Playing with extra friends?

  • I made a post about this on the forums before but I have no clue where it is, I got no replies or alerts that is was locked, banned, etc.

    I'm not looking to break any rules. But I have more friends that want to play with me than some of the ships will allow.

    My play style is just me and some friends goofing off for youtube content, we don't look to grief other players nor troll anybody.

    Is there a way that friends can join the same server but on a different ship? I hate having to pick and choose who to play with because I have some friends that I almost never get to play this game with.

    As aforementioned, we aren't looking to break any rules nor are we looking to get around certain rules. We just want to screw around and have fun is all.

    Is this possible or is that against the rules?

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    xbox onegeneralquestionjust for funcommunity
  • Just hop at the same time in the same region and hope that y'all end up on the same server

    or politely ask a friendly ship to to let you have the ship for friends after they are done with their session.

    As someone that plays strictly organically I can say that lots and lots and lots of people coordinate and cooperate to create their own scenarios on servers in one way or another.

    Organic play isn't a requirement. A lot of content and stuff that goes on isn't organic play.

    As you mentioned you aren't looking to create trouble so you likely won't run into problems. Just remember not to pressure people if you ask for ships on servers and you'll be alright.

xbox onegeneralquestionjust for funcommunity
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