the adventure of an Dark adventure gally of reapers

  • I wanna share with you a thing that makes me laught. Well, yesterday i was finising the missing cargo Objective as solo, i've played for 2 hours all alone, and when a friend of mine enters, we decided to do a Flammy event as a reapers ( i love it, he's not so popular nowdays) to increase the value of him that he's reaching the 72th level. during my solo time there's a reaper lv5 that sails around the Reaper's Hideou. he stays there for 2 hours, and ok. while we were busy with Flammy, they decided to move and come to break our balls ("romperci le palle" in italian, it means "come to annoyng us"). we were at marauder's arch, a fine island, in a corner. they arrives and they go all to the cannons. me jumping on mine, shoot dow 2 masts to them, i killed one of them and just after i've throw them 3 cursed cannonballs, it was amazing see them dancing on his dead friend waiting to be revived, while their ship rotating on himself. they also hit the island. both of us are not a great pvpers so we decided to run against wind, losing them, but if they wait just a little, the time to get the huge curse-ball of flammy, i think we can easly defeat them

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