The Goonies 25+ Casual Guild

  • The Goonies Pirate Code & Information

    The Goonies is a 25+ age crew of pirates. Too long have I searched for people to play this game with and I think it may be a problem for other people too so I made this guild for likeminded people to come together and rule the seas.

    The Goonies is a semi casual guild where the pirates on deck strive to be the best well rounded pirates they can whilst aiming to have as much fun within all aspects of content this game can provide. Playing solo and with random crew mates doesn’t have the same impact what having familiar boots on deck experiences can bring and the aim is to bring them people together.

    Guild Ship - The Inferno

    1. Bound by the pirate code.
    2. Be respectful of other people, keep it fun.
    3. We’re all adults playing online pirates so don’t take it too seriously. No drama
    4. The Goonies strives to have well rounded pirates on its crews, Strive to be the best pirate you can.
    5. Parley applies.
  • 67
  • I play on PS5, new to the game, can I join? Tag is Ape_Tacos

  • Absolutely, contacted you with information

  • @gantax7856

    Hello Goonies,

    I have a crew of three pirate legends who would like to join your guild. We have experience with a few aspects of the game and like pve as well as pvp. We have been playing this game regularly for the past month and need a few people to play with. I am 40 years old and play this with my nine year old son and my other sweaty crew mate. We primarily run a brig.


  • @seadog3786 good evening seadog, ofcourse I shall send you a message now with discord and some info. Thank you!

  • I’d love to join this guild. I play on xbox. Gamertag is The High Npc. Im also on discord: The Jellyfish Jam#7902

  • @the-high-npc sent you a message with the discord link

  • Hey,
    I am interested in joining your guild. Been farming solo for the most time, but it would be nice with some crewmates. I play on PS 5, ign is PuriZnor. Hope to hear from you!
    Best regaaaaards,

  • What’s up! I am a PC player and I have been doing solo and open crews for a week now and I’m looking for some people to play with consistently. My gamertag is RobNeverWins397

  • I’m interested !!

  • @age-of-flash messaging you!

  • Hey Gantax,

    I'd love to join your guild if you still have space.
    my xbox name is: Whixxion
    my discord is: diefbruder

  • @whixxion private messaged you buddy!

  • Hey!

    I would be interested in joining.

    Xbox: TheBossBaby2266
    Discord: pulley94

  • @thebossbaby2266 firing you a message bud

  • @thebossbaby2266 [mod removed]

  • Phantomlight8 on ps5, would love to join

  • I'm on PC trying to get back into the game after a hiatus due to my duo quitting. I'm an OG Pirate Legend and really wanna dip my toes in but want a nice knit group. So I'm somewhat interested. (Discord is oGrievous#8498)

  • Hi there. Looking to join the guild. I have 700 hours in the game and love the Gold Hoarders.

  • Hi!Can you accept me?

  • @evilpyro101 hello pyro your welcome to join ofcourse here is the guild discord. Post your in game name I’ll add you to guild
    [mod removed]

  • @swordofwar35 [mod removed]

    The Goonies discord server

  • @Gantax7856 If you want to invite others to an external space, you will need to do so via DM's.

    Links have been removed accordingly.

  • @look-behind-you nah appreciate it I did that by accident and couldn’t remove it. Thank you



  • Hello I'm a new PS5 player looking for a guild. I would love to sail the high seas with you all and become the best we can be. Gamer tag Protbroly5589

  • Messaged you both and BUMP!

  • I play on ps not so new ps name is Bleednsavage

  • @bleednsavage16 sent you a message with info! Thanks

  • Hey can i join guild? I am on ps5 and been doing mostly solo and sometimes with randoms .
    My psn is rymer88

  • im interested to join your guild its even possible ?

    xbox : SIQUIO#4589

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