Alt+Tab Copperbeard

  • So supposedly this was fixed in the last patch.. And i've heard some other people get it still. But am i the only one who's had increased problems with this after the "fix"?

    Before the patch i got it every now and then, but could still alt tab unless really i didn't want to risk losing a big haul. But now i get it almost every time i tab out.

    Amazing how a fix can fail so badly that it even makes the problem worse...

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  • @personalc0ffee Yeah i checked that long ago since i've had the problem since launch. Doesn't seem to be any way to fix it for me right now :/

  • @skritsarn I also got this problem since i started playing more than two months ago. I'm still waiting for Rare to solve this(they are aware of this problem). The only workaround "solution" i could get is playing the game in windowed mode and never alt+tab, never minimize the game in the toolbar. That way you can switch to other aplications and dont lose the game connection(by clicking in their icons in the toolbar).

    As i said, this is no solution, only a workaround.

  • I run multiple displays, and have never had much issue with alt-tabbing, alt-entering, or minimizing. I do get slightly annoyed when the game window auto-minimizes, with another window over-top of it, though.

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