cant hear anyone unless I invite them or they invite me

  • and yes I know where to enable this its always been enabled in Xbox privacy settings or is it because that's where I've been going I just need to know if there are any other ways to let people talk to you without them being your friend or you inviting them to your ship

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  • I also can't talk to them by text unless there invited or friends

  • there is a mute setting under "other crews" that may have gotten turned on for whatever reason. thats pretty much the only option i could think of. i hope this helps ya out

  • @tenseiga23 nah not that one nothing changed

  • I had the same issue with my son’s account. Checked every setting in SoT, Xbox, and parental controls and nothing had changed. After enough restarts it worked again with no explanation. Party chat and other game chats were fine but for a week we could only party chat which can be dangerous on the seas!

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