Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd

  • This is seriously stupid. The community complained about the items because they weren't unique enough. The solution isn't to remove the items, it's to make more unique items in the future.

    Don't remove these. Just lower their price.

  • @xcalypt0x Thanks matey :) I do aim to please!

  • @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

    I can't stop laughing at this XD

    You could preview the pirate before making your choice, hell, you could even "favorite" some so you could check out others, and still go back to a previous one you liked better, but no, you decide to just go with a random pirate, that you don't like the looks of?

    Sounds like someone didn't think things through before choosing a pirate, that is entirely your own fault, and i don't see why they should re-imburse your patch.

  • @succubuzz Actually, some pirates are pretty hard to check out in the begin screen. You can't zoom, some look half away from the cam...

    And you know, some people want to play a game instead of being in the pirate generator for 3 hours.

    Hey, maybe RARE just shouldn't have put a penalty in changing characters?

  • @yacantdutchthis dosn't change the fact the eyepatch was available to get for what, 2 weeks? plenty of time to make a Pirate, see what it looks like in-game, and make a new one if you don't like what it looks like.

    If you had enough time to buy the patch in-game, you also had enough time to see what your pirate looked like.

    Delete the pirate, you lose the progress and items, that seems fair to me, and i still believe it should not be re-imbursed.

  • @succubuzz Meh, I think it's ridiculous to do this when there is a random pirate maker. Some people decide to just settle with something but after playing a while they get sick of it. (Reminds me of when I in another game once forgot to change the eye-colour of my character. And at first I was fine with it, but eventually decided to get rid of it to make it again.)
    When you can make your character yourself, then you should have just made it better. But here, you don't know if you get something you love or not. And that just sucks.

    Can't even remember what this topic is about though, oh cosmetics! I'm derailing again, nice.
    I'll just casually walk away and act like nothing happened. :p

  • @yacantdutchthis "But here, you don't know if you get something you love or not." that's where the "favorite" option comes into play though.

    and yeah, it is about cosmetics, or rather, the removal of some, which i don't understand, just leave the cosmetics there and make better ones in the future, like a million others have said..

  • @succubuzz Yeah I don't really care they remove them... However, it's just MORE reason for me to buy them. XD I'm saving up to get them before they get out of the store, so I have these very stupid looking exclusive items! :p

    (Edit: Also, even if you can favorite, it's random. You can be in the generator 10 hours and only have characters that you dislike shown to you. I mean, that's unlikely, but not impossible.)

  • @succubuzz said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

    I can't stop laughing at this XD

    You could preview the pirate before making your choice, hell, you could even "favorite" some so you could check out others, and still go back to a previous one you liked better, but no, you decide to just go with a random pirate, that you don't like the looks of?

    Sounds like someone didn't think things through before choosing a pirate, that is entirely your own fault, and i don't see why they should re-imburse your patch.

    if my post is something you cant stop laughing at then you have a terrible sense of humor. Glad I don't know you personally

  • @noruas dude if you deleted your pirate its your fault not rares, why didnt you make him right in the first place.

  • @twiztedkarrtoon Can't make a character to begin with.

  • @twiztedkarrtoon said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas dude if you deleted your pirate its your fault not rares, why didnt you make him right in the first place.

    thanks for pointing that out genius. SMH...

    I never stated it was anyones fault other than my own.

  • Oh My WORD, @opticalmatrix!!

    I gotta see which ones I need to salvage! Thanks for the reminder!

  • @redeyesith said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    I fall in the camp of this being a poor decision. The better solution, as was pointed out above in this thread, would be to place recolors behind the base item so you pick the item, then the coloring of it. No need to remove them. These variations in coloring still provide us more unique pirates, they just shouldn't be their own items since they are just directly color changes. You could even have a function to charge to recolor an existing item for a cost that is less than flat out purchasing the item the first time - new gold sink for people.

    Hope they change their position on this and go the better route.

    Love the conciseness of this. Great merging of the points I agree with in previous posts. Great solution! Greater Contributions!!

  • Really Rare, that's your solution?

    Do you have any idea of how long it's going to take changing jokes about the Irish to jokes about Rare?

    Talk about a knee jerk reaction.

  • @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @sir-lotus said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    after it was added, people were complaining that they don't like it and it's pointless to have these almost identical things.

    Rare decides to remove them based on this. And now everyone's like:

    People were complaining due to the combination of no cosmetics and reskins being pushed as their own type of cosmetic.

    Why the solution is removing them is beyond my understanding - a simple 'hey, we won't push reskins anymore for the time being' would've worked.

    Fortnite did the same thing when they launched cosmetics. Lazy recolors/pallet swaps that got them ridiculed mercilessly. They left those in though, learned, and moved on. Honestly, they should be left in as a reminder of what not to do.

    This just feels like they're trying to sweep a blatantly bad design decision under the rug and hope we all forget it ever happened.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @sir-lotus said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    after it was added, people were complaining that they don't like it and it's pointless to have these almost identical things.

    Rare decides to remove them based on this. And now everyone's like:

    People were complaining due to the combination of no cosmetics and reskins being pushed as their own type of cosmetic.

    Why the solution is removing them is beyond my understanding - a simple 'hey, we won't push reskins anymore for the time being' would've worked.

    Fortnite did the same thing when they launched cosmetics. Lazy recolors/pallet swaps that got them ridiculed mercilessly. They left those in though, learned, and moved on. Honestly, they should be left in as a reminder of what not to do.

    This just feels like they're trying to sweep a blatantly bad design decision under the rug and hope we all forget it ever happened.

    I just want my pirate thematic samurai cosmetics. I really hope they get super creative - not John Wick creative but pirate creative.

    Yeah, their moves seem to have some nefarious motivations. They don't seem to want to dive deep into cosmetics or give us any vision into their intent. I would guess they don't because they don't have a clue atm.

    Currently feels like a biweekly dangling of candy because cosmetics are so limited, which in turn is a very bad path to take given how limited content is for many. The two offerings, cosmetics and content, are not the same despite RARE treating them as such.

  • @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    I just want my pirate thematic samurai cosmetics.

    I didn't know I wanted that until just now. Damn you.

  • @noruas you expect rare to fix u up after reading everything will be lost if you delete!

  • @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

    my question to you is why did you even purchase the game if you LOATHE Rare? Makes you a hypocrite more than anything.

    No matter what you say or do from now on you will be labelled a hypocrite. If you Loathe the game developers yet you still purchase the game? Hmm....

  • @phillyreid said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    No matter what you say or do from now on you will be labelled a hypocrite...

    Not if he came to that conclusion AFTER purchasing the game. In fact I would have labelled him a hypocrite if he had never brought the game, and then stated he loathed the developer.

  • About cosmetics removal, when you say for example "Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass" it will be only this item which got this name or all Sea Dog Cutlass weapon like the "Royal Sea Dog Cutlass" ?

  • @phillyreid said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

    my question to you is why did you even purchase the game if you LOATHE Rare? Makes you a hypocrite more than anything.

    No matter what you say or do from now on you will be labelled a hypocrite. If you Loathe the game developers yet you still purchase the game? Hmm....

    didn't start loathing them as a company until march 20th, 2018. so you're wrong. have a nice day.

  • @sir-lotus that is sadly more true then you'd imagine

  • @frage-legend Check the start of the thread for the eight exact items that will be leaving the stores. It’s not the whole lines, just four swords and four figureheads.

  • @mrgrim67686 Exactly.
    And I truely hope that somewhere some of the devs are looking at this post and agreeing with it.

    I don’t like lazy colour swaps. But it doesn’t take much to actually make the minor changes worth it for buying a different figurehead if you decide you really like.

    Example: Rogue Sea Dog Figurehead is recoloured skulls with a sword in the mouth.
    How about recoloured skulls with a different sword? Or even a different weapon?? There is an axe model in the outpost already!

  • I bought the Grand Admiral Figurehead because it perfectly matches the Grand Admiral Hull.

    I feel bad for the people who won't have the option to buy the same matching Figurehead for their Hull after the 22nd.

    Or do I consider myself lucky for having a new "rare" figurehead.. ??

    I'd rather just have the option to change the color myself and everyone else should as well.

  • How much all the deleted items cost in total ?

  • @dotcomrobots Well, currently the four swords are 60k, 20 for each bilge rat ones and 10 for the Sea Dog and Grand Admiral.

    Figures heads are 70, 70, 140 and 140.

    BUT. The castaway bilge rat is being reduced in line with the other items in the game...
    (Possibly the Scury BR also? Need a confirm on this as I can’t tememeber...)

    It also depends if the items are removed before the price adjustments happen. Either way you will get your money you’ve spent back though.

    So worst case scenario it’s 480,000.

    After price adjustment it will be somewhere between 320,000 and 400,000 depending on if BOTH Bilge Rats are reduced.

  • @d1no Exactly dude - I’m usually using Sea Dog / Sovreign stuff but I REALLY like the new Admiral ship.

    (Although I’m yet to see the sovereign one so maybe i’ll end up liking that one more who knows...)

    As soon as I heard about the items I checked the grand admiral figurehead to see if I really wanted it to go with the ship.

    The part that actually connects to the hull matches perfectly - and while a pallete swap might seem like an a**l thing to be upset about, ‘horizontal progression’ is what SoT is all about - so naturally wanting matching items and sets is going to be a thing. :)

  • @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @phillyreid said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

    my question to you is why did you even purchase the game if you LOATHE Rare? Makes you a hypocrite more than anything.

    No matter what you say or do from now on you will be labelled a hypocrite. If you Loathe the game developers yet you still purchase the game? Hmm....

    didn't start loathing them as a company until march 20th, 2018. so you're wrong. have a nice day.

    So why are you still floating around here like a pollution spiting negativity? If you loathe them so much then uninstall the game and take nothing to do with the community.

    Your critisism of rare is of no means constructive. You have to give them as chance as Sea of Thieves a completely new area for them and one thing they are doing is listening whole heartedly to the playerbase.

    Great development if you ask me. Granted the game lacks content but they are making sure they have a fully working "platform" before they blast loads of mechanics and content into it.

  • I love this game, I do NOT have a lot of time to play this game, so not really swimming in gold currently.

    Would be nice if Rare had all these items reduced in cost, maybe $1000 each item, since these are going away. Just for the uniqueness of owning them. Maybe on the last day?

  • @braxkedren well maybe not 1000 cause then everyone could have them ;)
    maybe just cut the price in half or at not remove cosmetics even if they look the same...I mean yes they are recolor but also are the mercenary and the black dog set...the outfits are almost the same only red/green and black/green :P but these are fine since you paid for them in rl ;)
    Edit: look at the hat and the coat and the belt they are literally the same just to give an example...the others are like that too but these are the ones that really stood out for me ;)

    We probably will not get a color system soon so why remove them if other sets get away with it? O_O

  • Can someone post one screenshot of each items ? My game is in french and the traduction is to hard to understand, so many word I don't know and don't find on the internet...

  • @ellundel-psn Quick update - it’s £400,000 now, as the castaway bilgerat has been reduced. :)

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