LavenderBeard Error

  • I have no idea what this error is but it started as Kiwibeard error but when i restarted the game multiple times it became the LavenderBeard error. Any help on how to fix this?

  • 37
  • Same!
    Probably server issues or servers are full :(

  • @lallydude

  • @iii-judder-iii Ah, thanks mate!

  • @logansdadtoo yeah that’s what I was thinking, have to just try again in a bit. I am having the same problem.

  • this is (Mod Edit) Rare you have had several months and several betas to account for these problems and server issues. several months to realize all your pre orders and this is what the thousands of customers have to deal with after already paying for a Triple A Game. Its sad a small company like Epic can do what all these massive companies cant. But they will soon realize it when there so called 10 year title dies in 6 months due to Rare incompetence. But should we really expect anything less from them from there recent history?

  • Weird as it says LavenderBeard error code is "This is an issue with Anti Virus or your Firewall settings so you might have to adjust accordingly."

  • Dude, when it goes to are so good to go

  • Ok so do we have an idea of when we can play?

  • W*F does adjust accordingly even mean?!?!?!?! how about they actually tell us how to fix the problem so we can continue playing the product we payed for months ago.

  • It means freak out and lose your mind... apparently.

  • @g0d0fmichief dude calm down, this game was just released and fortnite (epics game) has been out for about 1-2 years and it's servers were garbage at the start too.

  • Ya I was playing for a few hours this morning and last night but now getting nothing but lavenderbeard. Lol I guess I shouldn't have closed the app for that half hour I walked away from it.

  • @balbasuar fortnite has been out for 2 years LOL hahahaha your hilarious. know what your talking about kid. thousands of players have payed for this games months ago and not only is a majority not able to play the game they payed for but like me hours of there time in the game is being completely wasted cause they have a broken game that is supposed to be a triple A game that fixed its problems it had in the Beta's Hince the plural in that sentence. but not only did they not fix the problems there is more bugs than they had in the beta. that from a company as big as Rare and with the budget they had is unacceptable.

  • Same this sucks haha

  • @g0d0fmichief You don't know the budget, kid. No one besides the people at rare and microsoft only know the budget. The beta had way more bugs accepting you only played the final beta (open beta) you dont even know what was wrong with the game. Im a pioneer its what i did, i helped find bugs and report them. So kid i think i know way more about this game than you.

  • So they're manipulating the servers to keep new players from joining until they fix the issue.

  • Very disappointing on day one to have such a problem. I played the betas and would expect this but a finished product not so much.

  • Anyone watching this thread I just got back in

  • @balbasuar probably did that for free too right? Unless your job is game testing....

  • @balbasuar well when you say fortnite has been out for 2 years lol when yea it hasnt lol no where close to 2 years, when u say stupid stuff like that then no it doesn't sound like you know what you talking about kid. and as far as the betas i played everyone open for xbox so as far as bugs go yea i do know what im talking about when it comes to that. your entire argument is based on you disagreeing me my opinion as so many others. if you enjoy playing a broken game have at it but when others are pointing out that they dont like have hours of there time wasted TRYING to play something we paid for months ahead of time and you dont agree with it just do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut and save yourself from sounding stupid. so how about this next time i want lip from you ill unzip my pants until then keep your mouth shut lil girl

  • Don’t blame Rare I’m sure they didn’t expect this many people and even with mass preparation the servers will still flood and new things in the game will have bugs. They are just doing their job.

  • @balbasuar oh and when a company like microsoft funds another gaming company like rare to make them an Xbox exclusive (and by that i mean console wise, yes i know its on PC) sry had to clear that before you thought you were smart. But microsoft gave rare a massive budget. remember they have claimed this is going to be a 10 YEAR TITLE (there words not mine) so your going to tell me microsoft gave rare a minimal budget to make this massive title FOR XBOX. again your making yourself sound stupid. Am i saying this game should be perfect? No stupid, but it should at least be PLAYABLE. or am i wrong?

  • @g0d0fmichief your the lil' girl. I've been around longer and you haven't. that means i've learned stuff you haven't because your to busy complaining about games instead of playing them. Grow up and accept the truth, you don't know everything and stop talking out of your a** kid and it is playable. Give the game and company a break the game just released and they've had more players than they ever have.

  • @shrek91874 nope did for free and fun. I enjoyed helping a great company making a great game.

  • Kiwibeard.
    Preordered digital copy for $60 on Xbox One S.
    Can't connect and play.
    All my friends using game pass are playing right now.
    I can't join them. I have gamepass too.
    Please allow players that purchased the game to play it.
    Temporarily suspend the game pass players only.

  • @balbasuar well that explains a lot on how there game is so buggy they had incompetent pathetic ppl like you testing there game lol i didnt know that its my fault that the game keeps crashing and that's the reason i cant play it lol F**k me i guess right. your arguments are borderline r******d. "ive been here longer and you haven't" lol good point you made there wing nut. even though i clearly stated i played 4 diff betas if im not mistaken maybe even 5. so yea i know nothing about the problems the game had earlier smh kid your pathetic your argument is pathetic and so is that fleshy patch of skin between your legs that you call a N*****k. and no when Hours of mine and hundereds of others time is completely wasted in a video game i wouldnt call that a Great game it has potential yes but if they leave finding bugs and testing things out to simpletons like you there 10 year title will never make it to 1 year.

  • @G0D0FMICHIEF Wait, if you played for hundreds of hours and you didn't like the game then why did you play it and possibly buy the game? If you thought the full release was gonna have way more content, Rare didn't promise much besides a great game and a solid release date. They add stuff when they think its ready. Also there are 5000-6000 pioneers you just offended and your saying the 300,000-500,000 Alpha testers were also useless. Please just calm down and accept the game and that you don't like it. Telling others that you don't like it isn't going to help.

  • @Balbasuar If that number is correct, wow! That many people plus other testers before it even went to Alpha. That astonishes me that they are having so many problems. Day one was frustrating but I let it slide. But now gold and reputation are being received and put in a "queue" until a patch can be implemented, wait for it, next week! Same goes for achievements now. So their first full weekend and the game won't even work right. What's the point really if you can't earn gold or rep. Yes it will come through next week with everything you have earned, hopefully. If not, expect a lot more upset people.

  • @shrek91874 But think about of the game would be without the testers like me myself. It would be bad

  • @balbasuar O yea for sure. I wasn't trying to knock all the testers and helpers, just a bit disappointed in Rare. But I will say this, I got on yesterday and it credited me all my gold I did not receive. Rare did an excellent job addressing that immediately and not waiting until next weeks patch to fix it. Kudos to them for that. For my crew an I, it seems to be smooth sailing right now, well, when we're not sailing into a Hurricane!!

  • Buggy, problematic game...

    • Problem with download (win 10)
    • Problem with launching (Lavenderbeard etc)
    • Any game on steam/origin cost much less and don't have those problems
    • spent 2 days on the phone (MS support - no results - Lavenderbeard etc )


    regret buying this game a big time.
    Save your money - move on. Sea_of_thieves not worth your nerves and so much money.

    Blockers and P0. Whooo! Game launched!

  • @player862980827 Maybe necroing this thread isn't the right way to share your disappointment.
    For ongoing problems look into the supportsite or open a new topic in the forums.

    @Deckhands lock it?

  • Please help same problem

  • @logansdadtoo no

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