What. A. Game.

  • I debated on/off getting the game due to reviews on xbox and man have I learned how you can't just trust reviews blindly!
    I'm writing this now because at the moment "Kiwibeard" is keeping us from playing but no harm done!
    First off, the graphics in this game are just... well fantastic to say the least. As you all are well aware of.
    Secondly, I'm speaking from the perspective of the normal "day-to-day" player that before, would've never considered myself a "gamer". This game alone (in the 1.5 weeks I've been playing) has brought me closer to that community, than games such as Battlefield ever could have!
    I love the fact that I can just sail around and wander into strangers literally from around the world. The ability to identify friend or foe is crucial in the game and that requires open mic communications at a scale I've never experienced before. Simply perching on your cannon just because you're not sure if they're going to shoot first, on its own can be a threat great enough for the other ship to react aggressively. Its a interesting my very realistic factor in the game has you bring the human element into the environment at a higher level.
    I love the game.
    Each content release keeps me interested and glued to the remote.

  • 12
    new member
  • Kiwibeard means the servers are offline, in this case, for the purpose of the weekly Server Maintenance.

    Glad you're enjoying the game, though!

  • @charliewestamn Servers are currently undergoing maintenance.

  • when will they be up again?

  • @themisterff1 In around 50 minutes time matey!

    The maintenance is due to finish at 2PM BST.

  • @musicmee cheers. I'll wait for a bit then before I set sail again

  • oh one more question: are there any patch notes for this? Because I do have an update of like 2,5gb, but I cannot find any patch notes for the changes

    Edit: aaaaaaand now they posted it :D

  • @zippyjarl haha this is a bit edgy but in all reality, I think a small additional crate for something like "lamp fluid" would be cool.
    Separately, I think "swab the deck" should be a reality in the game. I wouldn't say a necessity per se but, it would be cool to have to clean the deck after a treasure hunt and tracking dirt and sand onto the ship.

  • @charliewestamn Welcome to the Sea matey! Hope you enjoy your time plundering and also your time here discussing with us :)

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