be the best.

    @Galactic-Geek GalYeah same here. And now ya know. You're welcome xD

  • Funeral March of a Marionette
    Starting at 0:43

  • @kyros-darkbeard that would actually make a VERY good addition to the game,and it's on the shorter side

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