First Impressions of Season 11

  • Today I had my second impression of Season 11, and I gotta say, it's pretty good

    So I hopped on my galleon with open crew, and we voted up Gold Hoarder for a nearby FLOF, and I gotta say, even though it was pretty much a normal skeleton fleet with different loot, it was fun. We did it pretty easily, and we got grade 5 and got a lot of gold.

    We then decided to sink a sloop, but we chased them and long story short, we got sunk by a kraken, which sucked cuz that made repairs for my ship cost 6k, but whatever. We then decided to get a Skull of Destiny, which we dove for, and I gotta say it feels weird diving for something that isn't hourglass. We arrived at a different server with a FLOF, which we agreed we would do after the FOTD.

    We got the skull, went to an outpost for Athena emissary, and we went to the FOTD, but along the way someone quit, so I invited my friend who joined. When we got to the FOTD we found out that the guy who left dropped the skull overboard, which made me so mad cuz those voyages ain't cheap, they're 100 doubloons a piece, but we did have lanterns with all the colors so if we got ritual skulls we're good.

    We then went back to the outpost, got some supplies and voted up Gold Hoarder again, and went to the FLOF, which was way more stressful than the first one somehow.

    We did the event and got 3 ritual skulls, though we would've had 4 if it didn't sink but it's fine. We then got attacked by the bonus ship, which I forgot about, but we sunk it with a 4 person bombardment on the lower deck of the skeleton galleon, and we didn't even need to move to sink it. We then got attacked by another skeleton galleon, which sunk easily, and we got another ritual skull.

    We sold, got like 129k, and then I had to leave, and I said to them: "Well, I must leave! It was a pleasure sailing with y'all. Pug (my friend) lemme know how much y'all get from the FOTDs." And then I climbed into a cannon. "Good luck, and may the Pirate Lord guide you to fortune!" Then I shoot out "All hail the Whale Lord!" And then I start ululating until I left.

    Gotta say, Season 11 is gonna be a good season, though I did see some visual glitches, but I think we should have skeleton boarders when doing the FLOF.

    Side note: Can't wait to get myself that frog lantern!

  • 3
  • Skull of Destiny voyage is free now...

    Also frog lamp is the best lamp!

  • @pithyrumble

    It's free?! Good to know!

    And yes it is best lantern! I'm grind for it. I'm currently level 31, but it'll probably jump up cuz the first time I played Season 11 I left with it being level 13 and when I played again it was level 20

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