Legends of the Seas...

  • Since one of the focuses of this game is becoming Pirate Legend, and the other is to have fun creating stories for yourselves I wondered, what Legends do you think would spring up in this world about you? Or your ship, or your crew, or any pirate you've met or done battle with? Would you be the Hero or the Villain? I have a couple of examples from people I play with regularly...

    Unfitbigfoot - The Surgeon - "They say there was a man so skilled with a cannon he could take Pirate's from the deck to Davey Jones like a surgeon removing the boils from a buttock! Legend says he once shot seagull from a hundred yards before it could have his captains chips... feared by skeletons and pirate crews from The Arch to The Cove, there's no finer shot in the three seas"

    @Sshteeve - "I don't think I've ever seen a man break his leg so many times, Legend has it he keeps Plunder Outpost in the peg leg business single handed"

    FakeLamselaar - The Great Dane - "Never was there a Pirate so feared in close quarters as The Dane, undisputed champion of Fight Club, master of sword and gun, his prowess matched only by his honour and courage. Just don't turn your back when gunpowder is around, I hear he likes the sound it makes when you meet your sudden and unexpected end..."

    There are more I should probably do, maybe I'll add them later, I'm sure some of my crew will mockingly do mine later, I can imagine it now...

    Reedski - The Fashionista - "The most narcissistic Pirate on the seas, whenever there was trouble you could always rely on Reedski to be too busy deciding what outfit to best defend the ship in, Legend says he was lucky to have such a fine crew, or this is one Legend that would never be told..."

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  • @o-pixel-pixie-o The Ramraider.
    When she's not dutifully being the only pirate on the crew aligning and raising sails, Pixie can be seen diving off of the bowsprit head first into the enemy crew following ramming maneuvers.

  • @FishSt1ck , @PersonalC0ffee , @Rdizz , @SolidSnakeMig , @KattTruewalker , @Musicmee I'm sure you fine folk could all think of some pirate legends you have sailed with in your time??

  • @reedski
    Do we really need to know that you regularly play with @Reedski ?

  • @fishst1ck XD

    He jumped in before I could insult him!

  • I don't know if I sailed with a lot of pirates that had the "pirate legend" title, I do know I've sailed with some legendary pirates!

    @PersonalC0ffee - Who needs sleep when you have coffee! - Very vocal, extremely passionate about the game, lot of fun to sail with. He's very much like he is on the forums when not responding to suggestions that would ruin the game. Seems to be online at european times even though he lives in the states. Don't mess with his unicorn and you'll have some easy sailing :)

    @Sshteeve - Where's Sshteeve? - Really funny but unlucky pirate that usually ends up being blamed for everything he did or didn't do. Not really the best sailor, not really the best fighter, not very good at finding treasure, falls off the ship a lot, terrible at shooting himself from a cannon... @Reedski remind me why did we take @Sshteeve again? :)

    TheTuff82 - Crazier than sack full of cats - Very vocal, easily distracted and incredibly crazy english pirate lady usually seen rocking an amazing beard. She curses like an old sailor, especially when things don't seem to go her way which resulted in several amazing laughing sessions. Almost more crazy about chickens than @Reedski

    @Clumsy-George - The pirate with a heart of pure gold, that would give it to you in a heartbeat - George might have been the friendliest pirate I've met ingame. His posts on the forums perfectly show how he in the game and probably in real life. His way of talking, interacting with others and even the way he treats the animals on his ship isn't an act, he truly is a honest, funny and extremely friendly guy that just wants everyone to have a fun time.

  • @FishSt1ck - The Lonely King - sat on the Marauder's Arch throne for over an hour on his own, having landed his very first shot from the cannon. Some say that Sshteeve set up the shot with his first attempt, but others say Fish is the true master...

  • @sshteeve There's a word for people that say Sshteeve set up that shot, they call those people dirty liars :)

  • Prognoises The triggerhappy will shoot all in sight, are them nasty pirates flying a flag of peace proclaiming to be peacefull and come bearding gifts? Whelp too bad our boy Prog will shoot on sight because "It's funny"

    Achakiko The imbalanced, she'll roll of the deck.... and come back soaking wet a few minutes later just to do this again, seriously guys who forgot to tie her to the mast? Whep there she goes again Waves

    Knukkle the mad will get rid of those pesky skeleton cannoneers even before the cannonballs reach you he'll have already shot himself towards those skeletons and be slaying them while laughing madly! Thos skullfort skeletons dont stand a chanse.

    Gipsyhunter the brave will clear a skeleton fort solo while you just faff about looking for plunder in shipwrecks. "Where'd that skullfort go?" "Oh I just cleared it, here's the key boss"

    Samowolf the guy angry because his hat still isn't sold in stores. "Seriously shopkeeps when are you going to sell that hat you've been teasing me?"

    Buckluny the diplomat, there's just no better feeling then pulling up right next to another ship, pluner it's complete stock and leave everyone and everything in tact to live another day. Need help with something? I'll check your stock steal some and give you the help you so desperatly need... "Here have a buddy of mine t help you. I'm too busy doing pirate stuff"

    Reality the French tornado cant speak our language verry well but what he lacks in words he makes up for in raw combat prowess. Take out a whole galleon's crew? "Ai av already doone iit"

  • @personalc0ffee said in Legends of the Seas...:

    He who touch my unicorn, doth not live to tell the tale.


  • @hynieth I could just imagine him sailing around on this!

  • @personalc0ffee It sounds like a Skittles commercial! XD

  • @personalc0ffee they don't have to have the title of legend, just if there was a legend surrounding them, what would it be

  • @personalc0ffee Come on C0ffee! Read the OP!

    "I wondered, what Legends do you think would spring up in this world about you? Or your ship, or your crew, or any pirate you've met or done battle with?"

    We need some named pirates who are unique in their own special way and what their legendary nickname would be - very much an extension of the Samwise Gamgee videos advertising the game on YouTube

  • @fishst1ck I'm pretty sure we keep @Sshteeve around because we haven't got pets yet and pirates love having weird little monkey creatures on board...

  • "There once was an Angel quite fair,
    Who did what no other would dare,
    First into a fight,
    She never took flight!
    Except from a cannon which was rare...

    She could manage a galleon solo,
    Repair the whole thing on her own-o,
    Which was lucky I guess,
    Cos most of the rest,
    Had been heard giving their final 'oh no'..."

    The ballad of Angel D3light

  • @personalc0ffee cheers mate, I'm going to try to keep adding legends as I go, I don't think anyone I've done is a "legend" yet, but they're all legendary to me!

  • @reedski said in Legends of the Seas...:

    @fishst1ck I'm pretty sure we keep @Sshteeve around because we haven't got pets yet and pirates love having weird little monkey creatures on board...

    Well I am abnormally hairy!

  • @personalc0ffee I live, as well!

    Aside from Seal Team 6ing other ships, I am the (in)famous Duke of Ancient Spire! I rule the island with an iron fist and an 80% tax rate on all chests. As a Duke, I am a skilled statesman, having negotiated a flotilla of 4 sloops in mere minutes after getting online. All that aside, I just try to sail and force people to love me like Bully and most of the Fortune crew, actually. I try to make sure my crew and the others I encounter have a fun, memorable experience and get a story to tell from the session. I've been told that it's never boring when I'm playing. :)

  • @personalc0ffee said in Legends of the Seas...:

    I mean like all of Fortune Fleet's main squeeze is legendary. Too many adventures with those folks to count and all of them wonderful.

    If you're 18 and up and you're looking for a good guild to go to, Fortune Fleet.

    Though, I may have just a bit of a personal bias, seeing as I'm also a member.

    As @SirioNDB would say: "Fortune isn't a fleet! It's the first pirate union! "

  • @reedski said in Legends of the Seas...:

    @fishst1ck I'm pretty sure we keep @Sshteeve around because we haven't got pets yet and pirates love having weird little monkey creatures on board...

    Ah so just till the pets get put into the game, lucky for him it was pushed back :)

  • @drbullhammer Did you REALLY earn your way to Legend without ever buying a voyage??? That is truly EPIC if so!

    Also... I seem to have a strange affinity for boom booms also... my first trip is usually to a fort to pick up as many powder kegs as I can...

    @Reedski will tell you though that I ruined a perfectly good Merchant voyage once by killing all the Chickens... t'was a sad day on the Sea that day...

  • reading it makes me want to join your crew. realy great!

  • @drbullhammer a dit dans Legends of the Seas... :

    @SirioNDB, The Crimson Dog, Founder of Fortune, Inventor of Skullball. He doesn't know where any of the islands are, but he'll spot your ship before it's within draw distance. You don't know if he's going to sweet talk your ship out from under you or sink you just because he can. "That laugh tho. . ."

    My, you're going to make me blush :3

  • @KattTruewalker - The Herald - "There are those who have the ear of the Gods themselves, it is said one truly walked in this very tavern, passing through observing our forum, passing judgement on those who would dare to break the code! Tis said she tamed the bluebird to send messages of great deeds, and those straight from the mouths of the Creators, to all who would listen. For those deaf to the tweets of this little bird she had the fabled Book of Faces, where any who desired knowledge could seek it within its pages. Legend has it these Heralds have their hands constantly on deck ready for what the Gods will next..."

  • @personalc0ffee https://youtu.be/qPML-n1kRnY?t=3m44s

  • Three Sheets Neate - The Prophet - "There are blasphemers amongst us believing him to be but a mortal man named Joe, but there are those who follow his words and have witnessed his prophecy become reality! Surely he is of the Divine! He warned us of the coming Megalodon, and we listened! There are many amongst us who stare at our crystal balls for a hope of glimpsing his hideous beardless visage once more to hear the wisdom of his words... recently, on the third month of the third age he whispered a mysterious prophecy unto us, he spake thusly... "Fall Snails"... what doth it mean ye ask?... none know but the Gods themselves, those Rare creatures..."

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