What can someone do if more than one of their crewmates decides to sabotage hours of playtime based on unexplained whims?

  • I just had this happen to me. 20k in gold lost. Reporting doesn't work.

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  • @actually-a-frog was it with a random crew? I'd suggest using discord, forum, reddit or lfg to find a better one. There's not much more that can be done with that.

  • @sir-lotus Not a random crew. Found them on the xbox app.

  • @actually-a-frog oh ok. I'm sorry then. The best you can do is record it next time and make a complaint + if you open their profiles, you can block them, so you'll never play with them again.

  • @sir-lotus How would I use a recording to make a complaint?

  • @sir-lotus Wait... incitement to suicide gets people arrested, right?

  • @actually-a-frog It's only a matter of time before the griefers start turning to LFG tools to find their victims now that private crews have been introduced.

    It's helpful to invite new people to a party and have a chat to them before inviting them to the game. Usually, but not always, people who are looking to grief will not be so talkative.

    Sorry to hear what happened to you. Cheers and happy sailing (without the griefing)

  • @actually-a-frog if they did that and you have a proof, just report it to MS or Rare and they'll investigate.

  • @evasive-envy It's likely they weren't originally planning to grief. I didn't do anything to send them over the edge, however.

  • @actually-a-frog Yeah that is a likely scenario too. Unfortunately, all you can do is record and report. Doesn't really get you your loot back but hopefully these people will have enough people reporting them that something will be done.

  • I don't get people that join a game just to screw with the crew. People like them were never on the receiving end of it.

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