Lost treasures & messages in a bottle MIA

  • It has been well over a week simce I have found a randome treasure or trinket of any kind and same goes for the messages in a bottle. This has veen bugging me seeing how sometimes I hop on SOT just to cruise and find treasure and messages in a bottle if i dont feel like spending hours completing a voyage. I play on xbox has anyone else encountered this or am I just severely cursed?

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  • @elfonashelf52 they had to disable random loot, because of some problems. It'll be back.

  • Ah okay thanks so much

  • @sir-lotus Good to know! I had noticed the same thing ever since a few updates ago. No random loot or messages in a bottle. I'm one of those people that doesn't have hours to grind out voyages so I would just hop on and cruise around. I hope they do come back soon! Thanks!

  • They weren't turned off completely, but the number of them that you'll come across has been significantly decreased.

    Just the other day I came across a message in a bottle inside a shipwreck.

  • @elfonashelf52 I noticed also and was bummed. I do hope they bring the bottles and random items back.

  • @elfonashelf52 you should check the patch notes regularly and follow Rare employees and deckhand mate.

    It's a well known issue. The washed up items are disabled since 1.0.7 patch. 2nd week now.

    But we have the lore books and lose treasures back since 1.0.8.

  • @blam320 said in Lost treasures & messages in a bottle MIA:

    They weren't turned off completely, but the number of them that you'll come across has been significantly decreased.

    Just the other day I came across a message in a bottle inside a shipwreck.

    It says clearly "disabled" in the Patch notes. 🤔

  • @nunoazuldimeter

    They are not disabled, I found a message in a bottle today in a shipwreck. It was a 2 clue riddle for sharkbait cove.

  • @bearcubbin said in Lost treasures & messages in a bottle MIA:


    They are not disabled, I found a message in a bottle today in a shipwreck. It was a 2 clue riddle for sharkbait cove.

    That's Shipwrecks... We're talking about washed up items. Those appearing on the shores.

  • @Bearcubbin

    • Washed up items, including messages in bottles, are still disabled following issues in last weeks patch. We are working on getting these switched back on as soon as possible.

    From Patch Notes 1.0.8

  • @elfonashelf52 said in Lost treasures & messages in a bottle MIA:

    It has been well over a week simce I have found a randome treasure or trinket of any kind and same goes for the messages in a bottle. This has veen bugging me seeing how sometimes I hop on SOT just to cruise and find treasure and messages in a bottle if i dont feel like spending hours completing a voyage. I play on xbox has anyone else encountered this or am I just severely cursed?

    Yeah it has actually been enough to stop me logging in. I did not expect it to effect the game so much, but the world seems empty.

  • That's unfortunate that washed-up items have been outright disabled for now. Hopefully they get re-added a patch or two after THD.

  • @nunoazuldimeter
    Yes I always read the patch notes. Thank you for finally clarifying that you were in fact talking about washed up messages and not shipwreck messages. That would've helped from the beginning.

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