New player looking for a guild

  • Hey,

    I've been playing a bunch of hours and i'm looking forward to meet new friends and play together :)
    Therefore i was wondering if anyone wanted to invite me in a guild.

    Thank you in advance :)

  • 4
  • Hi! I have a guild that is open to new players on all platforms, I tried to find you on XBox but was unable to, you can add me: YetiVR

  • @yetivr I just texted you :)

  • If you are still looking for an extra guild to join, you can always join The All Seaing! Our guild focuses on making new players better at the game and make gold for both the veterans and the newer members while we do so. If you want to join, feel free to add me on Discord: spacebar0001 or on Xbox, my gamertag is Kadms3

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