I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days

  • Being a new player this sure is disheartening. I'm already trying to learn the game in a harsh?ish enviornment, and to have to deal with these kind of people. It's really annoying. There should be an option to disable playing with PC players because let's face it. The amount of people that have the know how to hack an xbox are very few and far in between. Before [Mod edited] come in here saying "IMPOSSIBRU", you need a reality check that there are indeed hackers in this game.

    Last night I seen a skull cloud for the first time so I went sailing to it because I wanted to know what it was. I was cautious and welllll out of cannon range. So far that I was watching the cannonballs hit about halfway between me and the ONLY gallion at the island. No other boats around and all of a sudden I start getting attacked from behind with a sword. How did they get there? Easy... hacking.

    Reading through these forums before I posted this message, I don't even know why I'm bothering. I already know what the outcome will be. Doing a google search of SoT hacks pulls up plenty of websites that offer hacks.

    I want to get into this game, and I know that hackers/botters are in every game but this is pretty ridiculous!

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  • No. No you haven't.

  • @sinisterjoint The guy appearing out of nowhere on your ship can be explained a number of ways, but if you're really interested in getting into this game, the best thing you can do is play on a galleon and look to others for tips and advice.

  • @sinisterjoint How did they get there? One of those cannon shots was a player launching toward you, who swam and boarded while you weren’t looking. Just one of the many ways a player could’ve legitimately killed you. Tip: a firing cannon sounds different when it’s a player being fired.

  • @bran-the-ent said in I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days:

    @sinisterjoint How did they get there? One of those cannon shots was a player launching toward you, who swam and boarded while you weren’t looking. Just one of the many ways a player could’ve legitimately killed you. Tip: a firing cannon sounds different when it’s a player being fired.

    So a player firing out of a cannon goes twice as far as a cannonball?

  • @sinisterjoint Ahoy matey!

    If you suspect anyone of cheating or hacking then please make sure you report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Player Support.

  • @sinisterjoint Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of things; personally while sailing I try to give default ships with sailor-clothed pirates (i.e. noobs) the benefit of the doubt, but people get pretty competitive around skull forts.

    That being said even I doubt the ability to toggle off cross-play would help much, given that the general consensus is PC players are a minority, and hackers are a minority of that minority.

    Best advice is play on a galleon to learn the ropes and if you suspect someone is hacking report them.

  • @sinisterjoint they may have swam the rest of the way. Nametags disappear while underwater. There are certain tips and tricks you only learn as you play. To those who are new players and not aware of them places you at a huge disadvantage and makes them look unbeatable. I suggest you go to youtube. There are many tutorials that show how to gain the edge legally. Happy sailing and don't give up!

  • @sinisterjoint said in I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days:

    Being a new player this sure is disheartening. I'm already trying to learn the game in a harsh?ish enviornment, and to have to deal with these kind of people. It's really annoying. There should be an option to disable playing with PC players because let's face it. The amount of people that have the know how to hack an xbox are very few and far in between. Before all of you white knights come in here saying "IMPOSSIBRU", you need a reality check that there are indeed hackers in this game.

    Last night I seen a skull cloud for the first time so I went sailing to it because I wanted to know what it was. I was cautious and welllll out of cannon range. So far that I was watching the cannonballs hit about halfway between me and the ONLY gallion at the island. No other boats around and all of a sudden I start getting attacked from behind with a sword. How did they get there? Easy... hacking.

    Reading through these forums before I posted this message, I don't even know why I'm bothering. I already know what the outcome will be. Doing a google search of SoT hacks pulls up plenty of websites that offer hacks.

    I want to get into this game, and I know that hackers/botters are in every game but this is pretty ridiculous!

    Sorry you had a bad experience but from someone with a long history with this game what you are describing can be easily explained and has been covered by some people above. People can shoot themselves out of cannons and swim the rest of the way to you, I do it all the time to board/Kill/Search boats. Audio cues are huge in this game and take some time to learn but you will be a better player in no time. Chin up brush it off and get back to pirating. If you suspect a hacker do like @Musicmee said above and use the link provided to file a ticket.

  • to assume that's a hack is a mighty stretch. the other day we gathered supplies at an island while a galleon contested a nearby fort. one of our crew took on the task of swimming the 5 minutes across the channel to shake things up. if he had spotted an approaching boat (or we had) he of course would have boarded it, because that's what he does. it wouldn't have been a hack, it just would have been bad luck for the boarded.

  • Well well, another cross play thread. I feel your pain. With our ships being so incredibly easy to board it makes solo play extremely hard. Even on a galleon, when someone is trying to climb the ladder, shooting them is no guarantee that they won't board you. They normally go straight for the anchor, so if you kill them they can board again with ease before you get the anchor up.
    Realize that you are not on any version of a real ship. With ladders hanging in the water people can grab them at full speed. With no way to release the anchor quickly once they drop it you may as well scuttle your ship. If they are on PC they easily stay behind you and kill you before you can turn around and see them. This game is extremely frustrating as a solo player and even on a galleon I have seen a PC player wipe four man teams several times. It appears as though they glitch around so fast that you can't target them. I am not sure why some PC players do this while others don't seem to. Some players move around way too fast to hit them and all the sudden they kill you from behind.
    Rare has said they are reviewing the situation. As it stands there is a large learning curve for this game. Most console users have a hard time adjusting to playing against people on mouse and keyboard, especially as xbox maxes out at 30fps and some of the PC crowd are running the game much more smoothly.

  • @sinisterjoint Do you know the maximum range of a cannon? Players also continue to have momentum once they hit the water so, yes, they can go farther than a cannonball... and then they can swim the rest of the way (I'm assuming you know players can swim in this game.) So, it is perfectly possible for someone to have boarded you. Don't jump to hacking conclusions (particularly if you're new to the game and don't fully understand how the mechanics work.)

  • @SinisterJoint Please refrain from name calling and using derogatory language toward other members of the community. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • 100% No hack! Like u Said ur new to the game, How can you say whats right or not.

    Plz stop say people hack just because u lost.

  • @sinisterjoint Another possibility is that the attacker may not have come from the galleon that you were watching.
    It's becoming more frequent to see vessels park at near-by islands or even rocks (used as cover to hide their boat) and crew swims to the fort (aka stealth mode).
    Your boat may have simply been another target along the way.

  • @lady-aijou said in I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days:

    @SinisterJoint Please refrain from name calling and using derogatory language toward other members of the community. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please show me where I used derogatory language against a community member? or anyone for that matter....

    Did you seriously edit White Knight out of my original post? LOL That is not derogatory, at all.... smh

    Are these forums or a daycare center?

  • @sinisterjoint no, but the momentum sends them through the water very quickly

  • @sinisterjoint Sounds like something a hacker would say.

  • @sinisterjoint said in I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days:

    How did they get there? Easy... hacking.

    That? That's your take-away? Not that even I have swam a couple of islands distance, yes even with sharks around, just to meddle with people or stow-away on their ships? That they couldn't have been a stow-away for hours before hand, why not, I've done it? That they weren't previously camping the location, again potentially for hours?

    Instead, it's "Obviously hacks"

    Doing a google search of SoT hacks pulls up plenty of websites that offer hacks.

    You'll notice with deeper research that these hack sites aren't always offering working products. Of the potentially many that do, they are offering OVERLAY hacks, such as ESP, and aimbot.

    NOT teleportation, invincibility, speed boosters, or whatever other nonsense have dribbled into player perceptions.

    Then there's the ban hammer, which Rare/MS wields without remorse, even if a bit slowly for legal reasons.

    Another PC hate thread without merit posted in a knee jerk capacity couched in obfuscation of a variety of empty claims.

    If you really think it's been an issue, report it. I'd appreciate cheaters being removed as much as the next guy.

  • As many have said, he probably fired himself out of a cannon and swam the rest of the way. I do this all the time, did it last night to an enemy sloop. Swam a ridiculous distance just to stealth board them. They had treasure and a powder keg aboard. Grabbed the keg and set it off. Killed them when they came to repair and then had a nice little haul.

  • @sinisterjoint You just started playing, and you think you can start tossing around allegations of hacks & cheats before you even understand the game mechanics????

    You'll fit in nicely on these forums.

  • @sinisterjoint said in I've encountered quite a few hackers these last two days:

    Are these forums or a daycare center?

    sweet summer child

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