Hello thar, mateys!

  • Ahoy,

    MythicMew here. I am naught but a fellow thief out on the waters, looking to make my plunder. Nice to meet ye like-minded fellows.

    How's it going, guys? xD

  • 6
  • @mythicmew94

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further. We be over 100 strong.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style.

  • @mythicmew94 said in Hello thar, mateys!:


    MythicMew here. I am naught but a fellow thief out on the waters, looking to make my plunder. Nice to meet ye like-minded fellows.

    How's it going, guys? xD

    Going very well matey. How are you?

  • @aodmarine59

    I'm doing well, too. Thanks!

    That sounds fantastic! I usually play the game with my friends, but I am not against meeting new people! I'd like to join your crew, if you'll have me. I'm level 31 in all of my factions. I've been playing the game since the open beta. :)

  • @mythicmew94

    Please follow that link in the previous post and we will get you on board.

  • Ahoy there fellow pirate!!! Please Add me on Xbox live SIONYDOORS1212 I’m from Wales and sail solo most the time but progression has slowed now im levels 21 16 15 so need to crew up and sail forward

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