Scuttle and Change Seas Button

  • Please for the love of Flameheart change this new function to be the SECOND OPTION on the menu.
    This unasked-for new function has gotten me more than once now.

    Fix this!

  • 9
  • Take your time scuttling instead of doing it in a fit of rage

  • Yep, anything that messes with muscle memory and is irreversible shouldn't be default option. Although I won't do it again after first time

  • Read before you click. Dont jump into a pool of dark water without knowing the depths.

  • Actually not scuttling after a loss, the times this has gkt me is when Im going for a tuck and wanting my ship gone from the scene of the crime. Then as soon as Im in position, Im whisked away to a new server

  • Changing it in the next update will become an issue for those that are used to it by then ...

  • @soulstinger2k20 did the exact same thing to ambush someone with reaper chest lol

    Also 2nd option is bugged and will need to change regardless, currently shows code rather than correct name something like ScuttleShip.Option

  • @hiradc yup noticed that too

  • @lem0n-curry They've played a very short time with it. It's easier for them to readjust. Plus, accidentally scuttling your ship and staying on the same server is not a bad thing compared to accidentally scuttling your ship and changing servers.

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