Rouge Pirate Legends

  • @pikavenger I think you and I are the only ones that noticed. Pirate literacy ain't what it used to be. ;)

  • @themuckypaw I think classic pirate humor ain't what it used to be :P

  • @sexyjeep sigh I'm so sorry and saddened by your story. Legends are supposed to be an example, the epitome of piracy. Yet not only do I know most are horrible from my own experience (i.e. I've met those who are incredibly snobby, those who sink your ship because it's fun to them and no other reason, etc), but my opinion of them is confirmed by others' stories. This has to stop. It's unnaceptable. Usually games stop players from doing stuff like this. Look at GTA, if you're a "bad sport," you are punished somehow. Sadly this is not the case for Sea of Thieves.

    I know not all legends are bad. In fact, I've also seen good legends and heard of them. However, I doubt the majority are like this.

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