Ahoy! My Name Is Pandy!

  • Im new in The Sea of Thieves, and i need new mates that want a new pirate with them!
    If u want to show me how this world work's please add me!

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  • @gamepandy said in Ahoy! My Name Is Pandy!:

    Im new in The Sea of Thieves, and i need new mates that want a new pirate with them!
    If u want to show me how this world work's please add me!

    Welcome. If you're looking for a crew, come check out MST and see if we might be what you're looking for.
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  • @gamepandy Hey welcome to Sea of Thieves! First off, I want to say come in with a very open mind! A lot of people have a very specific opinion of how to play the game, but what is most important is that you tackle the game the way you want to. A team can help you learn the basics of the game, but ultimately you will be the deciding factor of where you go from there.

    The tips that I will give are in no way the be all and end all on how to play and may not be a style you like, but maybe... just maybe... It will be.

    The most important thing, I feel, to do in the game is to take risks. Make unorthodox tactics to solve problems and don't be afraid to put yourself out there and socialize. You are going to come across a lot of in-game obstacles, be it riddles, skeletons, and most importantly, other players. Think outside of the box to figure out how to overcome those problems and always shake things up. There are a multitude of different scenarios that can happen and don't be afraid to be creative.

    A lot of the fun in this game comes from how you interact with other players.

    If you are interested in playing, I would love to show you the ropes, but sadly I won't be available to play until Tuesday night at 8pm EST.

    Whatever the case may be, I hope you enjoy your time playing and don't be discouraged if you come across a few bad eggs. Most folks are super awesome and just a tad bit crazy in the best way possible, so I am sure you will fit right in!

  • @gamepandy Welcome :) I hope you enjoy your time out on the seas!

  • @bogusmeatinc Ty for ur reply! :D and i will enjoy to play with a nice player like you! :D

  • @xcalypt0x Ty!

  • @gamepandy
    Hello and welcome to SoT.
    If ye be interested

    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style

    Tell them Marine sent you ;)

  • @bogusmeatinc nicely said! Playing the game as you want is the best way to have a lot of fun!

    Welcome onboard matey! :)

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