A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski

  • So, spotted this twitter account by @Reedski and if you ever wanted to know the best place to down a tankard or two o' grog, he's your man.


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  • @katttruewalker
    @Clumsy-George won't be happy when he finds out he only got 2nd, especially as his true home on Golden Sands got top spot!!
    Never mind George, at least your tavern exists ;) Even if it does serve dishwater for grog & the food will give you the worst trotts you've ever thought possible.

  • @logansdadtoo I believe reviews for Plunder and Golden Sands are incoming!

  • @katttruewalker
    But it looks like Golden Sands wins the reviewers favour as he did say 'should have gone to Golden Sands' ;)

  • @logansdadtoo said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    But it looks like Golden Sands wins the reviewers favour as he did say 'should have gone to Golden Sands' ;)

    Probably ought to get the author on here to comment in that case!

  • @katttruewalker a little parrot told you? Is this a hint that parrots are coming soon..

  • Hahaha! Umm, no, just my sad attempt to link the twitter bird with a piratey bird?

    @mad-ragga-luke said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    @katttruewalker a little parrot told you? Is this a hint that parrots are coming soon..

  • @katttruewalker said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    Hahaha! Umm, no, just my sad attempt to link the twitter bird with a piratey bird?

    @mad-ragga-luke said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    @katttruewalker a little parrot told you? Is this a hint that parrots are coming soon..

    alt text

  • Lol! That's awesome!

  • @katttruewalker

    "Weather's worse here than a Scarborough summer"

    Just had to laugh at this one...

  • @musicmee said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:


    "Weather's worse here than a Scarborough summer"

    Just had to laugh at this one...

    I know right, at least he didn't say Skeggie hahaha!

  • @personalc0ffee I agree, I have a soft spot for Plunder Outpost too :)

  • @logansdadtoo Golden Sands just has a nice outdoor bit, I was only really down on Dagger Tooth cos we'd managed to get our Sloop stuck mid storm so we waited it out in the pub and I just thought it would make me feel better to write a scathing review on Trip Advisor, I couldn't bring myself to be too mean though cos I love all the outposts really, I like the fact that even though they're all essentially the same with the same NPC's each one has character enough to make them completely different, I like the merchant in Dagger Tooth cos she always bangs on about chickens, and the one in Galleons always insist you should be scared of her, each one looks and behaves differently yet you're never lost because they all have enough similarities to make them easy to find

  • @katttruewalker said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    @personalc0ffee I agree, I have a soft spot for Plunder Outpost too :)

    You'll be pleased to know that Plunder got a good review

  • @katttruewalker said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:

    @musicmee said in A little parrot told me - travels in Sea of Thieves with a tankard - Pub Guide by @Reedski:


    "Weather's worse here than a Scarborough summer"

    Just had to laugh at this one...

    I know right, at least he didn't say Skeggie hahaha!

    I picked Scarborough for two reasons, firstly because it's where I was born, and secondly because I thought it sounded quite piratey for people who had never heard of it (Americans and such)

  • It's nice to see something I did just waiting for a storm to pass getting so much attention, thanks for all the feedback, I'm trying to think of more things things I can bring to twitter, I own all the clothes apart from the last few level locked hats so when I get them I was thinking of doing a bit on the fashions of thieves, doing a not particularly interesting bit about places to sleep atm, might hit up some tourist destinations and rate them for you, I can't promise it'll all be gold but I'm open to suggestions so feel free to contact me on twitter or via my Xbox gamer tag (spoiler alert, it's Reedski)

  • @reedski

    This is where I think it's a shame we don't have a 'strut' emote...

    Work it....

  • @reedski Scarborough is such a lovely seaside town I love it! And yes has some very close piratey links!

  • @KattTruewalker
    Excellent! Good spot there...
    I'm looking forward to where your travels take you next & how the SoT 'Lonely Planet' travelogue continues... ;D

  • I hope the Mayor of Sanctuary Outpost though, one @Morganfr33man42 has given his seal of approval to the review of his little island??

  • Arr, Mayor M. Fr33man of Sanctuary Outpost here. I was greatly pleased when I read that there review of our Outpost. As for the bench issue, I’m afraid we scrapped all of them to help build our wall. Many thanks @Reedski

  • @personalc0ffee Mayor M. Fr33man of Sanctuary Outpost here, I’m glad that Ye like our quiet little Outpost!

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