A Controlling Mate and Making a Session

  • So today I hopped on my new brig, Dodging Basement, which is fitted with the Oreo Ship Set from a Twitch giveaway I won, and I decided to just do things to level up as quick as possible cuz I need level 70 for the frog lantern. I got on a crew, but they left, so I voted up Gold Hoarder and made my way to a regular skeleton fort, which I found out had been completed all the way to the Ashen Captains. I completed the fort, and had gotten a little treasure to the harpoon spot when 2 guys joined me, who we'll call F and C. C helped me with getting the loot to the spot, and F moved the ship to where the harpoon spot was closer to the vault, which thank the Whale Lord he did cuz it was Hidden Springs Keep and that vault is high up.

    We got the loot, and we went to a ghost fleet event, and we completed it, though F was trying to be controlling and was rude, like when we had the ship stopped I lowered sails to get us moving, and he said he had everything set up, but ok, which was rude, and he kept being annoyed and serious when it's just a game and we're just trying to have fun.

    We sold all the loot, and we went to a FLOFel, and we saw a ship at Reapers, so we decided to take them out so we wouldn't have competition with the event. We anchored right next to them, began bombarding, but they got away, I probably should've told them to demast them, and F said "I told you not to touch the anchor" which is false cuz he didn't say rat droppings about the anchor, and I'm the captain, and what I say goes goes.

    We then began a battle, and F kept getting mad and trying to be controlling while C and I were trying, like Whale Lord man we're not all as good as you, and we gave up and went to the fleet. F said we should had back to Reapers to sell the rest of their loot, but I said no let's go to the event for more gold instead, and he dipped, and then 2 seconds later C dipped, which ain't cool cuz I would be a solo brig.

    I went to the event, and one of my friends joined at the perfect time cuz we had a skeleton sloop on us, and I accidentally jumped off the boat. We got a random, and we completed the fleet without any interference cuz the sloop had dipped, and we sold everything for a pretty coin.

    Now at the outpost we were selling at, there was a sloop docked there, and we decided to sink them. After selling, I went over to them to occupy them while my friends escaped the skeleton sloop that was being a mosquito, AKA annoying, and I killed them, and the lone female pirate was alone, so I said we're not sinking her and Imma troll cuz I'm the Obi-Wan Kenobi of SoT. She then came back and she had some music for me, which I let her play with my pistol to her head, and the music confused me cuz it was Halloween music, and I decided to troll and say "Chat what's happening?" And she and my crew said what, and I was like "Uhhhhh. You heard nothing!" And shot her in the head, and then I clarified to my crew that I'm not streaming but trolling once she was gone. All of a sudden she came back and then let me practice shooting a moving target with my pistol, and I killed her. I then felt bad and decided to give her the skeleton sloop loot, our supplies, and an invite to my guild cuz she was acting all casual and friendly and she was newish to the game, and it really reminded me of myself when starting out.

    Once she was back, I told her we feel bad, and we're gonna give her loot and all our supplies, which she was stunned about and was asking us if we were sure, and I told her we're hopping off, so it's no big deal. We then friended each other so I could invite her to my guild cuz I couldn't figure out how to make the guild invite emote work, so if you know how to make it work lemme know. We then gave her all our stuff and she seemed really happy and grateful for the treasure and our stacks of cannon balls and wood.

    We logged off, and I realized that I forgot to tell her I wasn't streaming, oops.

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  • @devtryak said in A Controlling Mate and Making a Session:

    and the lone female pirate was alone, so I said we're not sinking her and Imma troll cuz I'm the Obi-Wan Kenobi of SoT. She then came back and she had some music for me, which I let her play with my pistol to her head, and the music confused me cuz it was Halloween music, and I decided to troll and say "Chat what's happening?" And she and my crew said what, and I was like "Uhhhhh. You heard nothing!" And shot her in the head, and then I clarified to my crew that I'm not streaming but trolling once she was gone. All of a sudden she came back and then let me practice shooting a moving target with my pistol, and I killed her. I then felt bad and decided to give her the skeleton sloop loot, our supplies, and an invite to my guild cuz she was acting all casual and friendly and she was newish to the game, and it really reminded me of myself when starting out.

    You're free to play how you want, immerse how you want, encounter how you want but I'll offer my opinion on this as it's a public thread.

    There is a difference between light-hearted joking around and using a power imbalance to disturb the force through manipulation of the inexperienced.

    Padawans, not pawns

  • @wolfmanbush

    I don't manipulate, I troll, hence why I called myself the Obi-Wan Kenobi of SoT. I was gonna tell her I wasn't streaming and I'm not a streamer, but I have the memory of a rock

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