Can GPB explosions go through hulls?

  • If you blow up a GPB in your hull and it is immediately next to another ship, will it damage that ship as well?

  • 12
  • I believe so. Would be no different than it exploding on your deck and the blast going through your deck to the hull. I have heard tale of suicide ships but don't know how true they are/success rates.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Can GPB explosions go through hulls?:

    If you blow up a GPB in your hull and it is immediately next to another ship, will it damage that ship as well?

    Now I want to test it. I usually poke holes in ships before bombing because it will kill repair monkeys through the hull.

    Interesting question.

  • @mrgrim67686 Same. Will have to investigate when I get off work.

  • @blackbeard-lufy depending on proximity to the other ship. If you are right next to it you will net two holes (not the normal 4) in the other boat. If you have a gap between the ships it is hit or miss to net 1 or 2 holes based on my experience and crew tests.

  • Yes, it will. The things have a pretty large radius, too. I'm not sure if it reduces the number of holes (the last couple of times this has happened I think we had 2-3 holes), but it will definitely hurt your ship, too.

  • @john-hatter Not sure about damage through the hull, but look me up on XBL and check the latest addition to my feed for evidence of suicide ships being successful. Stacked my deck with 6 or 7 barrels and took the ship and 3 of their crew down with me 😂 Well, I assume I took the ship down, as if they had a 4th crew member on their ship, there was no way they'd be able to plug the 9 to 21 holes (depending on how many of the explosions were close enough to count) on their own...

  • Well from what everyone has been saying, seems like it works. I'm definitely going to have some fun with some galleons tonight lol. Bonus points if they're legend galleons =).

  • @blackbeard-lufy
    Once my crewmate decides to blow up one and send us all to the depths of the ocean.. ships included

  • @john-hatter

    @john-hatter said in Can GPB explosions go through hulls?:
    I have heard tale of suicide ships but don't know how true they are/success rates.

    At one point during my traveling the seas my piratey friend and I stole a sloop, covered her in gunpowder, then rammed a gally and popped the kegs. I died in the blast but he somehow just got tossed in the water. Sank that sucker so fast since it killed all but one of the galleons crew. We only used 12 kegs.

  • They do. if you are down in the lower deck and you sail over or someone goes and places one right outside of the side you are on it will kill/hurt you.

  • I know they can go through walls and such on islands, so I assume the same is true for boats.

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