On- Going FAQ Thread

  • I see a lot of people on here asking questions that have been answered time and time again. I'm making this post for newcomers to the game so that they can get caught up with the basic questions that may come to mind. Basically just an FAQ. I think this FAQ should be answered by the community though. So if you are tired of seeing a question pop up over and over again, post the question & the answer below, and i'll add it here:

    1. Why isn't there more content?
      -The Alpha and Beta sessions only comprised of a fraction of the planned content. There will be more at full release. Rare will also regularly hold timed and themed community events.
    2. Why aren't there any upgrades/progression?
      -The developers have stated that they want all players to be on an even/equal playing ground. For this reason, upgrades will most likely be purely cosmetic. Progression Thread
    3. Will there be any Safe-Zones?
      -There has been confirmation that Safe-Zones will not appear in game. You can post your thoughts on the subject here: Safe-Zone Mega Thread
    4. Will we have any mini-games to play?
      -There has been no official confirmation regarding mini-games, but there has been teases in-game and some good evidence uncovered by the community that points to a card game called Karnath Cards. Card game Thread & In-Game Screenshot
    5. Why doesn't the Reply/New Topic button work?
      -If you are affected by this known issue on the forum, there is a fix that may work here.
    6. Why do I keep getting updates for the Closed Beta?
      -Those updates are most likely meant for the members that are in the Pioneer Programme. They have exclusive access to versions of the game for testing purposes. Unless you hear official word from Rare about a test session that you are invited to, then it is recommended that you turn automatic updating off to preserve bandwith. If you would like to learn more about the Pioneer Programme click here
    7. Will there be an Open Beta?
      -There may be an open beta nearing the full release. No exact date has been announced.
    8. Will there be different game modes?
      -This is an on-going debate on the forum. There has been no official confirmation of any game modes, but if you want to see what the community thinks about it, head on over to this thread or this one.
    9. Will there be land animals in game?
      -Yes, chickens, parrots, pigs, and snakes are a few that have been confirmed to be in the full release.
    10. Will there be Clan/Guild/Fleet support?
      -There will be no support for this feature at launch, but it is being looked into as a potential feature down the line. This was mentioned during this Q&A session.
    11. Will there be micro-transactions/how will they work?
      -Yes, micro-transactions will be in the game in the form of direct purchases of cosmetic/interactive items that will not impact player skill or advantage in any way (NOT pay-to-win). Funds from these transactions will go toward future content/updates.
    12. Will there be schools of fish/other underwater life?
      -Yes, it was confirmed in the podcast with the art/design team that schools of fish as well as coral reefs will be added. Link to video at 34:10 here.

    Also, if you want to catch up on any podcasts, insider updates, and other videos that Rare has released, check out this Video Library

    ~ Feel free to correct any statements I make ~

  • 16
    questionnew member
  • @ant-heuser-kush I'll try to add links to any major threads that would be related to each question. (like in question 3) so people can go and speculate there instead of stating it here.
    EDIT: just realized you have made an 'unofficial' one that would work quite well for #2. Nice!

  • i'd like to call any @Deckhands that may have any suggestions/comments for this post. 🏴‍☠️

  • @mistavanvleck #3 was confirmed in the livestream back in December that there will not be any safe zones in the game.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi fixed. thank you!

  • You should also add to number 1. that this will be a game as a service platform as content will regularly added along with timed live and themed events.
    For number 10. Q. Will there be Clan/Guild/Fleet support. A. There will be no Support for this feature current at Launch but is bieng look at being added down the line. Delevopers words it is something were looking into and will make it a higher priority if player ask for it. im paraphising. if someone could find the link to that interview you can put it here to.

  • @enf0rcer thanks! added

  • @mistavanvleck
    11: Will there be microtransation/how will they work.
    A: Yes microtranaction will be in the game in the form of direct purchases of cosmetic/interactiable items that will not impact game. Funds from these transation will toward future content therefore the will be no paid DLC or seasonpasses all future update will be free.

  • @enf0rcer said in On- Going FAQ Thread:

    You should also add to number 1. that this will be a game as a service platform as content will regularly added along with timed live and themed events.
    For number 10. Q. Will there be Clan/Guild/Fleet support. A. There will be no Support for this feature current at Launch but is bieng look at being added down the line. Delevopers words it is something were looking into and will make it a higher priority if player ask for it. im paraphising. if someone could find the link to that interview you can put it here to.

    2017 New York video, towards the Q&A at the end.

    Edit link

  • @shadowstrider-7
    thanks for finding that link.

  • @shadowstrider-7 Nice! ill link that in the question

  • @mistavanvleck said in On- Going FAQ Thread:

    @shadowstrider-7 Nice! ill link that in the question

    It's really sad when I've watched these so many times, I remember where things were mentioned.... Shhhh 😀

  • @mistavanvleck
    nice touch with the not pay-to-win. i was also think of adding no lootboxes Thankyou Rare.

  • Bump question #6 for those of you who are wondering about the closed beta update.

  • @mistavanvleck A moderator has already confirmed that the current update is for pioneers, but the next one might not be.
    The updates do not have to be just for pioneers, Rare also tests some versions without opening them to the pioneers.

    Therefore, it is recommended to disable automatic updates to save bandwidth.

  • @el-espectro-0 Updated.

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