Unpopular Opinion: Running Away is Part of the Game, Get Over it!

  • We’ve all heard it! We’ve all said it. “Ships running away is the worst part of this game!” and yes, it is frustrating when chasing a ship that is better than you at handling a boat. They seemingly allude all attempts to get close to them, and when you do, they do some maneuvering and…….boom, a whole new grid of space now suddenly exists between each other’s boats. I can understand how this might be frustrating from the stand point of many players, but if not for the simple love of the game, I for one enjoy watching the ankles of my would be assailants snap into billions of tiny pieces as their ship has suddenly finds a bull-ish attraction to the shores of shipwreck bay.

    In defense of this “trash” behavior I offer this, if you don’t want to chase someone for 30 minutes, then don’t. They don’t owe you a fight and you don’t owe them a chase. If they run, go find another crew to attack, or hear me out, earn you food! Chase em down and sink em', you obviously can if they are running from you, right?

    Ya’ll will cry all day about how “the game favors people running”, like Rare LTD didn’t spend a whole year placating to the PvP community. AND! Like there is a game mode (yes it comes with issues) designed for the PvP community in this game, that might I add, have exclusively some of the coolest cosmetics and titles attached in the game.
    I love hour glass dives, I love open world adventure, but I owe no one my time, and if I want to watch your little legs wiggle and snap under my fancy jukes, then I will. I laugh the whole time and if you are mad that’s on you, not me, or any other runs-like-the-wind player.

    God what I would do to go back to year one with this player base and show them how good they have it. Get over it, stop crying, catch em’ if you don’t like it.

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  • Worst day in gameplay is my easiest day in life.

    That's generally how I approach this game, the clashing, the disagreements, pve this, pvp that. Running, chasing, on and on.

    Easiest time I've ever had is playing a video game and immersing in shared adventure.

    To me none of it is personal. I'll leave a server, I'll work around a situation, I'll try to be considerate in gameplay where I can. Do whatever and I'm gonna do whatever.

    I love adventure and this game still offers a lot of opportunity for it, around other people.

    There is no other game where I could do what I ended up doing here. Play however in the sandbox (within ToS) because I sure did, and still do.

  • How is this unpopular opinion? MOST of crews run away, for some reason even guys who queued for pvp with hourglass try to run in circles for as long as possible.
    So yeah, that is definitely NOT unpopular opinion.

  • if you don’t want to chase someone for 30 minutes, then don’t. They don’t owe you a fight and you don’t owe them a chase


  • It has never been easier to escape and sell treasures in Sea of Thieves.

    You can escape from afar or up close. The chaser can't do anything.

    You can dive as soon as you see a Reaper coming your way.
    And you keep your emissary level 5. It's very strong.

    The runner will always have the advantage to escape. They can flee faster depending on the wind. In the worst-case scenario, the chaser will be at the same speed. So it's impossible to catch up.

    You can sell treasures so quickly that it's no longer a risk.
    The Sovereign gives a considerable advantage. No need to stay there for 30 minutes. In 5 minutes, all the treasures are sold and secured.

    The runner can simply bypass islands to evade the chaser. It's very disadvantageous for the chaser who can do nothing but waste their time.

    So I'm willing to believe that it's a valid option. But at what cost? Because at this point. If you occasionally check the map and the horizon, there's no way you'll engage in PvP. And get robbed. Where's the fun in all of this?

    At this rate, if escaping PvP is a valid point, then make the game PvE only. And stop pretending that we can rob people.

  • @eternalblade382 I would take this point at face value if this game weren't based on an even playing field for all players and that I see crews sink all the time, human error is what gets you caught, and as far as fast turn ins yeah, I think that the harpoons were a bit much but at the end of the day if you can get close people won't even try to turn in.

    Good retort though, I think the last statment is taking it too far, PvP is a natural part of the game. I like being hunted and I like costing people their ankle for it. thats my sink, if I make a player rage out and leave me along I won the "fight" what I am saying is this: Yes, players running is sucky, but its part of being a pirate, to chase down your kill. I don't always run and I don't always fight, it depends on what I am doing/feeling at that time.

    Much of the player base feels that they are not good at the harder aspects of SoT PvP. Thats okay, it makes the Sea of Thieves dynamic and always different. The idea that all players run is wrong I fight players on Open world daily.

  • Only privateers flying the Reaper’s marquee are going to cry foul over running away! Doesn’t that faction profit from pvp action?

    Unless you somehow corner me (fellow crew mates included), give me just cause to reciprocate or I flip that hourglass, OF COURSE I’M GONNA STOP MY GRINNIN’ AND DROP MY LINEN!

    Otherwise, I’m strictly neutral and quite paranoid of intruders when there’s no clear parley involved. Give chase, expect something along the lines of Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan and The Hunt for Red October to play out.

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