2 suggestions

  • I must start by saying im new to the game but i have a wild wish that i want to come true which is ship diving in multiplayer itself just a temporary ability to dive to safety or to intimidate others in a suprise attack

    Together with that i must say that ports and outposts should be safe spots to deliver your treasure or at the very least just the ports i cant imagine finding many treasures and then losing them to a crew of 4 with my crew of 2 at the very end of delivering on the streets

    My regards fellow pirates and pirate lords


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  • ship diving in multiplayer itself just a temporary ability to dive to safety or to intimidate others in a suprise attack

    If you lose your Loot, sure. If its on a cooldown, sure.

    ports and outposts should be safe spots to deliver your treasure or at the very least just the ports

    No. Your a pirare, pirates will steal from you even while your drunk or simply shopping.


    1. Be mindful of whom is around you at outposts
    2. Keep a sharp eye out at all times. You will develop two things, paranoia and sixth sense.
    3. Nothing is yours until you see the gold roll in. Loot is Worthless on a ship until sold.
  • @triplefighterhd it doesn't really fit with this game. It's an intentional decision by devs that diving can't be used with other player ships nearby, exactly so that you can't use it as a means of just running to another server.

    You are of course entitled yo choose to run, but likewise others can choose to chase.

    Welcome to sea of thieves, good luck out there

  • @burnbacon

    I just simply mean when your at port because its insane gathering valueables with a crew of 2 then to be ambushed by a crew of 4 waiting at a port to take what you got there is no balance in that pirate or not ports are supposed to be the safest parts i could get that it could happen at a outpost

    And with the ship diving it would just be nice to have it in free roaming things but like i said its a dream of mine and i saw it was in the game so i was like why not suggest the ability to do so normally w a certain item or something

  • @hiradc

    That i completely understand i suppose im just gonna have to hope im lucky every single time

  • It’s a PvPvE game, you’re gonna have to get into a fight with other players at some point, and using the diving method to escape isn’t going to happen unless you get far away enough from them.

    Regarding surprise attacks. Keep an eye on your horizon, park with a means to escape quickly, don’t anchor, and make sure you’re selling at the sovereigns tent (it’s much quicker).

    Good luck out there pirate!

  • If you don't want to risk encountering other pirates, Safer Seas is the only option.

    You do have the freedom to run from other crews, and if you put a dive voyage down, and are able to board and anchor the pursuer, your ship may be able to dive before they regain control of their boat.

  • @triplefighterhd However, I am also in favor of outposts being a safe zone where you don't have to be afraid of losing your loot. Also, the paranoia of checking every 10 seconds to see if an enemy ship is coming is slowly killing me :D

  • @triplefighterhd said in 2 suggestions:


    I just simply mean when your at port because its insane gathering valueables with a crew of 2 then to be ambushed by a crew of 4 waiting at a port to take what you got there is no balance in that pirate or not ports are supposed to be the safest parts i could get that it could happen at a outpost

    And with the ship diving it would just be nice to have it in free roaming things but like i said its a dream of mine and i saw it was in the game so i was like why not suggest the ability to do so normally w a certain item or something

    If there is a galley at an outpost, and you don’t want to fight a galley, go to another outpost.

    People don’t really “wait” at ports, unless there’s some context which led them to try and make a play on a chest of fortune or something, which would imply that you’ve encountered them previously, which means it wouldn’t be a surprise to you. Nobody is just hanging out at ports waiting for randoms to stop by. For one, that would be incredibly inefficient, for two, why would anyone go to a port to sell if there were a ship parked there that concerned them?

  • @artigift with the introduction of safer seas, I deeply deeply disagree with any safe spaces on high seas.
    If you don't want the fight I honestly think you should sail on safer seas so you don't take up thr server space for someone that does want the full pvpve experience.

  • @artigift You don't need to check every 10 seconds. A skill you will develop the more you play the game, is basically observing everything around you. As your sailing around, island to island, just look around the horizon looking for ships. You should be doing that anyways, looking for bottles, shipwrecks, and other interesting things to uncover. If you are ever at an island for more than a few digs, then yes definitely look out to sea periodically, just trying to account for the other ships.

    Once you get accustomed to that, you will eventually start scanning the seas not for danger, but for targets.

  • @triplefighterhd this sounds absolutely terrifying. I do not like it. As has been suggested by another pirate here that this mechanic should be usable at port's. If so, no one will chase anyone anymore. Crews will just watch and wait for ships to sell at outposts then attack from beneath the waves. No no no. No. No thankyou. 👍

  • The games never had a safe zone like that every single person playing has at some point been where you are, you need to learn how to play, how to survive. Eventually turning in loot it's second nature to keep an eye on the horizon. Everything in high seas that holds value is supposed to be contested for by other crews, a safe space to sell loot gets rid of the contest. The loot is not yours until you sell it is the attitude you should adopt. It makes losing loot no big deal and selling loot exciting because it's finally yours

  • @reverend-toast said in 2 suggestions:

    If you don't want to risk encountering other pirates, Safer Seas is the only option.

    You do have the freedom to run from other crews, and if you put a dive voyage down, and are able to board and anchor the pursuer, your ship may be able to dive before they regain control of their boat.

    Except in the example given by the OP, they were looking to sell and once they dive any treasure on board would be lost thus defeating the purpose. He is obviously a new player and this is bad advice without the proper context you failed to give.

  • @dlchief58 K... but also not replying to the OP... I was replying to this.

    @artigift said in 2 suggestions:

    @triplefighterhd However, I am also in favor of outposts being a safe zone where you don't have to be afraid of losing your loot. Also, the paranoia of checking every 10 seconds to see if an enemy ship is coming is slowly killing me :D

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