This documentary is spot on.

  • I dont own the video, that's for falcone gaming. He hit the X mark spot on with this documentary.

  • 21
  • This is absolutely friggen hilarious... I literally paused and screen cast this video so everyone in the room could watch hahaha!

  • Yup, that's noobs.

  • Sadly he didn't mention squeakers

  • I have just very nearly wet myself!

  • @cheatingpirate

    This is pure gold.

  • I cann't stop laughing !! This man is a ******* genius !!!

  • @viejvs Laughed so much I... I had better go change




    my eye patch. ;o)

  • This is the kinda people I find for hours and hours when trying to play with randoms.

    Pfft, I'll never use discord.

  • For me it's the realism in it all - having trained a few new pirates, including my 12 year old nephew, this is very much how we all started off . Some highlights for me:

    • Working at cross purposes on the anchor capstan
    • Showing you the map endlessesly
    • Sailing to any random island
    • Crashing

    That last line though!

  • Hmm, no mention of shooting yourself out of a cannon, not for supplies, not for exploring an island, not for the current quest, not at anything in particular, but simply because you can. :/

  • @admiral-rrrsole LOL, but there IS the part about shooting randomly into the sea when a ship is in FRONT of you! XD

  • @sshteeve I suppose, but it's not the same as three random kids discharging three loaded cannons to fire themselves out into the vast blue yonder.

    Not one thought to unload the cannon, saving the cannon ball.
    Not one thought to use the same cannon as the previous rug rat.
    Oh no. Cannon balls are like coconuts, they magically grow on trees. lol :o)


    Thaaank you thaaank you!!!!😂😂😂😂

  • @admiral-rrrsole Well... they sort of seem to in the Sea of Thieves (well.. barrels anyway!) ;P

    I get you though!

  • Absolutely brilliant.
    That last bit.🤣

  • Can't stop laughing :_____)

  • @cheatingpirate Hmm... I'm actually subbed to him and the video popped up in my feed a few days ago but I wasn't interested based on the title. I guess if you guys are all saying it's funny I'll go take a look on my lunch break. :)

  • @CheatingPirate Just want to say thank you and Falcore_Gaming for that laugh HAHAHA sent that to a buddy as well, the part that really got me was the pirate legend showing up and shutting the lights then the noob comes back to put em on hahahahah dead now

  • Again, dont thank me for the video. It would be better to give thanks to Falcore Gaming who made the video

  • @cheatingpirate Yeah I dropped him a like on Youtube :)

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